
Amalia Holm – Motherland: Fort Salem

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By: Lisa Steinberg



Q) The series showcases a lot of camaraderie both on screen and off.  It also has to be incredibly rewarding for you that people have really taken to the character and also getting to portray so many different layers and sides to Scylla.


A) Oh, incredibly rewarding.  Eliot Laurence, the creator, cannot be thanked enough for that.  I feel like that’s what he leant all of the series regulars with, really layered characters.  Scylla’s layers are sort of in your face because of the big internal struggle that she has and battling the good and evil.  As the season has gone on, I feel like we have seen a lot of that in all of the leads really.  It’s just amazing to be part of this group.  When everybody has a challenge like that, because sometimes a show will be carried by one or two characters and the rest is just there to fill it out, whereas with “Motherland” everybody has got a challenge or a challenging aspect of their characters.  It’s demanding.  It is demanding a lot from all of us.  I just think it’s incredible to step a back for a second and see how all of my coworkers have grown into their parts over the season.  Just to see what they do with their characters in a way that I couldn’t really see while we were shooting it because we were in the midst of it. And also, I don’t have that many scenes with the other characters other than Taylor [Hickson].  So, that’s been so much fun to watch.

And as you say, we do have a great camaraderie.  Taylor has described it as if she was shooting two different series because her and my scenes are so different than what she has with the other girls.  I really liked when I got to step into that, which is in episode two and, of course, the Bellweather wedding.  The Bellweather wedding, that was so much fun.  I hope that you all will get to see more of those things, but it doesn’t look like that for Scylla right now.


Q) The Bellweather wedding was spectacular.  The series has so many metaphors and is riddled in these great details and nuances.  I love that it offers such a variety and it is all in one episode that is an hour long! You don’t get that often wherein you get such continual back and forth darkness and light interplay.


A) Thank you.  I agree with everything you said about how the show is composed.


Q) You talked about how Taylor described things as kind of two different shows and storylines with Scylla/Raelle and then Raelle/with the Bellweather unit.  Scylla has been bound, literally and figuratively, the last few episodes.  With two episodes left, what will it take for Scylla to be untethered?


A) I am just going to put in a spoiler alert anyway because maybe not everyone has had a chance to watch episodes seven and eight.  But, if anyone was expecting the Scylla angst to end, I cannot promise you that.

What I have been saying and have been transparent about Scylla from the start is that she is a striver for good.  She wants to do the right thing and her analysis is to fight for the Spree at this point in her life. This has all thrown her upside down when she falls so deeply for Raelle.  At this point, Scylla has been quarantined. [laughs] Just like what I am doing right now, she’s sitting by herself contemplating and doing some introspect. She is isolated, as many people are.  She is definitely going a little bit crazy in there in the isolation.  She doesn’t know what she’s up for and those insecurities are one of the biggest stressors.  The unknown factor of your future is one of the biggest stressors for the human mind.  She’s got threats against her life and a big insecurity.  She’s not at all able to analyze what she is going to be challenged with.


What I remember the most about my work with these episodes was really just diving into the desolation that can hit you when think you are about to lose everything you care about or all that you have. This is kind of enhanced in Scylla’s decision because she didn’t think she had anything. Then, when Raelle came into her life she became her everything and now she is very afraid that they are telling Raelle stuff that will have her leave her.  I think if Raelle leaves her or if she knew that Raelle was leaving her definitely, I don’t think she would care that much about what happens to herself.  She’s in a very, very dark place right now and is just clinging on to the hope that she has shown enough of herself that Raelle will try to understand her about the things she has done.


Q) She is not really in control of anything at this point.  The only thing she can control is her own thoughts, and that’s an enormously difficult position to be in as it seems like Anacostia’s attempts are working.  You have to be incredibly strong in yourself in order to resist your own mind, the attempts on your mind being made against you, and feel like your core is all you are.  You say that Scylla is in quarantine, and I know the show was filmed last year, but a large part feels so infinitely relevant right now.  We are here quarantined to our houses, apartments, etc. and a lot of that plays so many huge mental factors for us.  


