
Nick Cannon

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By: Sammi Turano



Q) How will you open the show every day?


Q) You’ve hosted lots of shows but this is a new role. A daytime talk show host. What have you found most challenging and how are you feeling? Are you nervous?


Q) Tell us about some of your guests and describe some of your other segments?

Q) Your studio is in Harlem. Tell us what made you want to be in Harlem and what’s important to you about being there?
Q) Is there anything you can tell us about your set?
Q) You’ve had great success developing talent. How do you plan to introduce and incorporate fresh talent in your show for this new daytime audience?
Q) On IG you wrote that Nickelodeon taught you how to make great tv. What is great TV to you?
Q) You recently posted some photos of you as a little kid. Looking back, what would you say to that kid?
Q) What is your goal for this show?
Q) Who is one person you would love to have on the show for an uncomfortable but necessary conversation?




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