
Lucifer – Devil Is as Devil Does

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By: Atiya Irvin-Mitchell



Julian (Erik Stocklin) is paralyzed from the waist down and in the hospital making a full confession of his crimes to Dan (Kevin Alejandro) and Chloe (Lauren German). Dan is suspicious though. He doesn’t buy that Julian just fell down that hill and Chloe says that if he’s being coerced they need to know, but a rattled Julian insists he wants to go to jail. He’ll be safer there.


They leave Julian and Dan has got more questions. He says Julian’s behavior is similar to other people who’ve had run-ins with Lucifer (Tom Ellis), but Chloe says no. Lucifer knows better than to cross that kind of line. Plus, she points out that since Charlotte’s death Dan doesn’t exactly see Lucifer from a non-biased point-of-view. Dan leaves, but he’s not letting this go.


Way up high in the city of angels two angels are doing some people watching. Well, more like Amenadiel (D.B. Woodside) is trying to convince his sister Remiel (Vinessa Vidotta) the merits of people watching. Unfortunately, she’s not having it. Instead, she wants to know how Amenadiel could be so irresponsible. He knows humans and angels aren’t meant to mix, so how could he get a human pregnant? She expects this kind of thing from Lucifer, but not from Amenadiel. Amenadiel tries to defend himself by explaining humans aren’t so beneath celestial beings afterall. They’re complicated and fascinating and Linda (Rachael Harris) in particular is a wonderful person. Remiel is unconvinced.


Crime scene time. Ella (Aimee Garcia) presents a guy named Sam who had a lot of drug charges under his belt. He was thrown from a bridge. As Ella, lacking her usual sunny disposition, explains Sam’s messed up state Chloe wonders about Eve’s influence on Lucifer. Speak of the devil and his girlfriend.


On a high from putting some serious hurt on Julian (Marlon Aquino) with Lucifer we see that Eve (Inbar Lavi) decides she wants to give crime solving a shot. Well, specifically she wants to help Lucifer punish more people. So, Lucifer brings her with him to the crime scene. Chloe is not wild about it, but when Lucifer says he and Eve will just solve the case without the department Chloe says fine but just this once.


Speaking of Linda, she and her baby belly are starting off the day being told about Maze’s (Lesley-Ann Brandt) first kills. When Linda told Maze she could talk to the baby she explains she really thought it’d be about less violent stuff. But where the fun in that Maze wonders? It’s off to work and Maze wants to follow since the world is unsafe and a half-angel baby would sell for a lot on the black market. She’s going to be Linda’s shadow, no matter how much Linda doesn’t want that.


It turns out solving crimes is hard. Eve wants to get to punishing, but Chloe is all about procedures. Also, someone won’t stop calling her. Dan is miffed that Lucifer brought Eve along. And poor Ella. Well, she’s realized the world can be pretty random. Dan is still focused on linking Julian’s broken back to Lucifer. So, he goes to Julian’s old house to look for evidence. He ends up bribing the cleaning crew that worked Julian’s house and they give him the trash, which he goes through looking for a link to Lucifer.


Back to Sam!Ella doesn’t know why he was thrown from a bridge. However, he was beaten pretty badly with a gun. They link the golden gun used to the M.O. to a hitman named Greg who lets people call him “Ponyboy.” They’re off.


So, it seems that Greg (Owen Harn) didn’t kill Sam. However, after some devil mojo he says he wishes his boss had let him kill Sam. But who’s his boss, Chloe wonders?


They take Greg in and Chloe does some sleuthing. Hitmen are often paid as through shell companies. Greg was paid by a company owned by none other than Julian’s father Jacob (Jere Burns). And the plot thickens! Sam was injured in exactly the same place as Julian. Chloe suspects that Jacob killed Sam to avenge his son. When Chloe leaves he tells Eve that Jacob killed an innocent man for something he did. Now, more than ever, Lucifer says Jacob needs to be punished.


In Jacob’s office Chloe is trying to question him, but Jacob’s not admitting to anything. Lucifer, on the other hand, is taking a more hostile approach. He pointedly asks him about his parenting skills, or lack thereof, and tells him that Julian called him a bigger monster than him before his “accident.” Jacob is angry, but not admitting anything and Lucifer well he knows all he needs to. He tells Chloe to leave so he can punish him. Chloe says no and that the law will deal with Jacob. Lucifer asks her to leave and Eve encourages Lucifer to be the devil. Jacob; however, wants all of them out of his office. For now, they all leave.


At the station Chloe says now they’ve got a problem. Since Lucifer raged in Jacob’s office he’s going to be hyper vigilant. Chloe gets some one on one time with Lucifer and wants to know what’s gotten into him. She wonders if Eve has a bad influence and tells Lucifer there’s a right and a wrong way to punish people. Lucifer asks what makes her the authority on right and wrong? She says she’s a cop and it’s the law. He says he’s the devil, no one knows right and wrong like him.


