Never Ending Fall – Like She Does
By: Jennifer Vintzileos
Q) How would you best describe your sound?
A) Our sound has been changing pretty rapidly and drastically for the past five to six years it seems. In high school, we listened to a lot of reggae music. Then, in college we discovered jazz and RnB. Now, I think we’ve found a home in indie/alternative rock. We all grew up on all kinds of rock (punk, metal, classic rock) and we got back into it because of bands like Turnstile, King Gizzard, Polyphia and others. So, now, it seems we are trending back to our roots but still not forgetting the things we love about all the other styles of music we dipped into in our past. We are currently working on a very cool project right now and hopefully can release some more music soon.
Q) Tell us the story behind your current single “Like She Does.”
A) I (Jack Miller) wrote and recorded the song in my basement a few days before moving to LA. The song is about appreciating the love you have, especially after you lost it for some time. If you go through a period of separation from somebody that you’re in love with, you notice and appreciate things that you never would have before. I never really realized this until writing the song though. I always knew that was true for me deep down. Often times when I write I discover a lot about myself after I finish the song or the lyrics. Sometimes words just dump out of me and then when I’m finished, I look back and I’m like, “Yeah, I do feel like that.” I guess writing has always been sort of a therapy for me and offers so much clarity.
Aside from the lyrics, I think I was inspired to write that type of old school, classic rock sort of sound because I was listening to this band named Scoundrels a lot at the time. They have this Rolling Stones sound, but the vocalist is so clean, and the band is so tight and groovy. I remember practicing their one song “The Arch” on my piano and then immediately after started playing the intro to “Like She Does” and started writing the song from there.
Q) Since its release, what has been the overall reaction from fans and listeners to “Like She Does?”
A) The reactions have been great. It’s a very relatable song and it’s nice seeing people make videos on Tik Tok and Instagram using the song. The age range the song attracts is very wide as well. It’s cool to see people my age (26) and younger enjoying the song and people my parents age saying it reminds them of when they were younger.
Q) You also shot a music video for “Like She Does.” How did you come up with the concept for the music video?
A) We kind of knew right away that we wanted to get a vintage car and do a music/lyric video with it. The song has such a happy, giddy sound so we packed into a car driving around LA would depict that perfectly. We shot it with our good friends Will and Justin, who are really talented and visual artists.
Q) With the release of “Like She Does,” is there a full-length album in the works and, if so, when can fans look forward to hearing it?
A) We are currently working on an EP, possibly an LP right now. I can’t definitively say that “Like She Does” will be on it. The songs we’ve been writing very recently have a vastly different sound from “LSD.” Also, we have been writing these songs one after another, almost with a theme in mind. We are very excited and inspired about the new music we have been writing recently and think this project is going to be awesome.
Q) What message do you hope fans take away from “Like She Does?”
A) I hope people can listen to the song and just feel happy. As cliche as that definitely sounds, that’s always my biggest concern. When people listen to the song, I hope it can get them out of a rut or offer some positive inspiration for them.
Q) According to your website, you formed Never Ending Fall in the 4th Grade. How has cultivating those musical relationships and friendships with one another at such an early age help you grow and thrive as a band?
A) Because we have been together for so long, we have a giant amount of trust with each other, which is huge and a must-have in any type of band or business. Even when writing, we don’t bicker or try to bring one another down out of jealousy or ego, we really try to keep our intentions toward the music and whatever sounds best for the song is the direction we are going to head. Since we moved to LA, our bond is really starting to show because before we moved, we were all working individually. We would all go to work and then band practice every night. That started to get draining by the end, but we knew once we moved out west, we would be much happier as a band, and it couldn’t be more true. I don’t think I could take such a leap with any other group though. These guys are really special and the momentum we have gained since coming out here shows that we are doing the right thing.
Q) With live music back in full force, are there any plans for a tour soon?
A) We cannot say anything officially, but we are thinking about a small tour in late fall, early winter possibly. We are going to try to hit a lot of the major cities so be on the lookout for that.
Q) Which song(s) do you love performing live at shows?
A) We have a few songs that we love to perform because the energy is so big. Our new song, “BadTaste,” which is unreleased, has such a great live energy. We performed it for the first time in July at a venue in LA and it felt so good to play. We also have this rave-like song we play which is so fun. “Like She Does” is also a huge vibe live. We like to play all our songs honestly.
Q) What are you currently listening to?
A) Jack- King Gizzard, Paul McCartney, Kings of Leon
Conrad- Drake, Brent Fiayaz, Tame Impala, Allan Holdsworth
Tommy- Turnstile, Peach Pit, The 1975
Johnny- Origami Angel, Coin, Brent Fiayaz
Pearce- Polyphia, Brakence, Haitus Kaiyote
Q) Who would you love to collaborate with on a song in the future?
A) King Gizzard would be awesome. There’s this band Quarters of Change who would be sick to write with. Kendrick would be fun because he’s the man. Kevin Parker. Mark Ronson.
Q) What would you like to say to your fans and supporters of your music?
A) Firstly, thank you so much for listening and for all and any feedback. We’ve had some day one people from back home that have supported us from the beginning so shout out to them the most. To all of our parents and family, thank you all for supporting us throughout the years. Shout out to Tommy’s parents for letting us practice in their basement for ten plus years. To all the new people, we are happy you discovered us, and we have so much new music coming out very soon. We are so excited to release music and play for everyone live eventually. We feel the love from everyone and can’t wait to reciprocate.
All Questions Answered By Vocalist/Guitarist Jack Miller
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