
Valenzia Algarin – Black Jesus

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By: Lisa Steinberg


Q) What are the recent projects that you are working on?

A) Right now, I’m doing some animation and I’m doing a movie called House of Angels. It’s a film based on a man who murdered women who he felt aren’t doing the right things in life to make them angels. This actually happened some time ago, which is pretty crazy. I’m writing my book Moving Through Your Storm as well and there are a few shows that are up in the air right now. Also, my movie The Sparrows: Nesting is going to be released soon. We just won “Best Actress” award for that. It’s been winning awards across country such as “Best Director,” “Best Sound and “Best Picture.” I also have a foundation that I started called It All Starts With A Dream that I began as a platform to help youth interested in acting to help follow their dreams and goals. I want them to realize their purpose in life and their importance as well.

Q) Where do we pick up this season on “Black Jesus” and with your character Diane?

A) She is getting a little crazier. She is attacking people and coming out of her mouth too much (more than last season). Last season she was a little bit more strict, a little bit more detective and more poised. This season she is like a loose cannon. Aaron McGruder, who is the creator and writer of the show, in collaboration with other amazing writers Meghann Collins, Eric Robert Wise, Slink Johnson and Mike Clattenburg, the director. They took Diane all the way and just now gave her something to think about. I think she wonders, “Is he Jesus? Is he not?” You’re going to see her wondering that throughout the season. She’s also looking to try to move on from Jason (Antwon Tanner) and for some reason she is stuck there. I don’t know yet if it is love or if it is (as Jesus said) God wanting us to keep us together. You’re going to see her different colors. There is going to be some dancing and maybe a little bit of drinking. I can’t give too much away, but you will see her open up a lot more.

Q) Was there anything you added to your role that wasn’t originally scripted for you?

A) What the beauty is about being on set with this cast is that the director allows us to play. He really wants us to bring to this character whatever it is we envision. It is a scripted show, but we are playing with a bunch of comedians here so we do go off the cuff a lot. A lot! There are blooper reels that will be coming out soon and you’ll notice what I’m talking about. We go off the script tremendously and sometimes when they yell, “Cut,” we all just fall out because it is so funny. It’s a whole other world on set with this amazing cast. We just go and play, like kids.

Q) The cast is almost like a lesson in comedy. What are you learning from working alongside these amazingly funny people?

A) I came from the dramatic side of the world. I was on “True Blood” and all these shows that were drama based. So, I’ve always been somewhat comedic just with friends and family. When I got the opportunity to do comedy it was like a dream come true. It was something I was afraid of, but instead of running from it I was running towards it. Now, I’m with such seasoned comedians like John Witherspoon…I was part of the pilot for “Black Jesus,” which filmed three years ago, but a year before that I had met John at the Beverly Hills Hotel. We sat and talked together for a bit and I told him that I would love to work with him because he was such an inspiration and I loved watching his work. He just put it out there and said to me, “I’m sure we will.” Then, a year to the day, I walked into the table read and there he was. Unbelievable! So, he has been an incredible mentor on the comedic side and I’m just learning every day from all of these amazing comedians on set.

Q) What is it like for you to be a part of social media, interacting with fans and getting fan feedback?

A) It’s crazy! It’s like people walking right into your life. It’s been great. It is a very controversial show so you get different responses. What is fun about this one is you learn how to deal with all of that and you end up building some really great fans who become like your family, at least for me. I’m excited every time I hear from them. With this show, we make Jesus cool and so on social media we opened up a huge dialogue a bout Jesus. People are going in and sharing scriptures – from young to old and different nationalities. It’s opened up an amazing dialogue and it’s great to hear what people are thinking about the show, your character and the topic. It’s been nothing but love now with Season 2 because we have converted so many people. We’re just thankful and I’m thankful for all of them. When I was a kid, I wish I could have connected with people I looked up to on my favorite shows the way they do now. It’s just changed so much in like the last three years.

Q) You teased a little bit about what we will see for Diane, but what are some of your favorite moments or ones you are anxious for fans to see?

A) Episode 10! Exactly what I was saying about the different colors of Detective Diane…You are just not going to recognize her in Episode 10. I’m a little nervous about how it is going to look! I’m excited, but at the same time I’m a little nervous. You can’t have any inhibitions being on a comedic and satirical show. It’s a fast paced comedy where we are making fun of people, making fun of ourselves and looking crazy. The crazier we look the funnier it is and we did it for the fans. Episode 10 is a little nerve wracking, but I’m excited for fans to see it as well.

Q) Is there anything else you want us to be sure we share with fans and about this season of “Black Jesus?”

A) With the season, we just really want to thank the fans for sticking by us, supporting us and loving us. We just really want to say follow your dreams. A lot of people always feel like they can’t reach their goals or their dreams are untouchable. So, I just want to say stay true to yourself and don’t seek validation because you are enough. You were born with a purpose. Keep experiencing life and know that anything and everything is possible because you deserve it. Don’t ever get to a point where you ask yourself “what if.” Dream and dream bigger. We are perfect examples of that and I just thank the fans so much. People wanted to see us fail, but we are succeeding because of you guys. So, thank you.

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