For a millenia he says bad people were sent to him to get what they deserved. On earth he has to continue making sure they’re punished because if he doesn’t people get hurt. That’s why, he admits to Chloe, he broke Julian’s back. Chloe is upset by this obviously. She doesn’t know what to do with that information. Lucifer says it’s not her place to do anything about it.


Dan has other ideas. He goes to Jacob and tells him that Lucifer is the man who broke his son’s back. Jacob wants to know why he hasn’t been arrested. Dan admits there’s no evidence, but he knows Jacob’s a powerful man who ruins his enemies.


Maze continues “protecting” Linda over her objections. Elsewhere, Amenadiel and Remiel argue. Remiel wants to take the baby to heaven over Amenadiel’s objections. Allowing the baby to stay on earth will make him weak she says. Amenadiel believes the baby will grow up to be special because he’ll be surrounded by loved ones. They have an angelic duel and Amenadiel comes out on top. Remiel says fine, she won’t take the baby, but her brother will come to regret his decision.


Ella and Chloe talk a little about the case, but really Chloe would like some religious clarity. Unfortunately, Ella is still in the throws of her crisis of faith. She rants a little about The Bible’s contradictions and then points to the devil as an example. How could he be pure evil if he started out as an angel? That gives Chloe something to think about – at his core Lucifer’s an angel.


Elsewhere at home Trixie (Scarlett Estevez) overhears her mother talking about Lucifer. She’s worried if Lucifer is okay Chloe says he’s physically fine, but could use a friend. Trixie thought Chloe was Lucifer’s friend. Chloe, sadly, says she might not be the friend he needs right now.


Speaking of the devil, we see that he and Eve are talking about ways to punish Jacob. Eve thinks he’s stalling and wonders if Chloe could be a bad influence. The conversation is interrupted by Trixie. She’s there to be Lucifer’s friend and insists Chloe totally knows she’s there.


Chloe does not know she’s there. Dan goes to Chloe’s house to pick up Trixie and talks with Chloe about the case. She tells him that Jacob is the killer, which shocks Dan. He didn’t realize Jacob was capable of violence. This brings them to a bigger issue. Chloe checks Trixie’s room and finds a note from the tiny human saying she’s gone to see Lucifer. This sets off alarm bells for Dan who says they need to go get her now.


In Lucifer’s apartment Trixie is interrogating Eve. She wants to know if she’s been married, what she does for a living and if she’s the kind of friend Lucifer needs. Eve says she wants to be and then they’re interrupted by a group of scary men with guns led by Greg. It appears taht Jacob sent them. Eve shields Trixie and Lucifer goes into full on devil mode to fend them off. Soon after Chloe and Dan arrive with back-up.


When the dust settles Lucifer and Chloe talk. Lucifer tells Chloe he hopes she knows he’d do anything to protect Trixie.  Chloe says that Jacob nearly cost her the life of her child tonight. Lucifer thinks she should want Jacob dead. Chloe says a part of her does, but there’s a line. She wants to punish him by following the law. She believes in right and wrong and thinks deep down Lucifer does too. Afterall, she reminds him that he is an angel. Lucifer is not so sure of that after recent events. He hasn’t looked since he killed Pierce. Chloe says he should and then leaves, but not before thanking Eve for protecting Trixie.


When Chloe is gone Eve wants to know if they’re gonna get Jacob. Lucifer says yes, but he wants to do this alone. Before he goes, Eve tells Lucifer she only wants him to be happy.


At the station Chloe and Dan question Greg. They say he’s going down for attempted murder and if he doesn’t give up Jacob he’ll go down for Sam’s murder, too. He relents. He says he loves Julian, but Julian is an idiot who tends to get in trouble. He owed Sam money, so Jacob assumed Sam broke Julian’s back. Jacob then found out that Lucifer did it, so he sent Greg to kill him. Chloe wonders where he got that idea, but Greg decides not to give up Dan’s role in all this.


Jacob is headed out of town when Lucifer storms into his office. He tells Jacob it’s time for him to get what he deserves and the screen fades to black.


Chloe, Ella and Dan are trying to find a way to link Jacob to the crimes, but not necessary because Lucifer brings him in. Noticing Jacob’s un-maimed state, Chloe is relieved. She doesn’t understand why though. Lucifer just tells her he realizes that lately he might’ve gone too far recently. Hopefully, he says it’s not too late.


Maze and Linda have a heart to heart about the baby and the fact that Maze might just be lonely. Ella and Dan hook up! Chloe reluctantly goes to see Father Kinley (Graham McTavish). She only came to tell him to stop putting in requests to see her. He says he needs to know about the prophecy, but she brushes him off and says that Lucifer’s a good man.


At the man himself’s apartment Lucifer is having some issues. So, he calls Linda and tells her to come over. When she arrives he’s shaking and says he doesn’t want to be a monster. He checked his wings and they’re still there, but they’re not the same. Instead of angelic white, they’re blood red and leathery.

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