
Reno Wilson – Good Girls

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By: Lisa Steinberg



Q) When we left off our Good Girls decided to become Queen Pins running things for themselves after almost losing everything. And with the Stan and Ruby centric storyline, Ruby made Stan this promise that she’s going to like be out for good and then she flipped the script. We see them starting to put themselves a little bit more first come over their families. I wanted to ask how we pick up and where that transition will turn?


A) Stan is all about taking care of his family by any means necessary. We already know that they get into washing their own money and trying to be the keepers of their own destiny. So, I can’t tell you how that goes with them, but that’s what they’re doing.  Stan started out as a security guard and then he got his dream job of being a police officer and then he becomes kind of a disgraced police officer after being let go from the force.  Then, he is kind of dealt face to face with, with the idea that is anything on the up and up?  He is kind of disillusioned with Detective Jimmy Turner (James Lesure) and when he was like, “I basically will frame you for doing something that you didn’t do and you weren’t even there,” I think that was the turning point for Stan where he was like, “The world is just f’d up.”  He has such a strong sense of good and evil and right and wrong.  He has in in my opinion a strong moral compass and he was rocked when those realizations kind of made themselves evident to him.  This season he is a bouncer at a strip club. How far the mighty have fallen.  He is making good cash, good money and taking care of his family.  That’s all he wants to do.  So that’s where we start the season off for them.


Q) Speaking of his moral compass, we know that this is a family of great faith. How will faith and family become challenged and continue to be tested this season as well?


A) Yeah, we literally just shot a scene in the church yesterday. That’s where they go to be reminded of what’s bigger than them or something that can help them in their next caper. I don’t know. [laughs]. Remember the woman Sheila (Christine Horn) and the one church scene I think from Season Two where she took credit for the donation?  So, yeah, we’ll see them in church again in season three as they try to battle. I think I can say in Season Three that Stan and Ruby (Retta) kind of come to a somewhat an agreement with how they will move forward in this life that consists of some activities that might not be necessarily deemed as legal.


Q) Especially last season with being at church and doing these illegal activities and reconciling between the two and how does her faith fit into that. How does she sit in church under the eyes of G-d and her fellow parishioners, while she is doing illegal activities? Does that test or push her faith further?


A) I think her faith is tested again this season; however, in a very interesting way. The church plays a part in season three. That’s all I can say.


Q) The relationship between Stan and Ruby has also faced many tests. Whether helping her daughter with her kidneys, helping the family stay afloat moneywise, and helping her marriage afloat at the same time. It’s a lot to shoulder.  Stan and Ruby lean on each other many times, but a lot of times as well Ruby tends to lean in to herself or her girls.  How will we explore Stan and Ruby’s marriage will be further affected by Ruby’s deeds we see her doing?


A) Ruby, her deal is that she does not want to corrupt Stan. She is like somebody’s got to be good. He crossed that line when he stole the pen cap last season.  I think this season he is not a police officer anymore. So, I think Stan is of the mindset that, “Well, it seems like nobody is one hundred percent virgins out in this world and I still have to take care of my family.” His moral compass is definitely challenged with what would you do to take care of your family.


Q) He’s given Ruby this unconditional support, but it’s all really been to his detriment. Is there any kind of bitterness or resentment there under the surface?


A) What’s really cool is that when a married couple or two people decide to build a life together and each one of them show’s up for each other that is something that is really cool and they continue to do that this season. Although, I can’t tell you how, but it will be challenged. You go through so many emotions when you are married. Sure, I don’t think he holds on to bitterness but we are only on episode ten right now. So, I don’t know what’s coming up.  I started doing episode eleven last night, and I swear to G-d, I stopped on page nine.  I was like nope.  I have to revisit this in the morning.  I don’t know how Jenna Bans and the writers do it.  Season One I would read a script and I was so excited. When I was done, I would call Retta and be like, “Oh my G-d, did you read the script?  It’s amazing!”  Season Two I was scared to read the scripts when I got them. Now, Season Three I literally put the script down and stopped because it was getting me too stressed just reading it.  I think their relationship is going to be challenged in a way it hasn’t been challenged before season three.  I am rooting for them!


Q) The incomparable rapport and comedic chemistry that you and Retta share is a really big part as well as why we root for Stan and Ruby. You both complement so well, just as Stan and Ruby complement each other so swell.


A) It’s true. People have asked how do we work on our chemistry and literally there was nothing to work on. It just kind of was there from the beginning. We just get each other. We like the same music. We get the same jokes.  A lot of that for me…June 6th will be my twenty-second year of marriage.  My favorite thing to do is be a father and be a loving husband.  My father in law said, “Reno, it’s just like watching you at home.”  I am happy to put that out there for people to see on TV.  I love hanging with my wife and we have a lot of fun.  It’s a lot of fun to play this guy.


Q) The family dynamic as well has really intensified season after season. The health issues with Sarah were prevalent the last couple of seasons. Will we see any milestones or anything for Little Money or any other interfamily problems?


A) Yes. This episode I am on now, I had to put the script down. It’s crazy.


Q) Now that Rio and Turner are gone, will there be any new potential threats or will it end up possibly being the Good Girls against each other?


A) Are Rio (Manny Montana) and Turner gone? Are they gone? Do we know this? Rio got shot up.  I can’t answer that question!  I can neither confirm, nor deny.  We have great guest stars this season on the show. Megan The Stallion. That’s one that I can mention and a bunch of others.  Jenna Bans and the rest of the writers are the best at weaving these stories and you just do not see anything coming. I don’t know how they do it and I am so happy to be the recipient of these words and stories!


Q) What I also love about the writing and series, is that it puts these first and diverse females at the center of the storylines. They are not shrinking violets, they are not there to have someone save them, they are layered and are multi-dimensional. But they also have these flaws and great vulnerability as well.  Why is it important these days that we do see these types of strong female characters?


A) For me it’s a no brainer. I have three older sisters and my mother, so I was raised by four strong black women. My dad died when I was four years old.  So, it’s a no brainer for me and refreshing for me. First of all, to work with a woman as a showrunner and a creator, I love that!  To be on a show with three women as the lead.  The next phase is to just have women run the country!  Can we get to that place?  Hopefully, all of these women that are getting their shot in this space of film and television and I pray that that continues to last forever.  I hope that will trickle down into the world and have women in positions of leadership, diverse women in positions of leadership around the world.  I think that it’s happening.  I am a glass half full kind of guy.  I am looking forward to that. I think it’s a great, amazing thing and I am happy to be on a show where women are represented so lovely.


Q) A lot of the themes of empowerment and independence are so wonderfully interwoven as well so brilliantly.


A) It’s balanced because they are masters of their own destiny in their little mini crime kingdom and, at the same time, they are nurturing their children and trying to work on their relationships. Women take care all of that.


Q) Is there anything else that we didn’t touch on about the season that you’d like to say to fans about Season Three?


A) Tune in on February 16th and I am so excited to be a part of the show. I love the love that I receive when I am out in the world and on social media. People are talking about #Stuby. I think that’s hilarious! I think that’s funny.  It’s so cool.

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