Man Alive – Colours
By: Alejandra Gil M.
Q) How would you describe your sound?
A) I find it hard to describe my own sound. I imagine it sounds like a mix of a few of my favorite influences all mashed together accidentally. I try to do everything as organic as possible in the studio and play around with new sounds. Or maybe it’s just Indie/folk/pop/rock.
Q) Who are some of your musical influences?
A) It changes all the time. At the moment I’m loving Steve Lacy, Cat Stevens, Boards of Canada, Courtney Barnett, Central Cee and The Beatles always.
Q) What do you think has been the biggest change in your music as you transitioned from being in a band to becoming a solo artist?
A) The biggest change is in the studio. I’m playing all the instruments myself. It’s a lot of fun, although I miss collaborating with other musicians. It’s quite liberating having complete creative control.
Q) Your single “Colours” is out now. Please tell us the story behind it.
A) “Colours” is a song that happened very quickly. It didn’t really fit with anything I had done before, so it was quite exciting. Lyrically it’s about not concealing your true self when you’re around other people, letting go of yourself a bit more.
Q) “Colours” was included in your EP by the same name that came out September 15. How has writing songs for Kodaline helped with the creation and creative process for this album?
A) I learned how to write songs from being in Kodaline. I didn’t write songs before I was in the band. Everything I’ve learned from songwriting has stemmed from the band.
Q) What made “Colours” the song the perfect title for your EP?
A) I speak a lot about colors in a few of the tracks, so the title came up as an obvious one for me. “Colours,” as a track, is also a very new direction I haven’t gone in before.
Q) The track was also released with a music video. How involved were you in the concept?
A) I had a tiny part but the man behind it was my friend and collaborator Ciaran Warren. He also wrote the song with me. We only spent about two hours filming and then he meticulously hatched away at the edit for days on end. He’s a special guy.
Q) What was the songwriting process like? Do you need music before you can come up with the lyrics?
A) It’s always different and forever changing. Usually both arrive at the same time but on the off chance I get the lyric first. There’s a song on the EP called “Five Minute Drive.” That title was knocking around for a while because of a situation I was in with an ex-girlfriend where our last five minutes spent together were of me dropping her to the airport.
Q) Do you have a personal favorite song from this EP?
A) At the moment it’s “What Are the Chances.” Mainly because I’ve just shot a video of it with my bro Jason Boland who also plays in Kodaline. He did an amazing job.
Q) Was there a song that was more emotional for you to record or maybe challenging for you in some way?
A) “What Are the Chances” was a tough one to write. It’s about being the reason for a breakup and carrying the guilt of knowing you’ve really let someone down. Every time I hear I’m taken right back to my experiences with that person.
Q) The EP Colours is out now. What do you hope people take away from exploring the music on it?
A) I hope people enjoy it as a whole, and get an idea of what I’ve been through and who I am. I write songs for me to help me process things. When other people relate to them it’s an overwhelming feeling.
Q) Who would you most like to collaborate with on a song in the future?
A) Doja Cat. It’ll never happen, but I just think she’s extremely herself and I love that about her. She has a wicked sense of humor, too.
Q) What artist/musician are you currently listening to and why do you enjoy them?
A) Steve Lacy. I only just started listening to him and I’m becoming obsessed. I think he makes all of his tunes on his phone, which is funny and kinda mind blowing at the same time.
Q) What would you like to say to fans and supporters of you and your music?
A) Thank you. Thanks for taking the time to check out my stuff and hopefully I’ll see you at a show soon.
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