
The Royals – How Prodigal the Soul

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By: Luke Joseph



Three hundred and eighty-six days. That’s the amount of time that “The Royals” fans had to wait until the series returned. But, for the Henstridge family, the season premiere kicked off right where the finale had ended with England having a new King. Though the people themselves celebrated their newly appointed king, the actual Henstridge family was a whole other story.

Queen Helena (Elizabeth Hurley) proved that even queens lash out at their sons because once behind closed doors she let her eldest son have it. Angry that her son had released Spencer (Jules Knight), her Lord Chamberlain, only for Robert (Max Brown) to reveal that Spencer had been giving a tell-all about his extracurricular activities with the Queen. “Good God I should have seen it. There was a version of me that never would have let that happen,” Helena explains clearly scolding herself. Lucky for her Robert had taken care of it supplying how he can’t comprehend why people only see the worst in him. Gee, Robert, did you conveniently forget burning your sister’s letter to Jasper or the revenge you took upon Liam and Kathryn? Well, to be fair Robert is the way he is because Queen Helena groomed him this way and if we recall her season one days Helena was ruthless, manipulative and even hurt her own family to get to the top.

On the other side of the palace, a shot has just been blasted through Cyrus’s (Jake Maskall) door nearly killing Liam (William Moseley). After some back and forth between the two, Liam finally reveals his reason for the visit to his dear uncle ’s bedroom.  “The King has a secret,” he begins as he shares what Jasper (Tom Austen) had told him in the tunnels back in season three.  It’s quite the secret indeed a big one that includes Robert having millions deposited to Ted Pryce. The same Ted Pryce who murdered King Simon, dun, dun, dun! While Liam wants nothing more than to dethrone Robert, Cyrus seems impressed and somewhat reluctant. “Do you understand how insidious this is? To pay a madman to kill your father, then willingly have your plane shot down, stranding yourself on a deserted island,” Cyrus enlightens his naive nephew. “If he actually did it maybe he deserves to be King.” However, Liam won’t accept it because he knows he has to stop his maniac of a brother which draws him to ask Cyrus to take him under his wing and into the dark side.  Unfortunately, Cyrus doesn’t feel that Liam has it which causes him to dismiss the displeased Prince.

Meanwhile, Princess Eleanor (Alexandra Park) is packed and ready to go. She’s ready to be that girl and leave it all behind, which includes her bickering brothers, the palace and most of all Jasper. “If you turn around he’s there,” Rosie (Sarah Armstrong) shares with Eleanor giving her one last attempt, but it goes ignored as Eleanor latches onto the willpower to put herself in the car.

One Month And Counting

One month seems like a short period of time but when you’re part of the monarchy a lot can happen in that span. For our favorite Princess, she is alive and thriving as she allows herself to see the world for the first time as she continues working on ‘HotelEleanor.” Since Sebastian (Toby Sandeman) is her traveling companion it’s not a shock that the media is making assumptions that the friendship between the two could be more. Thankfully, Eleanor is quick to shoot that down when Sebastian compliments how good they look together. She also shoots down his suggestion that they should spend the day together explaining that she has things to do. The best part though is when Rosie comes into the room and notices the paparazzi picture that Sebastian is admiring only to deliberately spill paint on it and answer with a simple “whoops.”

Back in England, in regards towards the king, when he’s not relishing in the cheers from the people he’s getting his flirt on with Willow (Genevieve Gaunt). Robert has always been known for taking credit even when he’s done nothing for it. So it’s very surprising when he praises Willow for the success of his social media platform. He’s also quick to remind her that he hasn’t forgotten about his list of potential brides and that she’s still at the top of his list.

Liam seeks out Kathryn (Christina Wolfe) to apologize about how his brother behaved towards her. As reprehensible as he was though, Kathryn believes that both she and Liam deserved what they got considering they had kept their relationship a secret from Robert. Liam, she’s absolutely right. Robert gave you chance after chance to fess up. Fans who rewatch season three will see the many times that Robert purposely “fished” for a confession that never happened.  Still, Liam believes that Robert had no right and his annoyance towards his brother is only fueled when Kathryn tells him she’s going to go away for awhile to avoid Robert. If that’s not enough Liam comes down with the condition of “foot in mouth disease” when he encounters Willow who opens up to him about how Robert has her on his list for potential brides. Rather than understanding why she’d be on that list because she’s a catch he releases a sarcastic ‘of course’ believing it’s just another way for Robert to get under his skin. Willow, immediately taking offense to this (rightfully so) and storming out leaving an enraged Liam. It’s that rage coursing inside of him that Cyrus when confronted again finally sees and agrees to take him under his wing. “I recognize something in you I can work with hate” and thus welcoming Liam to the dark side.

Three Months and I’m Still Breathing

It’s more fun on the dark side and when Cyrus is involved it proves to not only be entertaining but exhausting as well. Liam learns that first hand because for the last eight weeks they’ve been going to parties and getting wasted. Already he’s starting to doubt Cyrus, but have faith dear Prince because Cyrus always has a plan. That plan is revealed when Cyrus explains “Operation Seduce,” which basically is Liam getting involved with a waitress whose daddy just happens to be the second banker. “Her head and her bed will lead us to Ted make it happen.”

