
The Big Bang Theory – The Inspiration Deprivation

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By: Sammi Turano



The episode opens with Amy (Mayim Bialik) going up to Sheldon (Jim Parsons) in the cafeteria. He is sitting with Leonard (Johnny Galecki), Raj (Kunal Nayyar) and Howard (Simon Helberg). She shows him something on her phone and he asks if it is a joke phone that sprays water in his face. She says that doesn’t even exist. He takes her phone and it turns out she was called into HR, most likely due to the meltdown she had in front of the Nobel Peace people.


Sheldon thinks it was an awkward moment. Howard says that this is a twist because it is usually Sheldon getting called into HR.  Raj wonders who knew he was married to such a bad girl. Sheldon says the signs were always there and she recently went to a rave at the mall. She says it was a Spencer’s Gifts. He says they had music and strobe lights and if that isn’t a rave than he doesn’t know what is. Leonard says he doesn’t know what one is.


Amy continues to panic and Howard tells her she will be fine. He used to get called in all the time. He tells her not to say strong women are sexy out loud.


Sheldon gets a message calling him in, too. He says they need to keep their stories straight and it is all her fault. Raj says they will probably get a slap on the wrist.  Howard says not to ask for that or one anywhere else.


Dr. Davis (Regina King) and Dr. Siebert (Joshua Malina) are in the meeting with Sheldon and Amy. Dr. Davis says that they are there to see where they can improve, not to point fingers. She tells Sheldon to stop pointing to Amy. Dr. Siebert says that he assumed that they wanted to win and that was on him. Sheldon points to him and Dr. Davis tells him no. She says that they need a different strategy. Dr. Siebert says they need to keep their traps shut. Sheldon thinks that is a fun word.


Amy apologizes for her meltdown.  Dr. Siebert yells that they have a shot at the Nobel Prize and they are blowing it. Dr. Davis repeats it, but more calmly. Sheldon points out that she repeated what he said.  She says she used her calm HR voice. Dr. Siebert says they are canceling all their further appearances and they are going to lay low. Amy agrees.  Dr. Davis says this is important, not only for the university but to Amy, who will be the fourth woman to win a Nobel Prize in physics. She thinks this will be inspirational to girls.  Amy agrees again.


Dr. Siebert tells them that the next thing they should be saying is thank you (in Swedish) when they accept their prize in Stockholm. Sheldon says I knew that in Swedish. Dr. Davis addresses him and he correctly guesses that she wants him to shut his trap.


Howard and Raj pass a scooter like the one Howard had before he married Bernadette. Raj thinks it was a moped and Howard says you didn’t want to call it  a moped in a scooter bar. They look back on their times with the scooter and Howie says he got the woman….who made him sell it.


Amy tells Penny (Kaley Cuoco) and Leonard about the meeting. Penny says that it is a big deal and Amy admits she is so nervous she blew through her antiperspirant in an hour. She also says Sheldon is freaking out because they got into trouble.


Leonard says not to worry because he has him distracted. Sheldon has a Rubix Cube and is trying to solve it. However, Leonard switched over some of the stickers. Sheldon says he solved it—the reason why he couldn’t solve it that is. He says the stickers were switched and calls off which numbers were switched. Penny comments about them having numbers and he says anything can have numbers, friend #4. Leonard compliments her on being in the top 5.


Sheldon complains about them not being able to do anything and Penny tells him to relax. She offers to give him an example and he guesses that she uses alcohol and reality TV with fake arguments. Penny tells him to not knock it until he wastes a few hundred hours of his life.


Sheldon continues to worry and complain. Amy says this has been her today. Penny suggests a massage, but Sheldon says only his wife can touch him. Amy says even then he has to smell her hand. She then offers Reiki, which is massage without touching. Leonard offers a sensory deprivation tank. Sheldon complains,  but finally agrees only if he and Amy have separate tanks. He says sharing a uterus with his sister was enough.


Howie shows Raj the scooter he bought.  Raj wonders if Bernie will be mad, but Howard plans to hide it from her. Raj asks to borrow it and Howie says yes as he enjoys sitting on it.


Sheldon and Amy go to the tank. After the procedure is explained Leonard wants to close the lid on Sheldon. The woman in charge, Bebe (Brooke Dillman), says no even after he bribes her with cash. Sheldon asks a bunch of  questions and they go in. Sheldon tests out the panic button and then annoys Bebe by repeating her name.


Howie has his helmet when Bernie (Melissa Rauch) gets back with the kids. She asks him what he has and he tries to throw out his helmet. He starts acting weird and she calls him out on it. At that moment, Raj comes to the house on the scooter.


Sheldon relaxes in the tank while Amy freaks out about letting women down. When it comes time to come out, Amy freaks out some more. Sheldon tells them to close the lid on her because she is ruining his mellow.


At home Sheldon is talking about his tank experience. Amy is cleaning the fridge and not in the mood. Sheldon is mad she is using her mean voice. She continues to freak out about letting everyone down and Sheldon googles what to do to help her.He says a walk can be calming and leaves.


Howie asks is if Bernie is still mad. She asks if he is still a jackass and yells at him for sneaking around.  He says he didn’t want her to worry and she says he didn’t want to get caught. He says she is making him feel emasculated. She says he was going on a moped with a man and he corrects her saying it is a scooter that can go on some highways. She then confesses she is worried that he may fall, leaving her to raise two small kids and a vegetable. He wants something that makes him feel like a man and she reminds him he is a husband and father. He continues to argue that he wants freedom like he did when he was younger and she reminds him he lived with his mom and had a curfew.  She is done talking about it and asks if that is the hill he wants to die on.


Howie and Raj sell the scooter to Burt (Brian Posehn), who loves it.  They say he won’t need luck, only condoms. They then see him almost crash into a car.


Sheldon asks Penny and Leonard for advice. Leonard says maybe he should do nothing, which Sheldon accuses him of doing. Penny says maybe he doesn’t know what to do because Amy always takes care of him. Sheldon decides to make it about him again, which Penny says is not what she was saying, but Leonard thinks might work.


Sheldon goes home to talk to Amy.  He says he is literally losing his mind and is using the word figuratively, like a crazy person. Amy says she has no time for this and completely breaks down causing Sheldon to comfort her and sing “Soft Kitty.”


The episode ends with Howie giving Bernie the money from the scooter. She says Raj told her he got $800. He gives her all the money and says the scooter allowed Burt to meet an ER nurse.


Dr.  Davis and Amy meet.  Amy says she is overwhelmed, but she is a strong woman using a strong man’s deodorant. Dr. Davis offers her water. Amy wants something stronger, so they talk over some scotch.

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