Renika Williams – The Sex Lives Of College Girls
By: Lisa Steinberg
Q) In Season 2 of “The Sex Lives of College Girls” where do we pick up with your character Willow and what’s new this season for her?
A) We pick up with Willow at the beginning of her off-season from soccer! What’s new is that we get to see Willow outside of practice and games, hanging around on campus more! She’s even thinking about running for student government.
Q) We know Willow is one of Whitney’s besties and gives great advice, what kind of direction does she give and guide with Whitney this season?
A) Willow has quickly become like a big sis to Whitney (Alyah Chanelle Scott) when it comes to helping her get accumulated to college and the freedom that comes with it. In season two, we see Willow continue to give Whitney dating advice and have her back through thick and thin.
Q) What continues to bond both Willow and Whitney?
A) I think Willow and Whitney’s bond is rooted in the fact that they’re both young Black women at a PWI (predominantly White institution). College can be new and challenging for anyone, but when you find someone who you can relate to and trust, it helps especially for young women of color. Soccer, of course, was a part of the bond too. Student athletes have to stick together because sports add on a whole other layer of challenges when it comes to adjusting to college.
Q) What makes working and filming this series so engaging and fun for you?
A) The people. Filming this season is fun because the entire cast, crew and production team are truly great people. Everyone works hard at their job, but we also like to have a little fun while we’re doing it.
Q) Willow seems to be quite an observer. What makes this quality an asset for her?
A) Willow is most definitely an observer. I think anyone who takes pride in “having the tea” on other people and situations, like Willow, has to be an inherent observer. Gotta have your facts straight when people come to you wanting to know what’s what!
Q) Willow becomes a wing woman to Leighton (Reneé Rapp) when she becomes interested in Tatum (Gracie Dzienny). What kind of wing woman are you IRL, and what advice would you give someone to talk to their crush?
A) I love being a wing woman in real life. It’s so fun. I love seeing my friends be bold and go after who they want. I say, just go for it. The worst thing someone can say is no…and if they do say no…they’re dumb and you don’t need them anyway!
Q) What I love about “The Sex Lives of College Girls” is that it offers a lot of levity and light humor centered around college experiences, but it also pushes boundaries by highlighting important topical diverse political and social subject matters. Why is it important to showcase a needed spotlight on these issues that really hits home to the young skewing audience, but also engages the older as well?
A) I think our show has a unique way of bringing generations together. Older generations can watch this and maybe discover that they agree or disagree with a character on the show. Our show most definitely highlights smart, opinionated, young people and I think older generations may find that they vibe with it more than they think!
Q) What has been your favorite BTS moment or scene filmed over the past two seasons?
A) Most definitely singing original Disney channel theme songs with Alyah Chanelle Scott in between takes. Our favorite is the “That’s So Raven” theme song. Never gets old.
Q) Is there anyone you wish you had more scenes with that you haven’t gotten to work with?
A) Absolutely! Pauline Chalamet. I really think a Kimberly and Willow scene would be hilarious. Pauline and I talk about it all the time.
Q) What do you hope that fans take away from watching this season?
A) One of my favorite things about this season is that we see friendships form that are completely unexpected and surprising. So, I hope our fans see that even if it seems like you would have absolutely nothing in common with someone at school (whether it’s because of where they’re from, how they look or who they love), that doesn’t mean that you wouldn’t make great friends and that you shouldn’t give it a try!
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