Pearce Joza – Zombies 2
By: Sammi Turano
Q) How would you describe the movie Zombies 2?
A) It is a fun movie with lots of laughs. It is the kind of movie where you can get up to sing and dance. I’ve already seen it three times. There is also a moment where different people are forced to be in the same place and have to adjust to a new normal. There are also zombies!
I hope it is enjoyable for everyone, but I also hope they see it as a metaphor for the world at large. I hope they see that, as people, we are the same and want the same things: to learn, to work, have freedom and to love one another. It is an interesting journey of people trying to integrate together.
People are different because if they are all the same, they would be boring. The movie shows that we are different in fundamental ways but the same and want the same things.
Q) How was the character of Wyatt originally described to you?
A) Wyatt was originally described as someone who is sensitive and enlightened. He loves the people in his life and wants to help his pack with his sister. Once I saw the script, I saw how much he loves his pack and family. I liked how they will always have each other’s backs and the security of knowing that.
Q) What made you want to be a part of the film?
A) It is an amazing franchise, so who wouldn’t want to be a part of it? The first one was nominated for several awards and it is changing the world one story at a time.
The work of actors and directors are important but everything stands on the shoulders of the writers. Without them and the script, there wouldn’t be anything. I knew it would be held to the same standard and hold the same truth.
Q) What were you doing when you found out you got the role?
A) It is a funny story! I did a video where I danced, sang and read the script for my initial audition. I got three callbacks and when I did the final one and had a good feeling about it. I waited for about a week and one day I was sitting in a quiet part of a library when my manager called. When I get a role, my manager greets me with the name of the character and this time said, “Howdy, Wyatt!”
I freaked out and had to run out to avoid causing a scene and then went home to celebrate with my family. I immediately got messages from fellow cast and crew members, all of who congratulated me before I left for Toronto. Once I was there, I met with the choreographer who helped me learn how to dance. I also did five singing sessions with Maxwell David to prepare.
Q) What aspects do you like most about your character?
A) I love how Wyatt is loyal to his pack and family. I believe everyone has a birth family and then those we invite in as family. He is lucky to have an amazing support group who gives unconditional love and support. I also love that he accepts people no matter what. When you hear the songs, you will know more about what this all means.
Q) Were you familiar with any of your costars before filming?
A) Not personally, but Meg [Donnelly] and Milo [Manheim] are very visible. I did my audition with Chandler [Kinney] and we sat in the waiting room together for a few hours. Then, we went in together and sparks flew. There was great chemistry and everyone loved it. It was an awesome experience and it went to the next level on the film set.
Q) Did anyone on set give you any advice that you took to heart while filming?
A) There was no special advice, but everyone was very welcoming. We all clicked and became like family and lifted each other up. I got to Toronto a few days before everyone else to explore the city and once everyone else arrived they invited me to meet up, allowing us to bond and get to know each other.
Q) What was your favorite song to perform from the movie?
A) “Call To The Wild,” both in the studio and in the movie. It took two days to rehearse and shoot that scene and we also prepped for a month with rough blocking. It was also the first song for the movie that I shot. My dancing legs weren’t steady at first, but it was amazing!
It was actually an interesting experience because I had bronchitis at the time, but the creative team made it easier. I was able to warm up my voice and eventually let loose and be more comfortable.
Q) What are some of your favorite memories from filming?
A) I have many amazing memories. I especially loved dancing with Chandler because we had a lot of fun and such great chemistry.
We also had to get wolf nails, which meant we got acrylic nails that needed to be filled. I was not familiar with them, so I freaked out when I initially saw the long nails. I also didn’t eat that day and almost passed out, so Chandler’s mom had to get me some food.
I also enjoyed the cast dance rehearsals for “One For All.” It was the first time learning it and we were all there together. We had an amazing team that made it fun.
I also got up every morning looking forward to going to work. It is rare to experience something like that.
Q) Are you looking forward to seeing the instant feedback from fans via social media?
A) Absolutely. I cannot wait for it. It has been crazy from the trailers already; fans are already coming up with lots of theories. It doesn’t compare to the actual movie, but I am blown away but the responses. I try to respond to and thank as many people as possible.
Q) What are some other projects you have been working on?
A) Right now, I am in Ariel Martin’s music video and doing charity work with Kylee Russell at Texas Children’s Hospital.
I am also working on a movie about seizure disorders and epilepsy. Under the Lights is the working title and the plan is to show the emotional component of epilepsy, as well as to bring awareness and end the stigma surrounding it.
There are also some other projects on the horizon that are a secret for now!
Q) What would you like to say to your fans and supporters?
A) I have had fans that have followed me since I was thirteen and watching me in different projects. I want to give them a heartfelt thank you for the support and letting me expand my horizons. Thank you also for all the love for the Zombies franchise!
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