
Ramy – Can You Hear Me Now?

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By: Ariba Bhuvad



Ramy’s (Ramy Youssef) experience at the Sufi center encourages him to bring what’s he learned so far to his home. During a family dinner with Maysa (Hiam Abbass), Farouk (Amr Waked) and Dena (May Calamawy) we see Ramy suggests they pray together before beginning dinner. Considering this is something Ramy likely would not have asked to do before, the entire family is weirded out by his request. He shares that Sheikh Malik (Mahershala Ali) taught him this prayer and he’d really like to do it as a family. Reluctantly, they agree but it’s the extent to what they’ll do. They reject Ramy when he asks them to go around and say what they’re thankful for. Instead, Farouk starts talking about “Shark Tank” and how they’ll watch together as a family. Unfortunately, Ramy can’t join since he’ll be studying at the center with the Sheikh. 


The dinner takes an awkward turn when Ramy starts inquiring about the meat they’re eating and whether or not it’s halal (meat prepared according to Muslim law). Farouk is offended on behalf of Maysa and thinks Ramy has been corrupted by the Sheikh. He doesn’t want to watch “Shark Tank” with the family anymore and now he’s questioning his mother about the meat. Ramy decides to defuse the situation by telling Maysa the chicken is good and she responds with, “It’s halal.”


Ramy and the Sheikh are at the center making hot chocolate for some protesters (Steve Beauchamp and Kevin Michael Murphy) causing a ruckus outside. It’s not something Ramy is feeling comfortable with doing, but he follows the Sheikh’s lead. The protesters start getting a bit aggressive so the Sheikh and Ramy leave the hot chocolate outside for them and go back in. The Sheikh explains that the center was a church before but they were about to foreclose so the center took over the lease. Unfortunately, the protesters feel as if the church was stolen from them and they’re very unhappy, to say the least. Ramy felt the protesters were pretty violent and fears that bringing them hot chocolate will only bring more protesters out. To enlighten Ramy, the Sheikh shares a story about the Prophet. In the story there was an old lady who stood outside the Prophet’s house. Every time he’d walk outside she’d throw trash. He would just clear the path and not say anything. One day, he didn’t see any trash or the lady, so he went to her house to check on her. It turns out she was gravely ill so he helped nurse her back to health. This kind gesture was so overwhelming for her that she embraced the Prophet and accepted Islam. Giving the protesters hot chocolate is the Sheikh’s way of hoping that they can see past the fear and hate and embrace the kindness. 


Back at the diner, Ahmed (Dave Merheje) shares his concerns with Ramy about the center and taking the bay’ah. He knew someone in medical school that took it and eventually he dropped out of school and left his life behind. According to Ramy he’s already dropped everything, so there’s not much else to lose at this point. Ramy changes the subject and asks Ahmed how he is, which rattles him because Ramy is usually too self-absorbed to ask anyone else how they are doing. Mo (Mohammed Amer) is perplexed by Ramy’s behavior too but is interrupted by the waitress (Natasha Dewhurst) because a man is asking for him. 


As it turns out, this man has been coming in for the last couple of weeks asking for a job and Mo has been avoiding him and is pretty certain he is homeless. Ramy thinks Mo should help him, but Mo refuses. So, Ramy decides to take it upon himself. The man’s name is Dennis (Jared Abrahamson), and Ramy quickly learns that the guy is indeed homeless and roams around with his dog, Boomer. He really needs a job which is why he’s been pestering Mo for one. Dennis needs some money to get by and is willing to do anything to get it. At first, he thinks Ramy is interviewing him on behalf of Mo, but Ramy reveals he’s just trying to help him out in any way he can. He proceeds to buy Dennis lunch and promises to get him some more for Boomer. 


Ramy has an idea that he hopes will help Dennis, but he can’t guarantee it’ll pan out. As expected, Ramy takes Dennis to the center, but as they approach it Dennis hears the azan (call to prayer) and begins having some flashbacks to his time in Iraq as a soldier. The call to prayer is a trigger for him and he takes a moment to sit. Dennis confides in Ramy that the call to prayer makes him feel violent and he starts blurting out his secrets and admits to killing a man named Majid in Iraq. He doesn’t feel he’s worthy of forgiveness after everything he’s done, but Ramy ensures him that he will talk to the Sheikh.


And he does exactly this! Ramy fills the Sheikh in on Dennis’s story and that he feels they should help him. While the Sheikh seems to be more convinced, his daughter Zainab (MaameYaa Boafo) is reluctant. She feels that the center is already low on funds and there are a lot of Muslims in need. Does it make sense that they help someone else out of the community? The Sheikh doesn’t agree with that sentiment and sides with Ramy. He decides they should help Dennis out. Ramy doesn’t disclose that Dennis killed people back in Iraq and downplays everything in the hopes that things will work out without them learning of his truth.


In the effort to clean up his life, Ramy cleans up his room and even deletes the browser history full of porn. When he shows up at the center later that day Zainab apologizes for saying no to Dennis at first. He’s actually been a huge help around the center and been taking care of a lot of things. 


Ramy is excited to share with Mo that everyone loves Dennis at the center. But Mo isn’t too eager about the center and thinks there is something weird up with both the center and the Sheikh. Dennis shows up soon after and confesses that he has been really happy with everything lately and wants to be “halal.” He’s even thinking about converting and is curious whether or not it’s allowed. Ramy suggests that Dennis come to Friday prayers where he can take the Shahada (Muslim profession of faith), but Mo thinks maybe he should read some books first. But Dennis is ready to take the leap and wants Mo to join. 


Walking towards the center, Dennis is really frazzled by seeing all the protesters outside of it. Ramy tells him not to worry and says that they should just be nice to them. It isn’t enough to calm Dennis’s racing mind as he takes the Shahada alongside another soon-to-be convert, Jerome (Ken Kensei). They begin to pray with the congregation. The sounds of the protesters progressively get louder in Dennis’ head until he decides to run out and scream, “Islam is peace” at the protesters. Dennis then grabs one of the protesters and beats him up to a pulp until Ramy comes out and pulls him away. He’s in a fit of rage when Ramy pulls him back. He gets blood all over himself and Ramy. It doesn’t take very long for Dennis to realize what he’s done and begins screaming “Sorry!” over and over again. The Sheikh runs out and starts praying as someone calls an ambulance for assistance immediately. 

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