Interviews - Movies

Megan Fox – With a Little Blind Hope and Faith

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Q.  What are the current projects that you are working on?

A.  Well, right now I’m just working on “Hope and Faith” and concentrating on getting through this season.  We’re going to be shooting all the way through March I think.  Then after that we’ll see, I’m looking to do some films here and there. 

Q.  The new season of “Hope and Faith” just began.  What can viewers expect from this new season?

A.  Oh lord, well I only know as it comes to me, there’s a new script every Friday.  There’s all kinds of stuff going on, you know every episode is really crazy.  But, I know this season they’re really focusing on Hope and Charlie’s marriage and how Faith’s character really interferes.  It’s all kind of crazy stuff, we’re doing an episode right now where Kelly takes Faith Ford to striptease aerobics and that ends up being some fiasco.  So, just all kinds of craziness, that’s what you can look forward to. 

 Q.  How will your character Sydney be evolving?

A.  Well, I’m a little, I’m getting more into trouble this season.  I’m not as innocent as I was last year, we have new show writers, so they’re writing the character a little differently.  Last year a big staple of my character was that she was a virgin and all of that.  All of that stuff is gone this season and you can expect me getting into trouble, maybe getting a tattoo or something like that though.  I can’t really say.

Q.  What is it about Sydney that originally made you want to take on the role?

A.  I read the script and I don’t really think of myself as a comedic actress.  I usually like to stick more to drama but I read it and I just really felt like I worked well in it.  That it was something that I could relate to, her relationship with her mom Hope on the show, reminded me of how I was with my mother when I was like fifteen, sixteen.  So, I really related to that really well and I went on the audition just going in thinking that it’s maybe nothing more than an audition but, I like the character so we’ll see where it goes.Q.  Do you have a most memorable moment from filming this latest season?

A.  The Halloween episode, I end up being dressed like a grape.  A gigantic, round, like the Fruit of the Loom commercials with the giant fruit.  I’m a grape and that was interesting to me because I’m claustrophobic.  So, I was stuck in this hot, sweaty grape costume for like three days.  It was fun because it gave me a chance to do some real physical comedy, which usually I don’t get a chance to do just playing my character.  It’s a really funny episode. 

Q.  What is it about “Hope and Faith” that sets it apart from other family shows on television?

A.  That’s a good question, well, I think that it’s a little racier than a lot of the family shows that are on.  Some of the comedy is a little more adult but at the same time it is still a family show and kids can watch it.  Parents and adults can enjoy it at the same time, it’s smart and it’s quick.  We have some of the writers from “According to Jim” and they are very funny and I think that’s how it is a little different.  It reminds me of “8 Simple Rules” when it was on, it reminds me of that type of show.Q.  How do you prepare for your role before a taping of the show?

A.  We rehearse all week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.  Then we’ll go through Thursday also, so we’ve gone through and we’ve learned all of our lines and there is blocking and all of that.  Friday we come in, we go through all of the whole hair and makeup process.  It’s very relaxing, like I personally, I’m kind of embarrassed to say but I’m sitting right here watching “Oprah” right now.  Then I usually watch “90210” and then it’s time to go on and film.  So, I just relax and watch TV and hang out and listen to music and get myself calm.  Because, sometimes it’s a little nerve-wracking being in front of you know, two hundred people. 

Q.  Besides acting, what are some of your passions?

A.  I am really passionate about music, I unfortunately like don’t have any musical ability.  But, I’m really into music and I usually always date boys who are musicians and I love going to shows and concerts.  I’ve always got an Ipod on me and that’s something that I really like, I’m really passionate about surrounding myself with it.  I also am really big into surfing, recently I kind of quit.  I got bumped really hard one time in the ocean when I was out in California by something very large.  It kind of scared me so I haven’t been back in the water since but that’s something that I’m really passionate about also.

Q.  You mentioned not thinking of yourself as being comedic.  Are you constantly working at becoming more comedic?

A.  I am constantly working at it because I have a really offbeat, weird, dark sense of humor.  My sense of humor doesn’t really mesh well with sitcom television.  So, that’s something that I do have to work at because I’m a very internal actress.  Sitcom is very much external and you have to project all of that emotion out, outwards which is different for me.  So, I am on a daily basis working on that, yeah.

Q.  What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

A.  In my spare time when I go back to L.A., because I film out here in New York, I really just like to relax.  I like to go camping, like I said I really love the beach and to go surfing and things like that.  I’m always, every chance I get, I’m always at a concert or a show there in L.A. when any of the bands that I’m in to are playing.  I shop a lot, almost every day, I love to shop.Q.  What is your latest obsession?  Are you into any particular sport, music group, book or activity?

A.  I’m getting into racing cars actually, my boyfriend likes to drive really nice cars very fast.  I’m looking into that and I want to get going down to Palm Springs and start racing cars and getting into that.  It’s very exciting to me, but I’m a really bad driver so I don’t know how much of a good idea that is.

Q.  What would you like to say to your fans and supporters?

A.  Oh, I would just like to say thank you so much for being supportive and being fans.  I really appreciate it and it’s so flattering when anyone ever comes up to me and says they enjoy something that I was in.  Whether it was one of the movies I did or whether it was a TV show, it really means a lot to me.  I would just like to say thank you and I hope that you continue to like the projects that I do in the future.

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