Nic Luken – Nashville
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) What are the recent projects that you are working on?
A) Right now my main two focuses have been “Nashville” and music, which is cool because they both go hand and hand. I’ve made some amazing friends in Nashville and met some amazing artists and producers that I plan on working with in the future. Other than that, we will see what the future holds.
Q) Talk a little bit about your audition for playing Jonah on “Nashville.”
A) Well, to be completely transparent, I read for the role and really liked it. I’ve always wanted to play this kid. But they had me sing in the room and I blanked and couldn’t think of any songs at all. Not to mention going into the audition I had no idea I was supposed to sing… (My ADD may have gotten the best of me. I sorta didn’t read the breakdown very thoroughly.) So, I didn’t quite know what to do. But they gave me a second chance and I sent some recordings and videos of me playing the guitar and singing.
Q) What have you found challenging about your portrayal?
A) Hmm. I think playing someone like this it can be pretty black and white and you can fall into this trap of being super stereotypical. It was important for me to make sure people understand the kid is lonely and wants to have people who care surrounding him and that letting go is something that (he) lonely people are not good at.
Q) We know he has a romantic interest in Maddie. What else can you tell us about him?
A) He loves hard and wants to please everyone. He’s balancing on the fence of thoughtful and selfish.
Q) Did you spend much time with Lennon Stella to develop that chemistry for your characters?
A) We became friends right away. The entire cast there is like a family and everyone is so nice. I got along with everyone right from the start. Dylan Arnold who plays Twigg and Casey Mills who plays Mac are probably the funniest people I’ve ever met in this industry so far. Lennon, Dylan, Casey and I all share the same humor so it’s genuine love on screen. We have a ton of fun. It’s cool to have friends on a tv show who you actually would be friends with in real life.
Q) You play a pop star on the show. Talk about how singing/music has played a role in your life.
A) Music is a constant timeline of every moment in my life. I can hear a song that takes me back to any time, good or bad and it’s a nostalgic wave. I love music so much. I think music plays a huge role in everyone’s life, right!? As for singing and making music, I would probably lose my mind if I couldn’t express myself through music. It’s one of the three things that keep me sane.
Q) There is such an amazing cast to “Nashville.” Was there someone in particular you were hoping to work with in a scene?
A) Lennon and Maisy [Stella] are both so talented it blows my mind. I was just hoping to be on the show to be honest and be able to learn so much from a cast that’s been working together for so long.
Q) What were some of your most memorable moments from filming “Nashville?”
A) I have an inside joke for this one… R.I.P. ROY. (For Lennon, Casey & Dylan)
Probably the very first day was the most memorable. Right when I met everyone I was going to be working with I was just so happy realizing how fun of time this was about to be.
Q) What have you taken personally taken away from working on the series?
A) Waking up at 3am to go to the gym before filming really works even though you feel like you might die. I’ve also personally taken away a lot of packs of gum and Skittles from the crafty table, if we are being literal. Like a lot…they would probably be mad.
Q) You’re a part of social media. Are you looking forward to receiving instant fan feedback to your upcoming episodes?
A) Well yes. I don’t watch myself in anything I do, you couldn’t tie me down and do it I would hold my breath until I fainted just to avoid it.
But the feedback and the comments on Instagram and the messages that I’m doing a “good job” or they “like me” from the fans is always reassuring. If they like it I’m happy. But seriously who would want to watch themselves go on a date, not I.
Q) Can fans expect any music or even an album from you in the future?
A) YES. Oh, yes.
Q) Is there anything else you want to be sure fans know about Jonah and your upcoming appearance on “Nashville?”
A) Thank you for all the love! I hope you all follow my journey even after this amazing final season. <3
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