
Mom – Flamingos and a Dance Based Exercise Class

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By: Sammi Turano



The episode opens with Christy (Anna Faris) ranting to Chef Rudy (French Stweart) about her customers and the poor treatment she receives. They snark at each other and he offers her a cigarette. She says she used to smoke in addition to drinking, drugging and stripping. She resists the cigarette at first but then takes one saying she owes him one. He makes a semi-sexual comment and she says he gave her a cigarette, not ecstasy.
Jill (Jaime Pressly), Bonnie (Allison Janney), Marjorie (Mimi Kennedy), Wendy (Beth Hall) and Christy are cleaning up after the meeting. Jill wonders why they put the chairs away since there will be another meeting tomorrow. Bonnie tells here there is a Zumba class, which leads to Christy talking about how she got kicked out for doing Zumba drunk.
Tammy (Kristen Johnston) gets a text from a guy she met at the Home Depot. She spills about how he helped her find some lights. Christy and Jill give her advice on how to respond, which leads to the girls making fun of Christy and her lack of a dating life.
Christy bums a cigarette from someone outside and then hides so nobody else sees her. Later, she goes to get gas, but then uses most of the money on cigarettes.

As the ladies wait with Tammy for her date, Wendy worries that the guy now knows where she lives. They “Oo” and “Ah” when she comes in the room and give her advice on how to handle the date, especially the fact that she doesn’t drink. Her date arrives and she runs out to meet him.
At the restaurant, Christy and Chef Rudy snark at each other as they smoke. He gives her a lighter, which came from a busboy who got it from his father.
Tammy comes home from her date and is excited because she got to go to the Olive Garden. The ladies are excited for her, except for Marjorie who is sleeping. Afterwards, Tammy gives Bonnie breadsticks and the ladies give her advice on what to text. Tammy wants to tell him he is the one, but they tell her that is a bad idea.
Christy is in her car smoking when Jill calls. She says she is on her way and does everything she can to get rid of the smoke smell.
The ladies are at the diner. Jill is crabby because she is hungry and Tammy is upset because Rick hasn’t texted her back since the date. Christy finally arrives and they figure out she has been smoking.
Tammy thinks Rick texted her, but it was only an Amber Alert. Bonnie tells her she is driving herself crazy and acting pathetic. Jill calls the diner and tells the waitress to deliver food to her booth.
Marjorie is doing Jazzercise when Bonnie comes over to get advice about Tammy. Marjorie tells her to let Tammy deal with this on her own and make her own mistakes, just like she did with Bonnie and Adam. Marjorie goes back to her workout, which Bonnie films.
Later on, Christy and Marjorie talk about finding ways to be naughty during sobriety. Marjorie admits to flirting with a married man, but never acted on it. She says she understands why Christy is smoking.
Tammy and Bonnie are on the phone when Tammy admits she is spying on Rick in front of his house….in an Uber. Tammy says Rick has been avoiding her and now she is spying with the Uber driver Yuri (David Meunier). Bonnie tells her he isn’t interested and she will eventually meet someone. Yuri asks her out and they head to Olive Garden—without Bonnie.
The episode ends with Christy smoking in the rain while Chef Rudy makes fun of her and saying that he quit smoking.

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