
ALAENA – Unguilty Pleasures

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By: Jenny Vintzileos



Q) You have your debut EP Unguilty Pleasures coming out, with a new song being released every month or so. What was the inspiration behind writing this album?


A) Unguilty Pleasures has actually changed so many times. It wasn’t until I started producing my own music where I felt like I knew what I wanted the EP to sound like. It’s still being curated but, man, it’s gonna be good. I am pulling inspiration from many different aspects of my life. I want to speak to a volume of listeners, not just one. I can’t wait!


Q) Walk me through your creative process of writing “I Wanna.”


A) I wrote this song a year ago with one of the producers who developed me. We really were on a big 90’s Britney [Spears] kick (I still am) and it kinda just naturally flowed. The harmonies, the melodies…We were fully embracing that 90s Brit. [laughs]


Q) Some of your other music has that grungier feel, while your newest single “I Wanna” seems to have more of a pop sound. What made you make the move more into the pop genre with this particular song?


A) This song is a little older, but I had been releasing a lot of darker music with darker topics and I recently went through some changes in my life to try and better my mental health. For me it seemed like the best idea to release something that was true to how I felt at this moment… on the path to feeling alive again.  Grunge and aggressive vocals are a huge part of my sound, but with “I Wanna” it is toned down just a hair.


Q) Autumn Mitlo designed the cover art for your single “I Wanna” and I absolutely love it! How did you end up working with her to design the cover?


A) Autumn Mitlo is actually my best friend! We grew up together and have always connected artistically. I am so honored that she did this for me. It’s. damn. AMAZING.


Q)  If you could pick one, what song on Unguilty Pleasures do you consider the most personal to you?


A) There is a song called “Pray 4 U” and this song really digs deep into my soul and how I was breaking free from someone I was hurt and abused mentally by.


Q)  When you decided to go solo, you started to write and learn how to produce your own music independently. What do you feel is a benefit of getting to not only create but produce your own sound?


A) Oh my lord, this has literally FLIPPED the way I look at my music.  Having my hands all in is exactly what I needed to do to push to the next level. I’m so happy that I had the chance to do that. Now, I have people wanting to work and collaborate with me because they like what I have created. I can feel confident going into sessions knowing that they will like what I can provide.


Q) You also had the chance to learn the ins and outs of producing music with guidance from Grammy-winning producer Khris Lorenz. What has been the best advice that he gave you so far?


A) Yes, Khris is great! We always had this motto to just f*ck what everyone is doing and do things our own way. We didn’t want to just make songs for the masses at that given moment. We didn’t want to be robots. We wanted to create music that was true to us!


Q) Prior to going solo, you were a keyboard player in a death metal band called Winds of Plague. How do you feel that experience has helped to influence your current sound and will we get to hear you exercise those keyboard skills on the upcoming EP?


A) Believe it or not, but black metal/death metal is the core foundation of my blood. It’s like black metal is my blood and pop music is the blood platelets floating down the blood river (insert magic school bus imagery here [laughs]). No matter what I create, it will have this ethereal creepy vibe to it…It’s just kinda what comes naturally out of me. I feel lame trying to create anything different.  Being in the band was just a building block to my musical career moves. I learned how to tour, how to be in a band that was successful and how to work for what you wanted.


Q) You recently joined up with AWAL, who works with some well-known independent artists such as David Gray, Deadmau5, and Nick Cave. What was it about AWAL that made you decide to work with them?


A) I loved that AWAL gives support to up and coming artists without being a label.  They allow you to have your artistic freedom and release control which is amazing. Now, you still have to work to get them to notice you and put time and money into you, but I’m very excited that they accepted me into their community and I am BEYOND ready to work!!


Q) Given the opportunity, who would you love to collaborate with?


A) I would love to collab with Marilyn Manson. God, I would die for that.


Q) If I were to take a peek at your music collection, what would I find you currently listening to?


A) I’m actually really obsessed with Halsey’s new track “Nightmare.” It has this TaTu vibe that I basically based my music off of when I first started. It gives me so many feels! Also, the lyrics are just so empowering in my opinion. But you would find a lot of up and coming artists, some old 90’s music and maybe some metal (probably bring me the horizon).


Q) With your debut EP on the horizon, will there be a possible tour in the future?


A) I am really working towards this. Getting my band together to perform. I promise to all my fans they WILL see Alaena live soon.


Q) What advice would you give to someone trying to break into the music business?


A) Don’t ever give up on your dreams. Push past the struggles. Everything takes time and NOTHING happens overnight. Do what you have to do to get by and focus all your extra time into your craft. Work hard and when you think you’re working the hardest, work even harder!


Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your music?


A) I love you all so much. I feel so blessed to have been able to connect with so many different people with my music. As much as you say I help you, YOU help me. #ATEAM FOREVER!





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