Me Nd Adam – American Drip Part 1
By: Kelly Kearney
Q) How do two people who initially did not get along, come together to create perfect trash-wave harmony?
A) We realized we both love grilling meats and drinking Tito’s. All the pieces sorta fell into place after that.
Q) For music fans who might not know you from your previous hit “Heartbreak Kid” describe your sound and what trash-wave means to you.
A) Vince and I are just two musicians that grew up in America, consuming American music from Willie Nelson to Meek Mill, Don Henley to Rick Ross. Trash-wave is what we like to call our take on all that.
Q) You’ve managed to carve out a place for yourselves that unapologetically stays true to who you are as artists. In an industry that often grants success to cookie-cutter style bands, how important is it for you to take control of your sound and overall look?
A) The carving is still a work in progress. I think a lot of the thanks goes to our team on this one. We’ve been able to surround ourselves with people that believe in us and are willing to go to bat for us. So, thank you to Justine, Shannon, Jeremy, Rob, Cesar, Hannah and, of course, David Z over at Handwritten Records.
Q) The first track “Something Better” off your new album American Drip Part 1 plays like a fizzy EDM chaser to the world’s pandemic hangover. Did the lockdown help you harness your creative juices and guide this album towards completion, or had you already been working on material and planning for the album before COVID hit the scene?
A) I don’t think I’ve told this to anyone else yet, but “Something Better” was actually written and recorded in 2019, long before COVID reared its ugly head. It’s crazy because as things started getting worse that song started resonating more and more with us, as the writers, and we were like, “WOW! We gotta get this thing out.” As far as finishing the album goes, COVID did allow Vince and I to basically spend every single day of the last year together getting American Drip fucking perfect.
Q) The Killers were an obvious influence in your music and they recently gave you the thumbs up on this new album. How did it feel to get their seal of approval?
A) Vince and I have been lucky enough to work for those guys the last several years as part of their touring crew. We have nothing but the utmost respect and admiration for BF, Ron and their whole team. Legends, honestly.
Q) Coming out of Austin, Texas, talk a little bit about the music scene there because it seems to be cranking out its special flavor of musicians who are distinctly their own, much like Seattle did for the grunge movement in the late ’90s. What is it about this city that makes it the new Mecca for artists?
A) Austin’s support for their local scene is unmatched by any city I’ve ever visited in the world, it’s quite crazy. You grow up going to shows and learning to respect the craft of music and as something to be admired and proud of for pursuing. From HAAM, to DJ’s like Andy Langer or Loris Lowe at ACL Radio, to the promoters like C3 or Heard, to some of our favorite local acts like Night Cap, Nanè or Kitty Coen, the whole town feels like one big family of support. WE LOVE AUSTIN!
Q) When sitting down to compose a song, what helps inspire you musically and lyrically?
A) Our continually flailing attempts to joyfully participate in the sorrows of the world.
Q) Do you write together or separately and then combine your work into one harmonious track? Or is it more like an overall mapped out plan that naturally builds from collaborations, guitar riffs, to melodies and lyrics until you get a final product you both can agree on?
A) The spark of inspiration can come from either of us, usually some chords or a simple beat from Vince or some musings on an acoustic guitar from me, but overall, Vince and I write, perform, record, produce and mix all of our own music together at the same time.
Q) Do you have any advice for aspiring musicians who want to break into the business?
A) You gotta be your number one advocate! If you stay true to yourself and your vision, the rest will follow.
Q) The album dropped November 13th, once we come out the other side of this COVID pandemic. How do you plan to celebrate?
A) Finances pending, drugs. But also, we make these awesome chicken wings where we marinate them overnight, grill them for char, then fry them. It’s a labor of love and worth every morsel.
Q) What artist(s) would you love to collaborate with?
A) Sean Paul.
Q) What would you like to say to the fans and followers of your music?
Check Out American Drip Part 1
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