
Shadowhunters – The Powers That Be

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By: Jessica Wolff



Magnus Bane (Harry Shum Jr.) and Alec Lightwood (Matthew Daddario) arrive at a warlock party to pass the baton to the new High Warlock, Lorenzo Rey (Javier Muñoz). Lorenzo calls out to Magnus and Magnus comments that being high warlock is a thankless job when Lorenzo asks if he has any hard feelings. Alec tries to introduce himself, but Lorenzo already knows who he is and warns him that he will be tougher on the shadowhunters that Magnus was.


Alec tells him he looks forward to it, and then asks Magnus who appointed him. Magnus explains that he was elected democratically, and Madzie (Ariana Williams) runs over to them. Catarina Loss (Sophia Walker) insinuates that Magnus brought Alec to piss Lorenzo off, but Magnus insists that he only brought him as his boyfriend. Suddenly, the room starts shaking and the warlocks’ magic stops working. Magnus blasts a portal away and tells Alec that he has no idea what just happened.


Maia Roberts (Alisha Wainwright) tries to examine Simon Lewis’ (Alberto Rosende) forehead, but he insists he’s fine. She insists that the branding had to do something to him, but he suggests that the seelie queen just wanted his blood. Maia kisses his forehead after Simon jokes about kissing it to make it better, and Simon keeps pointing out other parts of his face for her to kiss. He points out his lips, and she accuses him of stealing moves from Indiana Jones before they begin to make out.


Jace Herondale (Dominic Sherwood) visits Clary Fairchild’s (Katherine McNamara) room and finds her painting with a wooden model. She notices him watching and pulls out her earphones. He apologizes for their interactions being solely around missions and asks her to spend a normal evening with him. She asks him to model for him, but he asks her to dinner instead. Clary confirms that he means a date and he tells her that the restaurant will be a surprise. She agrees, but warns her that it doesn’t get him out of modeling.


Jace asks Isabelle Lightwood (Emeraude Toubia) for a dinner recommendation, but she suggests that he’s better off asking Alec. He explains that she knows Clary better than anyone, and that he wants to take her on a date. She suggests that he bring her flowers and take her to the movies, but he rejects the suggestion. She asks him what the most romantic thing they’ve done is, and then comments that the restaurant idea isn’t so bad when he answers.


Magnus tests his magic as Alec steps out of the shower, insisting that he issue is Lorenzo’s problem now. Alec compliments his shampoo and Magnus tells him he makes it himself. Magnus answers the door and Alec hides as Lorenzo steps inside and accuses Magnus of being responsible for what happened at the party. He denies it, but Lorenzo insists that Asmodeous corrupted the lay line. Magnus says he hasn’t seen Asmodeous for centuries, but warns him that the city is in danger if he’s really responsible. Lorenzo threatens to banish him and promises that he will prove that Magnus is involved.


Alec asks why Lorenzo would accuse him of working with a greater demon and Magnus explains that he has a history with Asmodeous. He explains that lay lines are a source of magic for warlocks and Asmodeous is a prince of hell. Alec questions his relationship with Asmodeous, and Magnus reluctantly reveals that Asmodeous is his father. Magnus apologizes for not telling him, and Alec tells him they have to stop Asmodeous. Magnus suggests he can track him, but he needs to break into Lorenzo’s mansion to do it. Alec suggests they try a non-magical solution, and they don’t even have to do any breaking and entering.


Simon helps Maia study for her test, and they joke around. Maia notices Russell (Noah Danby) glaring at them, and pulls him into the back room. She asks him what his problem is, and Russell criticizes her relationship with Simon as Simon listens from the booth. Maia tells him that her sex life is none of his business, and declares that she and Simon aren’t going anywhere. Simon answers his phone and Jace asks him for a mundane restaurant recommendation. Though Simon is surprised that Jace has his number, he gives a recommendation and Jace hangs up immediately after.


Luke Garroway (Isaiah Mustafa) tells Clary that Ollie is going to be okay and compliments her outfit. She tells him that she’s going to dinner with Jace, and he tells her to have fun. Luke gives Isabelle possible footage of the demon possession and shows her evidence of similar cases. Alec knocks on Lorenzo’s door and tells him that he’s there to protect him. Lorenzo argues that Magnus’ involvement would cause a potential conflict of interest, but Alec assures that he wants to help before asking to come in so he can take a statement about the party. Once inside, Alec promises to turn in Magnus if he is truly responsible and proposes a toast to their new partnership. As Lorenzo prepares their drinks, Alec unlocks the window so that Magnus can climb inside.


Clary admires the restaurant that Jace brings her to, but Jace is surprised that they need a reservation when the hostess (Robyn Alomar) asks for one. She seats them next to Simon and Maia, who are in the middle of their own date. Alec does his best to distract Lorenzo by complimenting his home décor and asks for a tour of his house. Lorenzo is thrilled to show off and takes Alec upstairs. Magnus uses the distraction to climb out from behind the couch and starts using his magic.


