Zahn McClarnon – Westworld
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) What are the recent projects that you are working on?
A) I wrapped Season Two of “The Son” on AMC with Pierce Brosnan. I wrapped in March and then I went straight up to “Queen of the South” for their third season. I’m a reoccurring character there and I’m still working on that.
Q) How was your character, Akecheta, on “Westworld” originally described to you?
A) It was pretty vague. They don’t give you a lot to script wise because they are writing the script as you’re shooting it. So, I only got sides for my character – just individual scenes that were sent to me. On set I’d have a conversation with Jonah or Lisa and they would try to explain what the character was doing at that moment and what was going on – trying to fill me in on the backstory.
Q) Was there anything you added to the role that wasn’t originally scripted for you?
A) Well, what I added to the character and they would make adjustments and so forth to try to help me understand the backstory of the character and what was going on. He’s a Ghost Nation character. It’s really hard to tell you who Akecheta is because, like other characters on the show, he’s had multiple personalities. Without giving away anything, it’s hard to say where the character falls into the storyline. Let’s just say there are three different storylines going on with the character.
Q) What did you find challenging about your portrayal?
A) Yeah. I didn’t see any scripts so it’s very difficult to understand what they are trying to explain to me and be able to get it within a few hours or whatever. So, you kind of just show up and the dialogue and writing are so awesome that you hit your mark and try to be as honest as possible.
Q) What made you want to be a part of the series?
A) The show, I think, probably one for the best written TV shows on right now. Jonah and Lisa are incredible creators, showrunners and writers. Obviously, being a part of a cast that has some of my favorite actors in the world (Jeffrey Wright, Bill Harris, Sir Anthony Hopkins and Thandie Newton). My friend Clifton Collins Jr. is on the series. I’ve known him for years. I saw the first season and it was one of the most incredible shows I’ve ever seen. So, I was honored to be a part of something like that and honored that they cast me as Akecheta.
Q) Was there anyone you were looking forward to having a scene with on the show?
A) Of course, those actors. Ed Harris has always been one of my favorite actors from State of Grace. I’ve just been watching him since I was a young man. Of course, Sir Anthony Hopkins has always been one of my favorites. One of the first movies I saw him in was The Remains of the Day and it just blew me away. He’s just been one of my favorites. Jeffrey Wright – I think I first saw him in Basquiat (the New York Puerto Rican artist). These are just the top actors around and to be a part of the process and be able to stand in front of them… And I’m not saying I did scenes with these actors. I was hoping to work with those actors. It was very fulfilling, and it was a dream come true to be around actors of that quality, status and talent.
Q) What were some of your most memorable moments from filming “Westworld?”
A) Just being around people that have that much heart and that much passion for what they are doing. The professionalism. The quality of production. It’s a little bit different than most television that I’ve been involved in. What’s the HBO saying? “It’s not television. It’s HBO.” So, just being around people with that kind of heart and passion – filmmakers and actors. Even the production value was pretty extensive for a television show. I heard it was around $12 million an episode. It’s like shooting mini movies. They do such a good job on it that I’m just honored to be a part of something that reaches my standards of television. I’m kind of picky about what I watch. HBO’s “Westworld” is definitely a program I enjoy watching.
Q) You are a part of social media. Are you enjoying the instant fan feedback you receive to episodes?
A) Yeah, I am. I’m amazed that fans of the show just take the time to say thank you and that they have admired something I’ve done. I respect that quite a bit and I try to always say thank you in some way to everybody who reaches out to me on social media. I always try to return something personalized to say thank you – even with an Emoji. They take the time to reach out to me and it takes a few seconds to reply. Sometimes it gets a little overwhelming, but I try to keep up on that.
Q) What do you think it is that has made “Westworld” such a fan favorite series?
A) Like I said before, the quality of the tv making and the production and the writing is just top notch. I think people get tired of the same old storylines and clichés. I think this is a very unique and well done well shot television show. I think people like to think about what these creators are trying to say and answer philosophical and ethical questions. I think it just makes the viewers think quite a bit. I think viewers are smart and they want to see smart television and things that make them contemplate different philosophical ideas.
Q) You are a big proponent for Native American actors. What is it that you believe Hollywood still has to learn or accept about this heritage?
A) I think that Hollywood has come quite a long way with Native Americans and storylines on different shows. I think there is still quite a bit that we need to go further with. Mainly it is just people understanding that all ethnicities have stories and NA have stories that are worth telling. I think there should be a little bit more risks taking on NA storylines. I think that there is a big audience out there for these storyline sand people like to see them. I don’t think we’ve come as far as most other ethnicities have, but it’s getting better. I know for a fact the productions that I work with who feature Native American characters a lot has changed. These writers and producers are actually coming to us and asking questions about our cultures. On “Queen of the South” a friend of mine is one of the writers and producers on the show. While I was shooting “Westworld” he asked if I would come into the writers’ room since they were writing a Native American storyline on the show. So, they are bringing us in and making sure that they are getting things right. They are bringing culture advisors on the set and not winging it or making it the same stereotypical storylines that they have in the past. I think mainly it is just we have more stories to tell and I think more risks should be taken on these characters and storylines. Do more! More, more, more!
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and the work you do?
A) It just amazes when I get tweets or messages. I’m very grateful and feel very fortunate at this time in my life to be working as an actor. It’s good to be a Native American actor. I’m an actor foremost and I just want to say thank you for the support because it does mean a lot to me. It really, really does. It amazes me sometimes and thank you for the support. Just thank you.
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