
The Flash – Think Fast

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By: Stacy Miller



A.R.G.U.S. Black Ops Site. Agent John Diggle (David Ramsey) arrives at the facility. His identity is confirmed with a thumb scan.  But then John asks security to drop the Meta Human dampeners and the cloak of the building. It is revealed that this is not Diggle, but DeVoe (Neil Sandilands) who changed into him. “Tonight’s musical recital is being conducted by your beloved professor,” DeVoe announces as the score of Hallelujah plays in the background. “My wife cared very little for violence. I on the other hand,” DeVoe says as he breaks into the facility. He kills A.R.G.U.S. security guards and leaves destruction in his path. “Let there be light,” is DeVoe’s final words as he uses one of his obtained Meta Human powers to activate Neil Borman’s a/k/a Fallout (Ryan Alexander McDonald) nuclear abilities.

At Star Labs, Iris (Candice Patton) and Cisco (Carlos Valdes) are on coms as The Flash (Grant Gustin) speeds in after having monitored all the space launching airfields. Barry and Cisco have reasoned that in order to have the power his satellites need, DeVoe has to launch them from an airfield. Cisco comments that even if DeVoe is moping over this wife leaving him, he’ll have to make his move soon and they will be right there to stop him. “If I can get there in time,” Barry reminds. Cisco knows that DeVoe is a one-man Legion of Doom. “So that’s why you send in the Super Friends,” Cisco adds thinking both he and Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) can help The Flash.  Harry (Tom Cavanagh) enters and talks about a mysterious person blogging about DeVoe.  He forgot that the blog is Iris’ and that she asked him to proof read it. Barry pulls Iris aside.  He’s still uncertain that they should be having regular citizen do their jobs by going after DeVoe. Iris assures her husband that the people aren’t taking DeVoe on, they are just being on the look-out for him; they are doing the right thing as The Flash has taught them.

Meanwhile, Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) is having a therapy session with Dr. Sharon Finkel (Donna Pescow) about missing her friend Killer Frost. Caitlin explains that Killer Frost is like another personality. Dr. Finkel comments that Caitlin may be suffering from Dissociative Personality Disorder stemming from something bad in her childhood that she’s repressing. Caitlin assures that her friend (Killer Frost) only appeared a few years ago. Caitlin gets an urgent message on her cell phone and tells Dr. Finkel that she has to go. “Do you charge by the hour?” Caitlin asks. “For you and your friends the quarter hour,” Dr. Finkel answers.

Back at Star Labs, Team Flash receive a tip that Neil Borman has been taken from the A.R.G.U.S. facility. The Flash speeds off to get John Diggle. It’s a good thing that Team Flash is prepared for Diggle’s arrival with Cisco holding a trash basket for John to hurl in. Because when you are super sped into a place and you’re not expecting it, your stomach doesn’t react well. Barry asks John where A.R.G.U.S. is keeping Borman. That’s classified is Diggle’s response as he’s not the director. As they don’t have time for protocol, John tells Team Flash that Neil Borman is being kept at an off the books place called The Castle.  Accessing the records, John learns they indicate he checked in twelve hours ago. Team Flash realize that DeVoe used his shape shifting ability (from Ralph) to change into John Diggle to trick the security scans.  Then, he took Borman in order to use Fallout as a human battery so he can launch his satellites all at once. Which means at this rate, they have twelve hours until The Enlightenment. After Barry has returned John back to A.R.G.U.S, he and Team Flash talk about him stopping DeVoe’s satellites. Unfortunately, with A.R.G.U.S installed electrical plates, The Flash will be fried if he tries. Barry determines that he could go into Flashtime and then escape to DeVoe’s pocket dimension.  That would work except Caitlin is reading six heat signatures, which means DeVoe has six hostages that he has suspended over the plates. The Flash may be able to escape, but those hostages would surely be electrocuted.

At A.R.G.U.S., DeVoe says to one of the hostages “You know the best thing I like about being a teacher?  Having a captive audience.” Her tears falling to the floor cause the electrical plate below her to spark.

