
Big Brother – Season 22, Night Fifteen

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By: Sammi Turano



It was POV competition number five on CBS’s “Big Brother: All Stars!” When we last left our houseguests Christmas had put Da’Vonne and Bayleigh on the block, upsetting them both.

In the Diary Room Christmas confesses that she put them on the block because she thinks they are a dynamic duo. As she confesses, Bayleigh and Da’Vonne cry because they feel betrayed by Christmas.

David decides to save his power for himself.

Bayleigh talks to Christmas who breaks down over the untouchable debacle. Later on, she says that she put them up because they aren’t in her alliance.

Da’Vonne tries to talk to Dani and Nicole by throwing Tyler under the bus. Dani swears Tyler was lying to her about Dani going after them, but wants him backdoored anyway after his shady behavior. Nicole doesn’t want to do this, but also wants Da’Vonne in her corner.

Dani promptly goes to Christmas with this idea by telling her that Tyler is playing the girls against each other. However, she refused to target him this week.

Veto Time! Christmas, Da’Vonne, Bayleigh, Ian, Nicole and Dani are all playing. However, Ian is forced to sit out due to illness. Apparently, he has chest pains and is sleep deprived. Dani wants to throw the competition to Da’Vonne so Tyler can be backdoored and her alliance isn’t exposed.

The competition is a race where everyone gets a prize. Da’Vonne is the first out and wins the slop unitard, Bayleigh must do 500 laps, Dani wins a home gym and a season slop pass, Nicole wins $5,000 and Christmas wins POV. Nicole then trades her prize with Da’Vonne to keep her in her good graces.

Tyler feels guilty about everything going on and offers to ask Christmas to make him a replacement nom. Bayleigh and Da’Vonne are intrigued, but Bayleigh doesn’t trust Tyler as far as she can throw him. Da’Vonne talks to Christmas about this plan and promises that if she does this, Bayleigh will also be on her side. However, she lets it slip that Bayleigh is upset with Tyler, causing Christmas to consider keeping the nominations the same.

VETO MEETING TIME! Christmas decides to keep the nominations the same. Tune in to see who is evicted!

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