
Nathan Galante – Una Copa Por Cada Reina (Deluxe)

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By: Jamie Steinberg



Q) How would you describe your style?

A) Regional Mexican with Flow


Q) What are some of your music influences?

A) Valentín Elizalde, Sergio Vega, Amanda Miguel, Lupita D’Alessio, Juan Gabriel


Q) Talk about the story behind your new song “Contestame Mi Amor (En Vivo).”

A) I wrote that song because my girlfriend got mad at me. We reconciled quickly and everything, but I thought it would be good to release a song to ask for forgiveness without asking for forgiveness. If not, then come on, mija, you know you need me, come here.


Q) What do you think makes the song connect with fans?

A) I believe they identify with the song’s realness, real feelings and experiences in general.


Q) How does the song’s video influence the message?

A) Well, you can see that I am serenading the little girl with a bouquet and everything so that she can see that I love her. Even if sometimes one makes mistakes, love conquers all.


Q) What’s your songwriting process? Do you need music before you can create lyrics?

A) It varies. It always depends on a lot of things, but usually I grab my guitar in the middle of the night and start playing melodies. Then, I look for ideas and write them down on my phone like titles or things like that and, boom, a hit comes out.


Q) How much involvement do you have in the production of your music?

A) 100% I like to be involved in everything.


Q) “Contestame Mi Amor (En Vivo)” is included in your album Una Copa Por Cada Reina (Deluxe).What are some of the themes you explore in it?

A) Negativity. In fact “Negativo” is a song that will come in an EP that will be called “EN VIVO DUELEN MÁS” (“Live They Hurt More) which will be great.

But Dentro de Una Copa Por Cada Reina includes songs like “Lo Siento Mi Amor,” “Volverte a Amar” and “Tres Veces Te Engañé.”


Q) Which song(s) on the album holds a special place in your heart and what makes it so meaningful to you?

A) I think it’s “Costumbres” because I’m a fan of Juan Gabriel’s lyrics and a fan of Rocío Dúrcal’s voice.


Q) The album was nominated for a Latin Grammy! Congratulations! How does that make you feel?

A) What can I say, it’s an incredible feeling. First album in my career and first nomination – I call that shot and goal and I’m grateful to God and to the people for all the support, always.


Q) How did you celebrate the announcement of your nomination?

A) I celebrated it by working, focused on everything that is coming, writing and producing a lot of music.


Q) What do you hope will stay with people who explore Una Copa Por Cada Reina, either as a message or as an emotion?

A) I hope the message sticks deep with them. A man can interpret women’s songs and women can do likewise within the Regional Mexican genre. I want the fans to remember for a long time my interpretation of songs from years ago to new versions with all the love and respect.


Q) What are some of your favorite places to perform, and what makes those places so important to you?

A) I think the cabins in the woods or things like that. I like to connect with nature with a cup of coffee and music – it’s perfect.


Q) Who would you like to collaborate with the most on a song in the future?

A) With El Fantasma, with Banda Ms and Fuerza Regida


Q) Which artist/musician are you currently listening to and why do you like them?

A) I listen to a lot of rap. Also, I’m really into Fuerza Regida’s álbum, I like the vibe they bring to the table.


Q) What would you like to say to everyone who admires and supports you and your work?

A) First of all, thank you and second, I hope to never disappoint and always make my songs touch your heart and make you drink [laughs] and remember your ex.





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