Interviews - TV

Maria Lark – Medium

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Q. What made you want to get into acting? How did you get involved in it?

A. My mom got a call one day from a children’s manager saying someone said I should meet your child. She said, “No. Not interested, thank you.” She was in showbizness and she didn’t want me to have a part in it. The manager said “You’re a single mother and your child goes to private school in New York City, one commercial could pay for her tuition.” My mom said, “What time do you want her there?” So, we went on a snowy afternoon and we met this man who wanted to sign me. My mom said, “alright, in our off time we’ll go on a couple of commercial auditions.”

Q. How did you become involved with working on the show “Medium”?

A. One of the commercial auditions was for “Medium,” a new show that was being developed in California. So, one day we got a call saying that they may want me in California. My mom wanted to know what for and they said a new show. The next thing we knew we were on a plane to California to do the pilot not knowing whether the show would be picked up or not. The show was picked up and the rest was history!

Q. How is it getting to work with Patricia Arquette and Jake Weber who play your parents on the show?

A. They’re great, Sofia’s great, she plays my sister. Everyone’s great, they are all just fabulous!

Q. What is a regular day of filming the show like for you?

A. Well, sometimes I come in early before I need to work and we’ll go to school for a while. I generally work eight hours but it is good. Then when we have to go on set they’ll call us and then we’ll just leave our work stations. Then we do what we do.

Q. Do you have a most memorable moment from your time working on “Medium”?

A. The first time that I had to cry in a scene, the makeup artist was standing on the sidelines with her artificial tears. I didn’t need them, I was able to bring out my own tears.

Q. The show deals with a lot of serious topics. How do you handle the dramatic moments?

A. I try to think of the saddest thing possible and then I do a couple of takes because it’s not that easy to do that in every scene.

Q. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
A. I like to hang out at my house, I like to lay back and sit down and relax and enjoy my shows.
Q. What are some of your favorite shows?
A. Disney Channel and Cartoon Network and even Nickelodeon.
Q. Are there any holiday movies that you are interested in seeing this season?
A. Yours, Mine and Ours and the new Harry Potter movie. I love Harry Potter!
Q. With Thanksgiving so close by, what are you most thankful for this year?
A. I am thankful for my family, my friends and my mom.

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