Top 3 Moments – 6/23 – 6/28
By: Malasha Parker
Each week I’ll be picking the best drama, comedy or reality TV and sci-fi/fantasy moments from the shows of the prior week. They may sometimes be equipped with some of your favorite ships or tear-jerking moments, so keep reading if you are still not over what happened on your favorite TV show this week!
Drama: Euphoria, “Stuntin’ Like My Daddy” – Rue’s pain.
When Rue (Zendaya) is asked to go on stage to tell the class about a life changing moment, it triggers memories of some of the harder times she went through with her drug addiction. There’s a moment during all of the memories as a song plays that is so disturbing to watch. When Rue’s mom (Nika King) accuses her of using drugs in her home, Rue freaks out and breaks a picture frame causing glass to shatter everywhere. She picks up one of the broken pieces and threatens her mom with it. Watching that moment, while also seeing how easily she could bring a smile to her mom and sister’s faces by just singing a song with them in the car, was all around such a phenomenal sequence. If you weren’t already convinced from the first episode that this series was showing how amazing Zendaya’s acting has grown and transformed, then this moment was it. She truly embodies this character and the way she is bringing life to this character’s story is remarkable. I haven’t stopped thinking about that scene for a week now. That was only the second episode of the season so I’m sure there will be so much more to blow my mind away in the future.
Comedy/Reality TV: Black Ink Crew: Chicago, “From Chi-ami to Sky-ami” – Charmaine makes a life-changing decision.
After Charmaine’s reconciliation with Lily is quickly ruined, Charmaine makes the decision to leave 9 Mag. Her leaving the crew is significant because, even though she isn’t a tattoo artist, she’s been an important part of the 9 Mag family. It’s sad to see her go while still having issues with some of the 9 Mag crew, but at least she’s able to see when she’s in a toxic situation that she needs to get out of it. I don’t think this is the last we’ll ever see of her at all. I think she just needs some time away to explore her own endeavors and then she’ll be able to come back and visit her 9 Mag family.
Sci-fi/Fantasy: Krypton, “Will to Power” – Lobo and Adam.
The performance from of Emmett J. Scanlan as Lobo was great comedic relief from some of the more serious moments of the show. As Adam (Shaun Sipos) is protecting Seg (Cameron Cuffe), Lobo comes in to strike them. He almost gets them, but a barrier cuts off his arm. He manages to get his head to grow from that arm by shooting it off from outside the barrier. The whole sequence was bizarre and hilarious, especially mixed in with the dialogue between Adam and Lobo. His character is interesting and his calm demeanor, but great banter adds so much to each of his scenes. Sipos and Scanlan play well off of each other and the direction given to them also adds to how well this scene turned out.
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