
You’re The Worst – The Pin in My Grenade

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By: Maddie Ruby



Jimmy (Chris Geere), Gretchen (Aya Cash), Lindsay (Kether Donohue) and Edgar (Desmin Borges) are sitting at Jimmy’s kitchen table for breakfast. Lindsay and Edgar are trying to plan Jimmy and Gretchen’s wedding, maybe a combination with Lindsay’s birthday she suggests. When Jimmy and Gretchen interrupt and say they are not having a wedding. Edgar and Lindsay obviously freak about this, saying they can’t break up again, but Gretchen assures them that they’re still getting married…just no wedding. They’re eloping. Tomorrow.

Jimmy has meetings for the adaptation of his book into a film. Gretchen shows up to work and snags a new office with a bathroom. It turns out the guy she took the office from really was a harasser and all the girls from the office look up to Gretchen now for “Me-Tooing” him. Lindsay comes by to tell Gretchen she is going to regret having a wedding because it is all down hill afterwards. Jimmy goes to the meeting for the film for his book where they tell him he is not writing it. They assure him they’ll take to his ideas, but then abruptly leave the meeting. Clearly, they don’t really want Jimmy to have much to do with this. We then go to Edgar and Lindsay, angrily having sex ranting about how if Jimmy and Gretchen are not having a wedding what else are they going unincluded them from? Edgar then states he will convince Jimmy to have a wedding.  Lindsay says he can’t because he’s the dumb one of the group to which he ironically says she is the dumb one. She says she is the hot one and they keep having sex.

Back in Gretchen’s office, she is having second doubts about eloping and Facetimes her therapist (Samira Wiley). She tells her she was ready to elope until her brother sent her a “dream wedding” book she made as a kid. She decides to try on the wedding dress Lindsay stole from her work for her to decide. As they’re hanging up, her therapist wishes her luck with Bo… a.k.a. Gretchen’s ex. When Gretchen say’s it’s Jimmy, her therapist freaks and tells her not to marry him…just as Gretchen is shutting her laptop and ending the Facetime call.

It is getting close to the time Jimmy and Gretchen are supposed to elope. Jimmy is being distracted by Edgar at a bar by telling a long story about what his dream wedding would be like.  Gretchen is trying on the dress in the bathroom attached to her new office. She is using the bidet to pleasure herself and passes out on it. They both awaken and realize they have missed their court time to elope. Jimmy doesn’t want Gretchen to think he abandoned her once again. Gretchen is terrified thinking she forgot about it. She makes Lindsay hit her and they fake a car crash in Lindsay’s car. Jimmy and Gretchen both end up admitting to each other they missed it and they watch Gretchen’s “dream wedding” video from when she was a kid. They end the episode picking out a date, June 9th – a.k.a. 6/9.

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