Luke checks on Isabelle, and warns her not to burn herself out with work. He tells her that she deserves a life too, and explains that though he loves his police job, he regrets not spending more time with Jocelyn. Isabelle replies that she doesn’t have a Jocelyn, and Luke replies that she’s not going to find them if she doesn’t make time for herself.


Clary can’t believe that Jace called Simon for advice, and Simon replies that he would have advised against this situation if he had known the full details. Maia insists there’s no reason this needs to be weird and they try to go on separate dates. However, Simon keeps butting in as Clary and Jace discuss what appetizer to order and Maia breaks up the awkwardness by suggesting they get cocktails.


As they continue their double date, Clary asks Maia if she loses her clothes when she transforms into a wolf. Maia tells her she’s lost a lot of cute outfits, and Clary suggests she wear spandex. Maia asks her if she’s ever seen a wolf in spandex, and admits that she’d rather be a werewolf than a shadowhunter since she doesn’t want the tattoos. Jace mentions her butterfly tattoo, and Simon questions how he would know about that since it’s not normally visible. Awkward silence ensues as Clary and Simon realize that Jace and Maia slept together.


As Magnus continues investigating the lay line, Lorenzo shows Alec a baby photo of himself in a classic painting. Magnus’ magic reveals the corrupted lay line, and he’s thrown against the wall. Lorenzo asks Alec if he heard something, and Alec lies that he didn’t. Magnus hears them coming back down and escapes before Lorenzo sees him. Outside, Alec asks what happened and Magnus assesses that his father is not responsible for the corruption but an even more powerful demon is.


Lilith (Anna Hopkins) cuts her disciples’ throats and spills their blood, declaring the beginning of a new dawn. Catarina attempts to heal a patient with her magic, but the corrupted lay line affects her magic and nearly kills him. Magnus assures Catarina that the patient will pull through, but tells her another patient was lost due to the incident. Catarina blames herself, but Alec points out that this proves that Lorenzo’s house wasn’t the only lay line affected.


Clary and Jace say goodbye to Simon and Maia as they branch off. Maia and Simon laugh about the awkwardness, and Maia tells Simon she doesn’t need to apologize since she slept with Jace when she was single. Simon jokes that it’s only a matter of time before he sleeps with Jace himself, and Maia tells him that it only matters who they’re with now before pulling him in for a kiss. Jace apologizes to Clary for not telling her about Maia. She insists that she’s not upset about that, and asks him why he doesn’t seem interested in her. He declares that he’s never felt about anyone else the way he feels about her, and lists all the things he likes about her. Jace explains that he’s scared of ruining things with her and she kisses him.


Raj (Raymond Ablack) objects to using the Institute to fix the corrupted lay lines, but Alec argues that it’s their only option. He explains the plan to the shadowhunters with Magnus’ help, but Raj thinks it’s a terrible idea. He suggests quarantining the warlocks, but Alec insists that banishing innocent people won’t solve anything. An argument breaks out, and Alec insists that this issue affects everyone. Alec orders the Institute be evacuated, and assures Magnus that he will stay with him throughout the attempt.


Magnus focuses his magic at the Institute’s core, but Alec finds that he is unable to do his part due to being locked out of the system. Raj refuses to evacuate when asked by Jace, Clary, and Isabelle, telling them that he locked Alec out of the system. Jace pins Raj to the table, and holds him down as Clary and Isabelle attempt to override the system. Isabelle declares that it’s too late, and Lilith begins the blood ritual with her disciples.


Alec tries to wire the system from a side panel and activates a rune to assist. The plan works and the magic energy interrupts Lilith’s ritual. She insists that it’s a minor setback, and Alec declares that he succeeded. Magnus is incredulous that he’s taking sole credit, and Alec admits that he didn’t do it alone. Later, they toast to their success and Magnus comments on Raj’s banishment. Alec calls it character building instead of banishment and Magnus complains that Lorenzo is taking full credit for fixing the lay lines. Alec mentions that he hopes Lorenzo will help track the real demon responsible.


Magnus tells Alec that he hopes he doesn’t think less of him because of who his father is. Alec assures him that he doesn’t care who his father is, only who he is. He tells Magnus he’s the furthest thing from a greater demon and kisses him. Jace finds Clary lying next to him bleeding and a bloody dagger in his hand before he wakes up from another nightmare. He sees that Isabelle is still up and asks why she’s still awake. She asks how his date went, and he advises her to get some sleep. She shows him footage of Tim’s possession and they question what kind of demon is responsible.


Simon hears a knock on the door and goes to answer it. Russell and other pack members surround him and tell him they’re going to help him move out permanently. Simon protests and tells Russell that Luke will be pissed. Russell tells him that Luke won’t find out and orders him to leave on his own. Simon insists he’s not going anywhere, and Maia calls out as she sees a pack member swing at him with a baseball bat. Simon magically produces a shield that throws the man back and Simon’s forehead glows with the mark branded into him.

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