NIA – Angelz
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) How would you describe your sound?
A) I would describe my sound as playful yet bold. In terms of genres, I always find myself having a hard time describing where I feel like my music belongs. I’d say it’s R&B with Pop elements, which makes a lot of sense because those are the two genres that I’d listen to the most growing up.
Q) Who are some of your musical influences?
A) My mom always had a good collection of CD’s. Some of my favorites that she would play would be Aaliyah’s self-titled album, Miseducation of Lauryn Hill and anything with Gwen Stefani. I fell in love with their music, I admired how much character their music and visuals had. I like the idea of feeling transported into someone else’s world and getting a sneak peak of their brain/ experiences. I would hope my music does the same for my fans.
Q) Talk about the story behind your new song “Bother You.” What do you think it is about the song that fans connect to?
A) I essentially see the good in everyone, even when the red flags are present. Even though I notice peoples’ malicious intentions I’d hope by showing them love they’d change. I’ve learned the hard way that this isn’t really the case. I’m standing my ground and I’m asking people, is stepping into my power and showcasing to the world who I am a bother you? I think my fans can relate to some of their friends or even family who just are low vibrational. My advice to them would be walk away and be around people who value you for who you are.
Q) How does the video for the track play into the message behind it?
A) The video is a legit mini movie of what It feels like going through the realization that a friend doesn’t want the best for you. I don’t want to give too much away because the video really requires some thought and critical thinking. What I will say is there are some hidden gems within the video that amplifies rising above the B.S.
Q) What is your song writing process? Do you need music before you can create lyrics?
A) I’ve noticed what works for me is I have to hear if I resonate with the beat first. If I feel like it’s something that could work for me, I start to create melodies that I think would complement the beat. Once I lock in a melody, I start to create lyrics. Getting lyrics is a bit more effortless for me, the minute I like a beat I have a thousand words floating in my head that I’m dying to blurt out.
Q) How much of a hand do you have in the production of your music?
A) While creating Angelz I was very selective with the beats I decided to write to. There were even many songs that didn’t make the final cut. For this project I had about sixty to eighty demos that didn’t feel suitable. For the final eleven I chose to proceed with it was extremely important that the songs felt tailored to my voice and style. A lot of the beats were altered so that key moments and themes were captured.
Q) “Bother You” is the first single off your debut album Angelz. What are some themes you explore?
A) Angelz is an album that is very much an introduction to me and my story. I’m a 23-year-old girl who graduated from art school and I’ve been through hell while trying to discover who I am. I talk a lot about stepping into my own power and going above the B.S. You get a bit of insight of my character and humor as I talk about my failed relationships and friendships.
Q) The album is made up of eleven songs. What tracks challenged you to create the most and in what way?
A) The hardest song for me had to be “Sweetheart.” I remember the recording process being the hardest. It took a few days just to lay down vocals. The song itself wasn’t the issue. I just was in a really hard place in my life where I was dealing with a toxic situation-ship. I was in the studio recording on my birthday and we then noticed there was a second part to the track. Creating that breakdown was the most magical experience. In only one take I was able to attack the beat.
Q) What song from Angelz holds a special place in your heart?
A) I would say the two songs that carry that space are “Sweetheart” and “Diamonds.” Diamonds is a manifestation song of where I see myself and where I’m headed. Sweetheart is special because of how turbulent things were yet the outcome was far more rewarding.
Q) What did you personally take away from your time working on this album?
A) I’m doing things that I used to dream about as a kid. I think this album really taught me you can do anything you put your mind to. I also noticed why I had to face certain hardships because it made me who I am today. It all made me NIA and I’m forever grateful for the good and bad.
Q) Who would you most like to collaborate with on a song in the future?
A) Easy – Bad Bunny!! Love him
Q) What album/band are you currently listening to and why do you dig them?
A) I’ve been blasting this new J Balvin album and it’s so amazing. He’s such an important part of Latin culture. There aren’t enough words to describe how amazing this album feels sonically. It feels like a for the culture record. This has definitely influenced me for the next project .. I want to be able to have aspects of me honoring my Dominican background in my next album.
Q) You are a part of social media. Why is that such an important way for you to connect with your fans?
A) Social media is a way for my fans to get to see me for me. Not a filtered or polished version of who I am. I think that socials are also such a good platform to showcase my talent and gain new fans who might’ve never heard of me or my music. As of right now it’s been so rewarding putting faces to who resonates with what in terms of content.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?
A) I love you guys so much!!! You guys are my angelz. You’ve changed my life and made me realize this is my calling and that I’m here to stay. Things will only get bigger and better within due time. I hope I influence you to do what you love as I’m living proof that you do anything even the impossible.
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