
Jake Stormoen – The Outpost

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By: Jamie Steinberg



Q) Where do we pick up in the new season of “The Outpost,” especially with Garret?

A) As we’ve seen from even the first few episodes this season, we pick up almost right where the previous season left off: Gwynn’s sacrifice to bring peace to the Realm took its toll on everyone—especially Garret. That peace is short-lived; however, and people are scrambling to find the best way to regain a little purchase and keep things together. That said, I think Garret is the least inclined to do this. He’s really reached the end of his rope, in my opinion…Time and again he has had tragedy strike, and just when he begins to find a purpose once more, the floor falls out beneath him. We’ll have to wait and see if his current desire to go straight for the throat of The Three will benefit The Outpost or not.

Q) Given some of the pictures that have been released, what is it going to be like for Garret adapting to a new role within the outpost?

A) That’s a good question. I think the role of Gate Marshal gives Garret a sense of direction again. I think he knows the title is superfluous and purely in Falista’s (Georgia May Foote) interest, but I think he welcomes the opportunity to take it and use it to his agenda. Personally, I just loved wearing that jacket—all 98230472 pounds of it!

Q) Going into this new season, was there someone(s) you were hoping to share more scenes with?

A) Honestly, that’s a tough one. Since Season 2, Garret seems to have moved on the chess board to stir the pot and control the rudder rather than helm the ship, so the result is that he’s sort of present in many scenes but hasn’t had as many one-on-one scenes with the various characters. I don’t think it’s a secret that our cast gets along remarkably well; we’re truly one big family. So, any time I do get to really focus on one of the other actors in a scene, it’s a gift. I love them all so much, and we all have so much fun. We’re very lucky. That said…I will always miss having Andrew Howard around as Wythers (which is also not a secret)!

Q) This season is bound to be as intense as ever! What were some of your favorite episodes that stand out to you?

A) [laughs] For the first time, it’s honestly all a bit of a blur. We went straight from one group of thirteen episodes into the next, during COVID and on the other side of the world…So, admittedly I forget where one episode ends and the next begins. The story itself is clear in my head, but it feels like one big episode to me! There are of course story beats that I can’t wait for people to see and react to…but if I had to choose, I’d say some of the mid-season episodes are really fun, and I’m excited about the episode leading to the finale ones (so I guess episode 11?).

Q) The stunt work is amazing on this series. How much of your own stunts do you take part in?

A) I do all my own stunts. The climbing, riding, sword fighting, jumping, etc. is all me. The only time they have a double do my stunts is if there’s a big fall, or some sort of breakaway…anything (wall, furniture, etc.). But 99% of the time it’s me…and I love it.

Q) While filming in Serbia, how did you shake off a long day of shooting?

A) I took COVID very seriously this past year, so I literally didn’t go anywhere except set or my apartment…which was tough. No gym, no restaurants, nothing. It was a bit of a self-imposed house arrest, I guess. Normally, I like to unwind with a hike or a good gym session, but that was tough these past two seasons.

Q) What have you personally taken away from your time working on “The Outpost?”

A) “The Outpost” has been a literal dream. I’ve wanted nothing more (and still want nothing more) than to live in a medieval fantasy world since I was a child. To have done that—in large part in Europe, no less—and to have made the incredible friends I have along the way is something that will define a hallmark chapter of my life forever. It certainly hasn’t all been a walk in the park…but at the end of the day I could not be more grateful, and I hope we come back for another season of adventure.

Q) We love watching your Twitch streams. How far in advance do you plan out what you’ll share?

A) Well, thank you! Twitch has been a lot of fun and something that has given me some direction and kept me busy while on hiatus. The response has been unbelievable; its already far exceeded my expectations. Admittedly, I don’t plan anything in advance…It’s a very impromptu experience, which I think is what makes it fun. Fans of the games I play or the work I’ve done all come together and I try very hard to engage in Twitch chat constantly throughout, not just sit there and game. Sometimes it becomes a Q&A, sometimes we geek out together stumbling across characters I’ve voiced in Elder Scrolls Online, sometimes we quote fantasy movies…There are even a number of inside jokes that seem to arise during most streams now. It’s really become a remarkable, kind community and I’m so glad people are enjoying it!

Q) Have there been some games/topics you’ve not done you’d like to revisit or that you’re excited to stream in the future?

A) Right now, I’ve settled on dividing my time between Elder Scrolls Online (as a longtime player of the game, and now voice actor within it) and Sea of Thieves for a very different experience. I’m 100% open to any and all that people would like to see! I try first and foremost to make sure my streams are fun and entertaining, so I’m open to whatever the future holds for it!

Q) What would you like to say to everyone who are fans and supporters of you and your work?

A) I mean…I wouldn’t be here without them. Period. And the fact that a large body of my work has been in genres I, myself, am a fan of…there’s nothing better to me than having people with similar interests genuinely love the work I do. It’s a gift, and it’s not lost on me. I hope they continue to be entertained and know that I will do all that I can to continue being the one to entertain them.

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