A) I think that she needs to take control of the only thing she can, which is what she tells herself.  Like you said, Anacostia (Demetria McKinney) has now been breaking through her defense and has breached her memories.  The breech of integrity is what hurts Scylla the most, your inner thoughts are your private things – to get through your inner thoughts like that with a supernatural situation and method that is used a lot throughout sci-fi. I guess because it is so horrifying for someone to get into your inner private space, and then what are you?  Just the fact that Scylla’s strength in many ways was lying in the hope that she had for her future with Raelle and when that strength is taken and turned against her as the most powerful weapon to go through her defenses, it’s that breech that leaves her devastated or has actually broken her defenses.


Q) It’s that question, what’s more powerful, physical pain or the mental pain that you are going to have to carry with you.


A) I remember in episode seven it was really important for Scylla to show Raelle she was holding it together even though it’s obvious that she is not really in control.  When she’s sitting there in that cell, she’s trying to calm Raelle because the last thing she wants to do is to put stress on her.  She was never supposed to get hurt in any of this.


Q) What’s really interesting is that Anacostia and Scylla have a lot in common actually.  Their loyalty, which each has respectively been shaken with regards to the entities that they belong to.  That would be a really amazing dynamic whether or not they would be able to work together and end up as allies.


A) My hopes are that they will, one way or another.  As you said, they have a lot in common, not just with their loyalty but the fact that they are both orphans.  Anacostia grew up as one and chose her family and Scylla became one at a later age and decided to choose the Spree as her family and now is changing that family around.  I really do think they have very much in common in the sense that they want to do good.  You can see Anacostia’s loyalty.  Like when she was at the wedding, she was, of course, very reluctant hearing conspiracies about Alder (Lyne Renee).  Alder proved to do something wrong and Anacostia began to look at her inner moral compass.  I feel like that’s what Scylla is doing right now, too.  They are both very gray characters and I think both myself and Demetria have been really admiring them for that.


The scenes we did for episodes seven and eight were so much fun. Demetria and I share a special bond.  We actually became friends the day of the screen test and were sitting together when we got the call that we had gotten the part.  We were having lunch together.  I know that Eliot, since he’s the showrunner and producer, he’s been on set so much and he’s watched the dailies, of course, and seen what we were doing with the characters and he kind of tapped into that and was like, “Oh here’s an option. Here’s an opening for that. This person is good with these features and we want to see more of that.”  I think that has something to do with how their commonalities are growing.


Q) That jail cell scene, so many people talk about the magnificent work that you did with Taylor in those moments.  But turning to talk about Demetria, the two of you were stunningly sensational as well.  It ends up making these tremendously tense filled moments that have intensified episode after episode.  I love the work that you did with her as well.  


A)  Circling back to how you said how alike Scylla and Anacostia are, I think that they are so alike that they could become allies, but they are the same kind of character fighting for different causes with same kind of enemy.  We can see that with the mind games.  Scylla is a newbie Freshman in manipulation and she is letting her feelings take over.  Whereas Anacostia has gone routine on this and is pulling the power move taking Raelle in there.  Just the graciousness in which she tells Alder that she saw Scylla waiver, I loved that softness.  To battle both of those, the really controlled and hard side of Anacostia then also the nurturing side of her and empathetic, Anacostia could be a role model for Scylla.  I think Scylla really needs to develop a poker face if she is going to carry things down this road.


Q) The rapport and scorching connection Raelle and Scylla share have been such a gift.  Watching you play off of Taylor has been so poignant and palpable.


A) Just to work with Taylor, I feel like I could never do it justice with words with how fun it was and how great it was.  I think, in a way, my scenes with Demetria we would play around very sharp and witty and we’re throwing things at each other and having fun with it.  Whereas with Taylor, that grew from something else.  I think we both are personally and privately such romantics and therefore we just had so much to take from within ourselves and could project our own and hopefully future loves on each other.  Working with Taylor, it was like we were subconsciously holding hands throughout the entire season and encouraging each other to add and play around with little details and improvise, which was so much fun as well.  Maybe before I knew how to do Scylla, I knew how to do Scylla in love with Raelle, kind of in a way.  Maybe that’s how it feels looking back at it.  My audition scenes were about seducing Raelle, so it is how we set the tone and it was what we did for the pilot.  Then, there was a year in between so everything that the pilot left me with was that hope and safety in that relationship.