There’s nothing more annoying than having to wait, but it seems Willow is patient because Robert is finally ready to talk to her and he also comes bearing a gift. After finding out that Willow loves elephants he presents her with a necklace. As touched as she is by the gesture she can’t accept it or be on the list, but what the king wants the king usually gets, especially when that king is Robert. “Would it be completely intolerable if we went for a drink together…after that if you want to walk away and keep things strictly professional we will” he promises her. Eventually, Willow agrees to one drink, to stay on the list and to accept the gift. She then shares with Robert how elephants are extremely selfless to which he quips back, “That is why the lion is the king of the jungle.” Lions do whatever they need to in order to survive and one can’t help but wonder if that is Robert…

Four Months Now I’m Coming Home 

“Operation Seduce” is going according to plan as Liam and his girlfriend of one month Greta (Lily Loveless) attend the opera together. It’s here that Liam is one step closer to finding out the truth when Greta extends an invite to Liam to go away with her for the weekend and meet the parents. Since he seems to be on track with that plan in motion he decides to finally confront Willow and apologize for the last time they spoke. Wow, four months and you’re finally saying sorry? It took him long enough, but he makes up for it “I never meant to imply that you’re not good enough to be on Robert’s list…of course, you are…you’re good enough to be on anyone’s list (why wasn’t she on yours Liam!!!!) he’s not good enough for you.” That’s quite the compliment considering the status that Robert holds. With things finally fixed between them Liam divulges how cruel Robert had been towards Kathryn and suggests she ask the source.

“The thought of coming home to her kept me alive on that island. When I discovered that she replaced me with my brother I became spiteful and jealous not a version of anyone I want to be again.” Surprisingly, Robert opts to tell Willow the truth about how he acted towards Kathryn. Again, anytime fans see a glimpse of ‘goodness’ in Robert it’s because of Willow. Does he genuinely feel something for her? If the way he looks at her isn’t enough then maybe the way he speaks about her is. “It’s a dark world out there Whilimenia and perhaps even darker in here but your goodness is compelling, captivating and so worth protecting.” To be fair how could Willow deny Robert after this? Even though fans are well aware of the monster that Robert can be Willow has yet to see that side. Also, with Liam constantly casting her in the shadows it’s understandable why she’d agree to a date because she wants to be seen and she deserves to be seen.

“I think I used to have a problem with being alone. I don’t anymore I actually enjoy it. There’s a difference you know between being lonely and being alone. Being alone is being solitary and it’s not a terrible thing if you’ve lived your life on display.” As “The Princess” Eleanor’s life has always been on display so it’s easy to understand her valuing the chance to keep to herself and not be bothered. Unfortunately, though it can have its drawbacks and that happens one night when Eleanor pulls something out of her father’s book and decides to walk the streets alone at night. She gets followed and eventually surrounded but thankfully Rosie helps Eleanor and fans breathe a sigh of relief when she defuses the situation and saves Eleanor. Maybe this horrible night is a blessing in disguise because after a heart to heart with Sebastian it’s enough of a push for Eleanor to finally sit down and read the letters that Jasper has been writing to her all these months. That’s right the man who once claimed he’s not a ‘letter writer’ has been writing to Eleanor all this time. With a breathtaking view and a glass of wine, she finds the strength and begins to read. “To give me that again would require a strength that most people don’t have. Lucky for me you’re not most people. I’m not giving up on you Princess and I hope you won’t give on me either.” That was just in one letter so it’s easy to understand that after reading them all she’s choosing to go home. She’s going back to the palace, back to where her heart resides and back to Jasper.

Things get tense in the limo between Robert and Jasper when Robert reveals to Jasper that he’s well aware of the letters that Jasper has been writing to Eleanor. “I asked you to do things to protect me and stay away from my sister,” Robert coldly states but rather than being intimidated by it Jasper simply claps back that he’ll leave his position now. Unfortunately, Robert won’t let Jasper off the hook so easily and he can’t because he’s about to give a speech to the people of South London. It’s a speech that Mr. Hill (Rocky Marshall) advised Robert not to do because the people are angry but because he’s the King he does what he wants which is why Jasper follows. Ironically though, Robert is able to take people who are against him and draw them to be on his side. “I have learned one thing from this world…you fight power with power and I happen to have that power. Let me join you. We will work together…rise up together and come together.” These words instill hope to those who felt hopeless.

The closing scene honestly comes across as a finale because while Eleanor has finally set foot back into the palace, Jasper is advising Robert who is meeting the crowd that they should leave. But the king nods Jasper off and tells him to remain at his side. Taking the stage once more, Jasper and Robert share a look before Robert raises his fist in triumph and then pandemonium strikes when a shot rings out. Back in her bedroom, Eleanor sends Jasper a text message saying that she’s home and can’t wait to see him. While Eleanor lies in bed with a smile on her face, Jasper’s expression shows pain as he lies in his own blood, revealing that he’s been shot. And just like that the scene fades to black.

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