Cecile (Danielle Nicolet) assures Joe (Jesse L. Martin) that he doesn’t need to over pack and panic about her going to the hospital and having the baby because they both done this before. Suddenly, Cecile starts acting strangely; not only is she able to read the pizza delivery guy’s thoughts, but she starts talking just like him.

At Star Labs, Iris reasons that they need to find Marlize DeVoe (Kim Engelbrecht) and put her in the pipeline before she resurfaces and causes problems. Iris wants to use the tips from the readers of her blog for information on locating Marlize. But Harry reminds Iris about what The Council of Harrisons said about using emotion and the way DeVoe thinks. Harry says they find Marlize at the place she feels the safest.

Cisco and Caitlin suggest that Barry take them into Flashtime with him. Caitlin tells Barry that when he runs at Flashtime, he creates a Flashtime aura using the Speed Force. Cisco and Caitlin think that while Barry stops DeVoe’s satellites, he (Cisco) and Caitlin can rescue the hostages.  Cisco and Caitlin tell Barry he can teach them how to run in Flashtime. In training, Barry tells Cisco and Caitlin that running in Flashtime is not simply about running, it’s about being relaxed and in control.  Otherwise, they’ll fall flat on their faces at Mach 3. Cisco tries to run in Flash Time but his legs begun frozen and give out on him causing Cisco to fall flat on his butt. Cisco Ramon vows that he’ll get this.

Caitlin examines Cecile. It looks like until Cecile gives birth, her power of reading people’s thoughts have changed into exactly becoming that person. Cecile briefly becomes Caitlin and afterwards tells Dr. Snow that Caitlin is repressing something from her (Caitlin) past.

Harry tries to get inside Marlize’s head.  When he talks about how Marlize and Clifford met and Oxford and fell in love, Iris reminds that DeVoe and Marlize’s relationship isn’t a love story. “She married a psychopath,” Iris says. Harry adds that DeVoe wasn’t always a psychopath; he became one later. Wells thinks that Marlize is still their best bet at stopping DeVoe.

In training, Cisco is able to create a baby breach.  But when Caitlin tries to use the cold gun in Flash Time, she her legs also get frozen.  Then, she has a flashback to when she was a child and little girl Caitlin has a bicycle accident.  Barry doesn’t think that Cisco and Caitlin are the problem, he is. Barry says that he is a liability.

Harry comes to Iris’ apartment to apologize. Iris makes a revelation on where Marlize could be.

Back at the West house, Cecile becomes Joe, but he is able to pull her back out of it.

Barry admits to Cisco that after what happened to Ralph, he (Barry) doesn’t want to be responsible for something happening to him. Barry says that using Flash Time takes more than ten hours of training. Cisco reminds Barry that he (Cisco) was the one who opened Flash Time and created the bus Meta Humans so he is as much responsible for what happened to Ralph as Barry. But Cisco refuses to let this all be for nothing so Barry can go about this alone. “Everyone I tried to teach has ended up worse when I met them,” Barry tells Cisco.  But Ramon disagrees; he believes that Barry taught Ralph how not to sit around but to make a choice when it matters.  Barry taught Ralph how to be a hero.

At The Castle facility where Neil Borman is kept, Vibe, The Flash and Caitlin arrive for operation stop DeVoe’s satellites and rescue the hostages. Cisco and Caitlin are able to save the hostages and Barry shoots down one of the satellites. But DeVoe doesn’t act as though he lost when he confronts Barry, still insisting that human emotion is the downfall of man.

Caitlin tells Cisco about her memory of an accident she had as a child and asks her friend to vibe her past. During the vibe, Caitlin sees Killer Frost as a little girl and realizes that Killer Frost was there before the particle accelerator explosion.

Iris and Harry find Marlize.  Iris reminds Marlize how she once believed in technology and must know that what her husband is doing is wrong, otherwise she’d be with him.  “You once asked me what I’m willing to do for my husband, the question is what are you willing to do for the world?” Iris asks Marlize.

Team Flash realize that DeVoe is using one of Star Labs’ satellites to replace the one Barry destroyed. “Let there be light,” DeVoe says. Caitlin asks Barry “What are we going to do?” “I don’t know,” Barry answers.

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