
Rodrigo Tardelli – The Stripper

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By: Gladys Luna



Q) “The Stripper” has become one of the most viewed web series across the globe, what was what that really free you to getting involved with being a part of and producing this series?


A) This series was Natalie’s [Smith] biggest desire. She used to talk about it all the time, but Priscilla [Pugliese] and I didn’t believe it was possible to make it because it was hard and luxurious. It’s a big production and we knew that it needed a crew that we didn’t have. All the projects we had done so far were smaller but then we thought that maybe it was the right time to do this. So, we went all the way in, we put our hearts and soul in this adventure and it was incredible. We were working with the fans for over a year about this and I feel very proud of what we have accomplished from the very beginning until today.


Q) What kind of challenges did you find in order to make “The Stripper” possible and what were the biggest lessons you learned throughout that process?


A) I believe that the responsibilities were bigger since we had to take care of everything. All of a sudden, we had a crew of over twenty people that we needed to pay to and to take care of, so it was a big learning for us. I grew up a lot as an actor and as a producer. I did things I never imagined I would or that I didn’t have any experience at and I loved it because I learned a lot of things that I could use in the future. It was a very positive jump that prepared us for a lot of many things that may come with the next projects.


Q) When you decided to take part in “The Stripper”, did you ever imagine the amount of success it would have, and what kind of affect has this had in you with the cast reach and embrace that it has received?


A) I didn’t imagine any of it. There were times when we wondered, “Would we be able to make something as they want it or imagine it?” We were somehow scared but never gave up. We wanted to do this and went all the way until the end, but I never imagined how big this would be. The fans understood that we couldn’t make it exactly as the fanfic and we are happy of how it turned out to be and with all of the love that we have received from so many people from many countries. We had fans from all places before but now we have way more and I feel truly grateful for it.


Q) What is it about your character Wesley that has resonated with you as well as pushed your acting boundaries?


A) Wesley is very similar to Daniel, my character in “La Mejor Amiga de la Novia,” so I had two main challenges here. One was to make him different from Daniel who is also related to Natalie’s character, but I think I accomplished my goal, thank God. Daniel and Wesley share a lot of similarities, but the first one was more centered, mature and bolder. The other challenge was to dance. I used to be a jazz dancer, which has nothing to do with what Wesley does which is to dance and teach the other characters and to do it more sensually. Actually, I believe that one of the dancing scenes between Wesley and Carla gained a lot of comments. So, I think the audience really liked it.


Q) Wesley is always presented as an extroverted, fun, talented excellent ally. What did you really want to make sure the series highlighted specifically for him with the audience?


A) I guess the character of Wesley on paper was very good but bringing him to life was way more intense and it drew a lot of attention. His eyes, his skills, his way of speaking truly stood out. I think the vibe of the Club Imperium has a lot to do with him. The character fits very well with this place so it created a strong combination. When I was not around, people would ask about Wesley, so I feel the audience grew fonder of him.


Q) While Wesley may not appear often in the series, is there anything deeper that you wish the series was able to explore or showcase with his background?


A) Of course. I would’ve liked to know more about his life, his job. He is a choreographer and he is not often seeing dancing. There is only one scene about it. I think there was a lot missing about his life, about his art, what he used to do, his upbringing, why he is who he is not only as an artist but as a person. I think that can be solved in another season.


Q) What keeps you creatively motivated?


A) My art is my life. I don’t see myself doing anything else. When I am sad, I see the messages the fans send me, their support and all of that gives me such a boost. Everyone goes through sad times, but we have to learn to manage it and get over it! I guess I’m professionally growing every day and that it’s good to me. I have learned a lot and met a lot of people. I have a wonderful fanbase that support me every day. So, we are like a family. It makes feel confident that every effort and difficulties, are totally worth it.


Q) Given that you have played different hats in the entertainment world, what are you looking to focus more on in either the web series or larger part of the TV/Film industry?


A) I love everything! Movies, theater, soap operas, series, etc. I am an actor that wants to experience everything. I started doing theatre and then moved into doing audiovisual, but I would like to work in everything as possible. I love doing theatre. In Brazil, we have to play a little bit of everything to live because is not like in the USA that you can choose which character you want to portray. Here we have to play many hats, but I love it. I don’t see it as a sacrifice at all. I want to try all of the areas of this business and I love to challenge myself.


Q) We see these complex characters at the forefront of the series.  They are vulnerable, messy, flawed, emotional but layered and dynamic.  What is it about the writing of the series that really develops these types of diverse individuals and balances their core so well?


A) You need to be very clear about who is the character. I play a game which consists in making myself questions and answering as the character would do so this makes me understand it so much better. I always try to choose different characters in order to make many people to be related to my work. I want to reach everyone. I want people to look at the character and say, “I know someone like that.” “I want to have a friend like Daniel or Wesley.” That’s very special to me. I like people to notice the differences between each character.


Q) Is there anything else you would like to say about the series or any upcoming projects that you are working? What’s next for you?


A) I have two series coming up: one for Instagram and another one for YouTube. The one for YouTube is called “The other side of the moon” (O Otro Lado de la Luna), which I co-wrote. This was born from an idea that I had four years ago. We were about to wrap the filming, but it was suspended because of the pandemic. I guess it would be ready to be released until 2021. It’s an independent web series that we have made with all of our heart and that I guess people would enjoy. It’s a challenge because it’s about a character with a double personality. I truly look forward the audience to see it. The other project that I did for Instagram, it’s going to be released soon, I guess. It’s really incredible to be able to work in a lot of platforms. Thank you for everything, kisses for everyone and thank you for the interview and space. I really loved it!

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