
Payson Lewis – Back in Time

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By: Lisa Steinberg



Q) Talk about the story behind your new song “Back in Time.”


A) Well, I actually wrote this song over ten years ago after going through a pretty tragic and traumatic breakup. I wanted to just wash the whole thing out of my memory. But after the emotions cooled down a bit, I kinda put this song away for a while as I was healing. As I eventually reached emotional equilibrium again, I realized that this song still resonated with me. I knew that its raw and unequivocally blunt take on heartbreak was a very real emotion, and I wanted to share it with the world.


Q) The song was written back in 2012. What made 2023 the right time to put it out into the world?


A) I think I just finally felt ready to reveal this “pettier” side of myself. I’m actually a pretty sentimental person, so showing that I can be pretty cutthroat is not natural for me. But I felt like it was real, and it was a big part of my journey. I also hoped that people could relate to it. I feel like everyone goes through a heartbreak like that at some point or another.


Q) What do you think it is about the song that fans connect to?


A) Honestly, I think it’s just that we’ve all been there, ya know? Like, that kind of agonizing heartbreak that just makes you want to wipe the slate clean. I think that people understand that and can truly resonate with it. There’s that anger that is dormant inside of us that sometimes we just need to let out and exercise. To me, that’s what this song is. It’s an exorcism.


Q) How does the video for the track play into the message behind it?


A) Well, because I recorded this song with my now ex-girlfriend, Leah [Lewis], we wanted to avoid making the song about our breakup…because it’s not. She and I had a very amicable split and are still friends. So, we wanted to tell a more metaphorical and universal story. I came up with the concept of this metaphysical laundromat where people go to wash themselves clean of the grit and grime that a messy breakup can give you. The video is meant to be reflective but also with eyes on the future. I think our director, Liz Charky, did an amazing job of conveying the story I wanted to tell.


Q) How much of a hand do you have in the production of your music?


A) I have a very active hand in the production of my music, from the very start to the very last finishing touches. I always start by making a demo on my own, which kind of sets the vibe and direction that I want to go. After that, my producer Ben Soldate and I worked in tandem to bring that into life. He is definitely at the wheel steering the ship, but there’s almost never any work done on a track without me sitting right there helping guide the journey. He’s the Jordan to my Pippen, so to speak.


Q) Will fans be able to expect a full album or EP coming in the near future?


A) Oh yeah! I am putting the final touches on an 11-track full-length album as we speak. Our final mastering session for the album is set for mid-April. I am so excited to release it and share all this music with the world.


Q) Where are some of your favorite places to perform and what makes those locations so significant to you?


A) Well, I admit, I haven’t played out as much as I’d like…but I have played at some venues in LA that mean a lot to me since that’s where I came up seeing acts I love on stage. Like, The Satellite (RIP) and the iconic Hotel Cafe. I have formative memories of seeing shows at these places, and to be up on stage there myself is just amazing.


Q) Who would you most like to collaborate with on a song in the future?


A) Well, I have a couple of great collaborations on my upcoming record with LJ Benet and Therese Curatolo, which I’m excited to share…but I’m always down to collaborate with anyone. I think it just depends on the track…but whoever and whenever it is, I’ll be ready.


Q) You’re also a talented actor as well. Are there any upcoming on-screen appearances for you coming up?


A) Thank you so much. I am excited about a new Netflix show that I filmed a few episodes for. I don’t know how much I’m allowed to say, but it’s called “Griselda,” starring Sofia Vergara, and I believe it’s coming out in September the last I checked. So, keep an eye out for that!


Q) You are a part of social media. Why is that such an important way for you to connect with your fans?


A) I won’t lie, there’s a lot about social media that I really don’t like. However, the one thing I do love about it is the ability to connect with fans and people all around the world. I love hearing from people who listen to my music. I love knowing it’s reached them and what it means to them. I try and read every single one of my DMs, so if you’re out there and want to say hey, hit me up!


Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?


A) I guess I just want to say thank you. I appreciate everyone who has listened to my music and supported my art. It’s truly a gift to be able to share a part of myself with the world and feel the way the love right back. I’d also say buckle up. I have a lot of new stuff coming out soon and I am very, very excited about it!



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