Movie Reviews

Thor: Ragnarok

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By: Jamie Steinberg


Chris Hemsworth may not be the poster boy for comedy relief in a Marvel movie, but then again he was cast as the hilariously clueless cutie receptionist in Ghostbusters. Thus, in my opinion, he shines in this latest incarnation of the Thor films – Thor: Ragnarok.

Half of the film showcases Hemsworth in full badass Viking mode as he battles arm and arm for the future of Asgard with brother Loki (Tom Hiddleston) against long lost sister Hela (Cate Blanchett). You will be blown away how she transforms into a demonic stag-beast while fighting. The other portion of the movie has our hammer holding hero trapped on planet Sakaar where he must go head-to-head against their reigning gladiator – a/k/a The Hulk (Mark Ruffalo).

Meanwhile, standouts come in the form of the multitude of cameos that occur throughout the film. As mentioned, The Hulk appears. Also, we meet Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson) who is an alcoholic bounty hunter enlisted to help in the Hela fight. You will dig her wisecracking quips. On Team Hela, there is Skurge (Karl Urban) who survives her attempt to destroy Asgard only to unite with her and take on the Marvel heroes. As the man who plays the latest incarnation of Bones in the “Star Trek” films and is known for his TV action roles (“Being Human”), I just wish he had more than the occasional reaction shot.

To its credit, the film does have a sharp script that is peppered with colorful visuals and comedic moments that will surely give you a good chuckle. The costumes and special effects though are what stand out the most. Check out Hela’s head piece. Also, what they can create with a green screen these days is sure to leave you impressed!

If you’re looking for a marvelously made movie, I’d still recommend checking out Thor: Rangarok will definitely fit the bill. Then, stick around for the bonus extras that are a blast! You’ll get a good giggle out of the Gag Reel and the Exclusive Short – Team Darryl (he runs an ad for a new roommate). You also get a greater look into the roles of Hela, Valkyrie and Thor. Make sure you also sneak a peek at the Deleted Scenes and Director’s Commentary.

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