
Brendan Meyer – All These Small Moments

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By: Lisa Steinberg



Q) How was your character Howie Sheffield originally described to you?

A) I think he was described as a pretty normal kid. I think I remember one of the things Melissa [Miller Costanzo] said in our first Skype was that he was a little more confident than what was written. I think the initial draft he was probably a little more awkward, a little shyer and maybe a little more neurotic. I think that Melissa, from before I even had the role, was already starting to talk about wanting him to have a little more self confidence and be the guy that maybe a woman who is a little older could at least be a little bit interested in getting to know. Or, there is this a girl at school who is really interested in him. I think it was kind of finding that balance in kind of being a little bit awkward and shy at moments, but overall having this sort of real baseline of self confidence and being able to carry conversations and be confident in his condition sometimes. I think it was an interesting balance between those things throughout the whole process.

Q) Did you spend much time with your costars before filming to develop a familial bond?

A) Yeah, we had a lot of time together on set obviously. We didn’t have too much time before shooting. I’d say we had maybe two rehearsal days where I got to meet Molly [Ringwald] and Brian [d’Arcy James] and Sam [McCarthy]. So, we didn’t have a ton of time beforehand, but we had a ton of time on set to really bond as a family and get to know each other. They were all such great people and genuine and made it really, really easy to sort of slip into a comfortable relationship both on screen and off.

Q) What type of advice did director Melissa Miller Costanzo offer during filming that you took to heart?

A) I don’t know if it was one specific piece of advice, but I think what is so great about Melissa is she always had an opinion on every scene and you always felt very, very safe with her that your first instinct was away from something she wanted for the character or the film or she wanted you to try something different she would be there for you and she would give you an opinion. So, I felt like every day there would be little things, whether it be character specific or not that she would give me just to redirect the character and stuff. I would say that every day there were these little pieces of advice. She was a really great sounding board and safety net throughout the entire process.

Q) What do you think it is about Odessa that really attracts Howie?

A) Well, I think that there is something about her. I think he can sense that she may need help. There is that scene where he sees her crying on the bus. So, I think that’s what really spurs him into action, but he’s really interested beforehand. I think Howie, as a character (and I think a lot of people go through this), is kind of at a point in his life where he wants to feel older and maybe wants to grow up a little bit. Maybe he finds his friends schoolboy banter a bit and a little bit immature. He doesn’t quite know if there are any girls at his school that he really connects with. So, I think that Odessa (Jemima Kirke) sort of represents that idea of going just a little bit older and sort of speeding up time a little bit. I think that’s lying underneath his initial attraction to her. And I also think she seems to have a really cool vibe and dresses interesting. He’s kind of interested in style as well and that’s maybe what draws them together. So, it’s kind of a combination of all kinds of different things. And the obvious part of it is that he just thinks she’s really good looking. [laughs] I’m sure as a teenage boy that’s part of it.

Q) What were some of your favorite scenes to film from All These Small Moments?

A) I think as far as the setting goes, I really liked filming on that rooftop – one of the last scenes there. I think it was the Brooklyn Ship Yard and it just snowed so there was snow all over the rooftop. There was this amazing view of New York. I think they did a really great job of capturing that scene in the movie and the views that we had and the way it felt. It was really, really cold, but it was a very, very special thing. I’d never really shot on a rooftop before and with snow and the wind blowing. I really remember that being such a great place to shoot. Then, just from a perspective, there is that dinner scene with Brian, Molly, Sam and I when we’re all kind of having dinner together in that restaurant. I remember just having a great time shooting that because all four members of the family were kind of ping ponging off each other. I really enjoyed shooting that scene because I got to work with three really great actors.

Q) What do you think it is about the film that will make it standout to viewers?

A) I think what’s interesting about this movie is that it does focus a lot on this teenage boy and the way into a lot of different relationships, but it also gives focus to the parents and to his brother and some of the other kids at the school. I think what’s interesting about All These Small Moments is that it kind of does touch on a lot of different perspectives in a family. I don’t think it is totally trained through one point of view. People of a parent’s age could watch it and see themselves in it or someone in their early thirties (like Odessa) could see themselves in it as well as young people and people who are going through adolescence and high school. I think that’s what is interesting is that Melissa really weaved a tapestry of all these different people. It’s not just about one specific point of view or one specific time in your life. It’s kind of about how all of them interact together.

Q) You are a part of social media. Are you looking forward to the fan feedback you’ll receive to the movie?

A) Yes! Absolutely! I’m always interested in hearing peoples’ thoughts and comments. And if they are people who have supported me for a while on social media, I’m even more interested in what they have to say and think. I’m appreciative to them for checking it out. I look forward to hearing what people have to say.

Q) What did you personally take away from your time working on All These Small Moments?

A) I think one of the things that I thought about a lot while making the movie is this desire to sort of (I was talking about this before) jump ahead and want to be in this relationship or be more mature or be out of high school – all these different things that Howie is going through. I think you see that with the parents too that they have this desire for something else and aren’t totally happy with their marriage and they are looking back and looking forward at the same time. So, I think one of the things I heard is to kind of reinforce to be in the moment and appreciate all the little moments along the way that you’re living in the moment because it’s so easy to look back or look forward and project on to something else or think “if I had that thing it would be better” or “if this was different it would be better.” But I think there are a lot of little great moments along the way to sort of enjoy while in that moment, day, month or whatever.

Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and the work you do?

A) Thank you so, so much! I can’t stress enough how much I appreciate that because this is my whole lifelong dream to be an actor and be in these kinds of movies, plays, TV shows or whatever – anything where I’m kind of helping to tell a story I love doing it. The story doesn’t mean anything unless there are people listening to it and checking it out. So, I really appreciate anyone who has checked out any of my work and people continue to. It means everything!

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