
Big Brother – Season 22, Night Twelve

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By: Sammi Turano



It was POV competition number four on CBS’s “Big Brother.” Last Sunday we found out that Kaysar and Kevin were on the block due to not playing the game to Enzo’s liking. Now they, along with Enzo and three other players, will play for the POV in hopes that one of them will be taken off the block.

Kaysar is definitely the target, even though Enzo tells him they can work together. Kevin is the pawn at this point. Nicole isn’t sure about the nomination, but decides to keep her mouth shut because she has no idea who is the replacement nominee.

David tells Bayleigh he feels like an outsider in the game and how his game is shaky, which makes her feel bad.

Ian also talks game with Enzo, but Enzo is annoyed with him and everyone constantly bothering him. Enzo only wants to talk to Cody, who agrees Ian should be backdoored.


Everyone in the house can’t figure out who cast the votes for Kaysar. Dani was one of them, but refuses to admit it. This gives Cody reason to not trust her since she had come to him before the vote to ask if he thought it would be good to cast a rogue vote.

Memphis begins a talk with Kevin and David where David says he will play in the POV for Kevin. They all decide that it is time for a house shake up.


Memphis starts a fake talk show called Mornings With Memphis. He talks with Kaysar about possible headlines that could be trending in the news.

POV players are chosen! Enzo, Kaysar and Kevin are joined by Tyler, Bayleigh and David – chosen by the three initial players, respectively.

Kaysar tries to warn Bayleigh about her alliance being fake, but she thinks he is just being condescending and refuses to listen to him.  She says she was aligned with Janelle and that doesn’t mean because she is gone that he automatically gets her loyalty.

Meanwhile, Enzo, Cody and Tyler are upset that Kevin chose David for Houseguest Choice to play. They do not have any trust in David and don’t know why he was chosen.

POV time! The players have their arms and legs tied with puppet strings with the last one standing will win.

Kaysar falls first, followed by Enzo, Tyler, Bayleigh and David – giving Kevin the win.

Ian is nervous about being put on the block, which is what Cody tells his alliance he wants to do. However, Nicole vetoes that idea since she is working with him on the sly.

Enzo is ready to make a big move. He is considering putting Ian up, but then considers Dani when she suggests a Slick Six meeting in front of Nicole, forgetting that Nicole is in the alliance.

However, Christmas offers herself up as a pawn and ends up the replacement nominee when Kevin is taken down.

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