Q) The chemistry and tension between Scylla and Raelle have been absolutely electric.  You can tell through the fan feedback from social media that other fans are feelings that similar sense as well.  It has be so meaningful for you how much of an impact the Raylla relationship has been having within the LGBTQ community.  Were you prepared for such a huge queer fanbase and wanting to do justice with this relationship? Did you think it would strike such a massive cord the way that it has?


A) I was completely unprepared.  But I have really loved and welcomed it with open arms, of course.  I am just honored that so many people think that what we do in some way brings justice to LGBT representation.  To me, this in one way it is like any other love story I have ever done.  I have done an LGBT love story for a feature before. It’s not that different other than the fact that Taylor and I got along so well and therefore that opened up for so much more to explore within the agency of these characters.  I am just so glad that fans are thinking that we do the couple justice.  It’s a big honor.

But I have seen a little chatter online on whether or not Scylla and Raelle are good role models or if they are good or bad representation for the LGBTQ community.  One thing, where we are heading and where we are going to go, is that you can ding Scylla for being evil if that’s what you think; but keep that separate from her sexual orientation because they don’t have anything to do with each other.  I think we are heading for next level representation when we can view them all. This is, of course, without ignoring the fact that there have been so many stereotypical cases of representation throughout history.  So, it’s really important that it is, of course, not typecasting anyone because of any feature of themselves into an evil part.  That’s something that I am really happy that Eliot has wrapped his head around and is doing it better than anything that I could have come up with because there are just so many systematic injustices in society that gets into your head.  We need shows like this to open up our minds.  I just wanted to say that, therefore I think Scylla is good representation and then, at the same time, that’s not saying that it’s a completely healthy and easy relationship from the start because they are broken people falling in love.


Q) I am glad that you said that, I do see a lot of people trying to put Scylla into certain boxes.  Obviously, we haven’t seen the full season yet, and these are complex characters.  That doesn’t mean that in one moment she does something bad and that has to define who she is for life or that it has a reflection with regard to her sexuality.  There is the ability to work on these actions and choices, and I want to commend your points about the characters that it shouldn’t be seen or defined in just one way.


A) It was in the character description of Scylla when I auditioned for her. “She’s not your comic book villain.  She’s complex.”  Saying that and getting that from the start was Eliot’s doing.  He is challenging the audience in practicing empathy and not having it so served in black and white.  As much as I love to see the different teams on social media for or against the different ships, a big part of why I act is to challenge my own and, hopefully, in some way other people’s ability of feeling empathy and sympathy – trying to understand why people do act the way that they do.  Not to say that you will allow it or forgive it.  Just to elevate the understanding of it.  I really do see Scylla opening doors in that way.


Q) Everyone has shades of gray in them, literally and figuratively, and we see these really great intricate details when it comes to the series.  The lighting, the costuming, the cinematography, the makeup.  I would like to talk a little about how these dynamic details are interwoven in the series help embellish the emotion and angst within the storylines.


A) I mean, I am fascinated about it.  That is Eliot and Tracey Boulton who is the costume designer.  All credit to them.  I really agree that when you continue something that is ancient it is stuck with us for a reason. It is powerful and it is putting light on something that is an important part of the human experience, which is light and dark, and the battle between those and finding your way and your strategy in surviving in that space and making the most out of life and love.  I don’t have much knowledge, unfortunately, other than the fact that Scylla, the name Scylla, comes from a sea monster.  I have seen pieces of fan research that has just been amazing.  So, I have learned from the fanbase on this.  We have an incredibly smart and creative fanbase.  I am intrigued to learn more about it until Eliot tells me more.


Q)  Is there something you would like to say to fans to keep in mind or make sure they look out for or say to them for their support?


A) I just want to share yesterday I was speechless from this one fan encounter.  Two girls had written a song together from the perspective of Raelle and the relationship of “Raylla.”  I had to send it to Eliot. It’s because of him he’s inspiring people to do things like this. One of the girls said that this has been helping her. She had a writing block in writing songs for the past three years and now finally inspiration came to her.  I am just grateful that everyone is so generous in showing their support.  I have been inspired to show greater support to the piece of culture and shows that I love and adore because you can actually reach people out there and your engagement will make a difference.  It’s so wonderful to see how people have become friends in these different Switch groups.  It’s an amazing experience and I am grateful to be a part of it with my fellow castmates.

I also want to say to fans not to give up on Raelle and Scylla’s relationship.

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