Gaius Charles, Zeljko Ivanek & Mahina Napoleon – The Walking Dead: Dead City
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) Each of your characters provides some more than others an obstacle for each of the main characters for both Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) and Maggie (Lauren Cohan). What can you tease about your characters in that sense, like how are they going against them and what problems do they cause?
Gaius: Yeah, I’d say for me, probably is the clearest one for Negan and I want to bring him to justice or something that I think anybody that’s watched the show really resonates with season seven, Glenn some a lot of the other stuff he’s done. He’s got a long rap sheet. [laughs] And yeah, I think it’s cool that we’re using law in order to try to reestablish this world and that becomes a huge obstacle for Negan and for a lot of people in this world where right and wrong isn’t clear.
Zeljko: I think for my character, The Croat, is being pulled back into a world that he left. I think that’s the last thing he wants to do, unfortunately.
Mahina: I think that Ginny brings out a different point of view for fans and a different side of Negan and Maggie. So, I think Ginny creates like this whole different perspective, because normally fans think that Maggie is the hero and Megan is a villain. But I think that Ginny brings a totally opposite, different perspective.
Q) There have have been so many great villains in “The Walking Dead” universe? What makes The Croat so very dangerous?
Zeljko: I think the first thing that comes to mind is the lack of inhibition. Everyone is in this universe is always pursuing the same thing. Everyone is in pursuit of safety and protection. And they go about it in very, very different ways. Armstrong uses law and order and I use fear and intimidation. But the goal is to create this sort of mythical protected universe because the world is such a fearsome place. You’re looking for your allies and you protect your own. So it becomes about like, how far are you willing to go in pursuit of that? And how much you are willing to divide up the world into us and them. And in The Croat’s world even the us are expendable for the larger goal and that’s a scary point of view on the world.
Gaius: One of the things that I find that makes him so dangerous, so threatening is that he can like see through people’s facade. He can see through people’s vulnerabilities. He can hone in on their vulnerabilities like he eventually does with my character. He keys in on something that probably nobody else would have thought and uses that against me in a way that we’ve see. So, I think somebody who has that kind of like, high level psychological manipulation is very dangerous.
Mahina: My character doesn’t interact with The Croat that much, but from my point of view, I think that what makes The Croat a big, big part in the story is like how he has a really, really big history with Negan and how that can play a part in all of our all of our stories with him.
Q) The entire series start to finish is a thrill ride, edge of your seat watch episode after episode is just captivating. Do each of you have a favorite episode you filmed or maybe one you’d like fans to truly keep an eye out for?
Zeljko: I don’t know if it is episode three or four when we’re in Madison Square Garden and the gladiator combat scene because of that whole day was creating this bond and creating this energy in that space and then just sort of feeding into that gladiatorial combat that I’ve got poor Armstrong into. So, just that energy of that space I think is one of my favorites.
Gaius: That was actually my favorite episode – filming it – because it was so physical. You know, lots of stunts. It just felt like grand, the scale of it, the scope of it, the stakes of it.
Mahina: I like all of them, because I’m a fan of the original series. So, even being able to be on set with everyone is such a privilege. So, I can’t choose. They’re all amazing.
Q) I wondering what it’s been like joining this universe? What do you think is so compelling about it?
Zeljko: It’s crazy all of the fans already because we had the premiere screening last night. The space was amazing and I have not been a part of anything that had that kind of fan base going into – joining after so many years of success. That was an incredible thing and it’s also a few things that have nothing to do where you’re just creating an alternate world. It’s the storytelling. It’s the physical world infinity. Every aspect of the show is this complete, alternate universe that we’re living in, which was interesting to be doing during COVID time. It suddenly seems not so far off, so far fetched. So, that’s been one of the thrills for me is is just entering into a whole other world.
Gaius: Yeah, for me, I would say the show being everything that people know and love about “The Walking Dead,” in terms of walkers. But then us with this new layer, new characters like a whole law and order, the Marshal character and the whole community that I’m from. I remember talking to the show runner Eli [Jorne] about it, and some other folks. They were just like, we really haven’t seen this perspective in the show before. We haven’t seen this kind of character and these kind of characters in the show, which I thought kind of added something new and interesting.
Mahina: Like Zeljko said, the event last night – that was really crazy to see how many people are like extremely interested in everything. And it was really cool to be a part of that and explore life and how they brought this whole new world of dead and the living trying to survive. That was a really really, really cool experience.
Q) So since you guys are all new to “The Walking Dead” universe and portraying new characters, give us like one trade that you really like about your character to kind of familiarize us with your character?
Zeljko: With The Croat it’s a sense of humor. It’s the level of gravitas and so democratic. But I think it’s so much a part of the character. So much part of what he learned from Negan is just showmanship and playing the role and in being a leader and pulling people together. And I think it kind of just adds layers to it that he’s not just the big bad dictatorial guy. But there’s an element that he relishes and very publically relishes in his positionand how he controls and manipulates people.
