
Melissa Carcache – Love at Sea

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By: Lisa Steinberg



Q) What are the recent projects that you are working on?


A) I started a multimedia company called Millennial Women with my sister Stephanie Carcache. We curate inspirational and resourceful content for the women of our generation. The heartbeat of our company is our traveling podcast Millennial Women Talk. We interview inspiring thought leaders in front of a live audience in a meet up setting. My second project is “Hialeah,” a comedy series where I star, executive produce and co-created. I’m happy to be able to live out my biggest passions. 


Q) Please tell us the premise for your film Love At Sea.


A) I play Alexa PenaVega characters’ best friend. My character is a big YouTube star and is having her first lifestyle event and book launch on a Royal Caribbean ship! She hires her BFF Olivia (Alexa PenaVega) to help her coordinate everything while of course Olivia is falling in love. [smiles]


Q) What made you want to be a part of the film?


A) The message, that there is no perfect life. You get thrown into so many directions that you just can’t foresee. If you allow life to happen to you and ride that wave the most amazing things happen that can change your life forever. If you live your life in the moment you will always end up where your supposed to be. 


Q) Was there anything you added to Alexa that wasn’t initially scripted for you?


A) What I loved about working with Alexa and Carlos is that they go off script sometimes, that allows us to really play and be in the moment. It helped me make her more real with a touch of funny as I like to call it lol. 


Q) Talk about working with costars Alexa and Carlos PenaVega.


A) They are incredible human beings. Not only are they incredibly talented but have the biggest hearts. They were very supportive and great collaborators. We had the best time! 


Q) What advice did director Mel Damski offer that you took to heart while filming?


A) To slow down and be present. I get really excited when I’m on set. I’m just so happy to be there that I tend to talk fast lol.


Q) What were some of your most memorable moments from filming Love At Sea?


A) Having my family come on the first week of shooting. My parents are awesome, they are always around when any of us are doing something amazing and this project was no different. One of my favorite moments was seeing my parents sit behind the monitor with headphones sitting next to the director while watching me do a scene. It was great! 


Q) You are a part of social media. Are you looking forward to the instant fan feedback you’ll receive?


A) It’s my priority to always be available to the people who have truly allowed me to have this career. If they are going to spend one minute of their time investing into my content they deserve my time to answer back and comment on their posts. I tell them all the time how much I appreciate their support in everything I do, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. I think they will really love this movie. [smiles]


Q) You are also producing and starring in the series “Hialeah.” What have you learned from pulling double duty on the series?


A) It’s definitely hard but I’ve learned to delegate. I have amazing partners and collaborators that truly help me do both jobs well. Nothing ever goes perfectly, but we learn from our mistakes and grow as a team from it.  


Q) What do you hope viewers take away from watching the show?


A) That we are just like any other family in America. We have our struggles and disagreements but at the end of the day we love each other. We hope our audience not only relates but learns how to not let the little things get in the middle of family. At the end of the day, that’s all we have. 


Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?


A) From the bottom of my heart, thank you! I am forever grateful and will always appreciate all the love and support I’ve gotten in everything I’ve done. From Nickelodeon to starting two business they have never left my side and I thank you so much for that. I love you all! 



Additional Photography Info:

Make-up: JaeLynn Schneider Represented by Michelle Q Beauty @makeup_by_jae and @michelleqbeauty

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