
Michael Epps – The Chi

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By: Malasha Parker



Q) What initially intrigued you about the character, Jake Taylor, on “The Chi?”

A) What initially intrigued me is how much I can relate to Jake. Growing up in Chicago you see kids similar to Jake either in school or just outside walking around. Just by being in the presence of kids like that you start to understand how they are and what they are being taught.


Q) Describe your character’s storyline for Season 3 of “The Chi.” 

A) In Season 3 Jake’s storyline starts to evolve even more as you see him start to wake up and see that there is more to life than his brother has been teaching him. 


Q) I love the friendship between Jake, Papa and Kevin. Was that dynamic easy to bring to the screen?

A) It was really easy because before all the filming and stuff we got to sit down and interact with each other. We got to know each other and hang out instead of just getting straight to work and not knowing anything about each other.


Q) How will we see the three navigating through this season?

A) You will see them navigating through their own personal problems, but they’ll also be going through problems together and through these hectic times you see them start to become closer and closer.


Q) With Jake constantly at the risk of falling into gang violence just like his brother, Reg, how will that affect Jake going forward?

A) It may affect him going forward because his brother has many rivalries and they could possibly harm Jake just off the fact that Reg (Barton Fitzpatrick) is his brother. It makes him guilty by association.


Q) Reg was shot in the finale episode. Since Jake is no longer under his brother’s custody, how will that change his relationships and how successful he’ll be at getting away from gang violence?

A) It could change his relationships in a bad way because sometimes things like that could cause depression and then he would start to distant himself. With Jake no longer under his brother’s custody, whoever his new guardian is can try to change Jake’s mind and switch his mindset so he can better himself.


Q) In what way will his relationship with Jake and his brother continue to change?

A) You have to tune in and see what happens this season!


Q) You are originally from Chicago. What do you think of the way the series is portraying it?

A) I think that they are doing more than an amazing job. They talk about both the negative and positive things that happen in Chicago and they also shine light on situations that don’t really get as much recognition in the world.

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