Gaius: I like Armstrong’s kind of family man side. He is a guy who has a wife and kids, but you also see that in a scene early on with the Junior Marshal whre you see me kind of like mentoring, another Marshal that you see this guy beyond just a tough guy law and order but he’s like a guy with a heart too.
Mahina: I like Ginny’s attitude, because since my character doesn’t have much dialogue, it helps me portray my character even better, even easier. Because if I’m working with Lauren or Jeffrey or Gaius that can really help me use my words.
Q) So you’ve each interacted with the walkers. What was that experience like for you? I mean, were you grossed out was it just really cool?
Zeljko: Through the makeup we get to see how it’s built up and it is an astonishing level of artistry and creativity that goes into that physical look of it and that physical behavior. They could write a manual on what the walkers are like and how they behave. To see something like Addison [Foreman] who did my makeup, who I think has been there pretty much from the beginning – I think should give a masterclass on “How to be a Walker Lessons 1-10.” So, it’s been fun seeing that kind of whole backstage perspective.
Mahina: Think it’s really cool because as a fan, like I said, I like to see how everything works and the makeup was really cool. But it’s also really funny because once we’re done shooting a scene, they all go to being on phone calls, eating, drinking – everything. You’re like, “Wait! There are just actual people – they’re not walkers.” It’s really, really trippy.
Zeljko: We were shooting in New Jersey and I just walked into the train station in this vast, vast space and everyone was on break and it’s like all these walkers up against the wall and chatting. It was like watching a bunch of commuters waiting for the ferry.
Gaius: Oh yeah. I would just say my first walker kill – like my initiation – is when we’re in the laundromat and I’m hunting Maggie and Negan. And I was impressed at like, Okay, we know that the performance of the walkers is outstanding. The walkers are sort of getting into the whole characterization of it. But the walker that I killed had to have like a plastic bag on his head. He had like all this other stuff. He had all the walkers stuff, the makeup, the performance, but then he had to figure out you know how to do it all with a without breathing. Just the curveballs they throw at these performers and seeing how they execute them so well is really great to watch.
Q) So I think Gaius mentioned that Negan has a long rap sheet, but each of your characters including Armstrong, during the series, develops a kind of fascination with Negan despite all the bad things he’s done. What do you think draws so many people to the character of Negan?
Gaius: Well,it was really cool to see the fans enjoy the first two episodes at the premiere last night, and I was really listening for how they respond to everything, but just their reaction to Negan. Like, I mean, comic like laughs like, hearty laughat these comedic moments or terrorizing moments or just really being gripped by just the amount of like madness and fear Negan inspires as well. Just like it’s a really, really dynamic character. And it’s a character that really that everyone in the world is deeply influenced.
Zeljko: Just that showmanship and charisma just pulls you in so much where the Croat I think is Lesson One in how to be a leader is to have that kind of influence over people and what it takes to be that and put on a show because he does it very clearly and very deliberately and very much for a purpose. And that’s clearly made a big impact on fans and everybody watching the show.
Mahina: The way Negan makes things funny but out of a really, really gruesome scene…I think it was in the second episode he smashes a guy’s head into glass and like everyone was dying.
Q) This is such a big series. How will you guys be celebrating the premiere? Are you gonna be participating in a big event?
Zeljko: I’m gonna be in London having dinner with my best friend from drama school and her husband. So, it’ll be a little weird. Things will kind of happen without me for a little bit and then I’m actually going on t the old country out in Slovenia, Croatia where I was born. So, I’m curious what I will come back to weeks later and see what the show is and how it was received. We had a really nice premiere last night and so much of the cast is together but next week I’ll just have to wait until I get home.
Gaius: Yeah, I think I may watch some of it but honestly, I’m just glad I can finally post some of the pictures and videos that I’ve been saving for months and months that we’ve been having that we’ve had on set behind the scenes stuff that you know, we have to kind of keep under wraps until everyone see this.
Mahina: I did this with right up there show “NCIS: Hawaii” but I might do a little premiere when the show does come out with my family and celebrate.
Q) I was just wondering about being part of something that is such huge entertainment but also asks really good questions about like our humanity. And also do you think that people that survive in this world the longest lose their humanity?
Mahina: I think definitely if that person has a lot of family members that they have lost in this apocalyptic road that would definitely destroy them and their humanity that would make them like I’m gonna say lose it because my family is really important to most people. And I think if someone were to lose everyone and be alone in this world without anyone and trying to survive by themselves, I think that’d be really, really tough for anyone.
Gaius: I think it’s strange that it actually probably cuts both ways. Right? So, I think they’re certainly lose their humanity in crisis and trauma, and then certain people who find it more deeply. And I think my character is one who maybe finds he his humanity through the trauma and crisis.
Zeljko: I think this is a central question of the show basically is how to live this world and in this world with your humanity intact and what is the goal? Is the goal just surviving or surviving with your humanity intact? And people have very, very different approaches to it. And also people think one thing of themselves and what they are capable and then events intervene and they play out and they learn different things about themselves. So that has always been one of the strengths of this show is the extent to which it’s a real character story, and you’re always trying to figure out on a human level coping with this world and how are they surviving.
Q) So there’s a lot of early reviews out about this series and several have stated that that density is the best spin off in “The Walking Dead” universe so far. So, that’s high praise indeed.I wonder how that makes you feel coming in this universe? There’s a lot of spin offs, a lot of hype for a lot of them. How does that make you feel being a part of something that’s getting such high accolades in this fandom?
Gauis: That’s an honor!
Mahina: That’s amazing!
Zeljko: That’s the first I’m hearing of it. But it was really nice to hear. You want to satisfy the people who have committed themselves to this show and feel so deeply and strong about it. At the same time, so we really nice that you’re honoring both and making room for people we’re not gonna get.
Q) If there was really a zombie apocalypse, how do you think you would do and what character from any of the universe any of the shows would you take with you to help you?
Mahina: I would take Daryl (Norman Reedus)with me.
Zeljko: He would have found a balance early on in the Sector with guns and there were all these core scenes at the same. He had the skill set that this world required that is beyond my own. So, I’d be right behind him.
Mahina: I think if I had the correct tools and the correct place to stay, and Daryl or Michonne (Danai Gurira) because Michonne is pretty cool too! If I had either one of them with me too, I think Oh, yeah. 100% I would definitely survive as long as I I could.
Gaius: I can’t leave my man Rick (Andrew Lincoln) hanging out there! My man Rick does his thing! So, either of those three for me.
Q) I have spoken to other members of “The Walking Dead cast” and they told me that the first time they met Jeffrey Dean Morgan or Lauren it was quite an imposing task because they were overwhelmed as fans of the series. What was your first time meeting Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Lauren Cohan like?
Gaius: I think the first time I met them was on set like when we’re about to film and like they got into the van to like drive up to set and they were just so generous, so down to earth, so welcoming and warm. Yeah, I was just I was just grateful for their warm heartedness and being welcomed by them to the show.
Mahina: First time I met Jeffrey ever was first day of a seven day shooting. It was second seen the first episode and they were just really welcoming and they really really, really kind to me. They helped me with the scene because I was a little nervous because, like I said, I am a fan of the show. So, I know them and I was kind of fangirling over them but yeah, I got over it – maybe. A little bit.
Zeljko: As Gaius said I met them on set as well. I remember at one point we were between takes for something and seeing them in chairs talking – that familiarity they had and how much history they have. And I want that to be me because there was so comfortable in this world and they’re both executive producers on the show and they are number one and number two on the call sheet so they set the tone for everybody. From the get go that was welcomed and encouraged and there was this giddiness to see where this venture takes us.
Q) Many of the women from “The Walking Dead” appreciate the fact that there’s minimal makeup, a little time in the hair chair because they end up caked in blood or guts. Their end of the day ritual is just getting that off rather than hair and makeup. What was your experience like? Do you appreciate the shorter time in the chair?
Mahina: I’ve definitely had a shorter time to makeup but hair…I had lighter hair and normally in “The Walking Dead” world you don’t have highlights. You don’t go to a salon. You don’t get your hair done. So every day they had to put temporary dye in my hair and a lot of conditioner to make it look greasy. So, I sat in that chair for a little bit and had a pancho on sometimes because my hair was a little wet from the dy and conditioner so that was a little interesting because every night went home I had a little brown in the shower from my hair. But, yeah, it was it was definitely interesting process.
Zeljko: I think Addison guy down to like an hour and seven minutes. I’m hoping by the time we go back – if we go back there – that we’ll get it to fifty-nine minutes. At the start of the day you just sort of very quietly enter into this world, sit back and let somebody else show off their skill set.
Mahai: Also the process helps helps me get into my character tomorrow because it makes me realize like, Hey, I’m actually getting into this apocalyptic world. This is happening, especially on the first day of work I was like, “Wow, this is crazy. Like I’m actually here right now.”
Gaius: I think for me it wasn’t so much makeup or hair stuff, although I did have to like carry that scar from when Armstrong gets into that fight with Maggie. Like you’re tracking a scar and it’s like, oh, it’s just day one, day two or day three of the episodes. That’s like, six weeks. Like yeah, I mean, it’s gone. But for me, it was like being in the same costume like the same wardrobe for almost the entire first season and covered in blood for most of my time, which is sitting on set or filming which is like some zombies but walkers. Sometimes that can be a challenge and so the first time when I got to go back to New Babylon and change my clothes, or like clean clothes, I was so happy. I was like, “Finally!”
Q) Personally, are you Team Maggie or Team Negan?
Gaius: It’s hard not to be at least somewhat both, you know? For me, like as a fan of the show, when I went back and started watching the show, like Team Maggie! Like Maggie and Glenn, come on?! Then all of a sudden Negan comes start terrorrizing my people.So, I guess half and half.
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