
Brett Dier – The New Romantic

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By: Jamie Steinberg


Q) What are the recent projects you are working on?

A) I’ve been doing Season 5 of “Jane the Virgin,” which is the last season of all time. It’s very sad, but it’s going to be great. I’ve also been doing this show called “Schooled,” which is a comedy on ABC. It’s going to come out towards the beginning of next year. We’re just doing thirteen episodes right now. I’m really excited about it! It’s going to be great.

Q) Please tell us the premise for The New Romantic.

A) A writer wants a column at her college and she needs experience to write about romance, but she can’t find it. So, she becomes like a Sugar Baby and she meets this girl Morgan (Camila Mendes).

Q) What made you want to be a part of the film?

A) I read the script and I thought the script was really great. I just really resonated with the dude. I thought he was like the dorky, nerdy charming guy. They start out as rivals. They have this fun banter at the beginning, but then it ends up being something really sweet and genuine. I just really loved that dude. I loved that character. He was a sweet guy and I was excited to play him. I also loved how Carly [Ann Stone], the director, was up for improv and was really up for being loose and stuff. I really think that was a huge reason why I wanted to do the movie as well because I love doing improv. I don’t get a lot of opportunity to do it.

Q) Were you familiar with any of your costars prior to working with them on the movie?

A) I’d met Avan [Jogia]. I think he’s a really dope dude. I really like that guy. I’d met him at an audition like ten years ago probably because we used to auditions in Vancouver together. I chatted with him a couple of times and then we were both promoting our ABC Family shows at some Christmas parade like five years ago and I talked to him then. But other than that, I haven’t seen him. I had seen him around though because he was Canadian. Other than that, I hadn’t met anyone else.

Q) What advice did director Carly Ann Stone offer that you took to heart?

A) I don’t think it was necessarily advice. We were both just super stoked to work together because we had the same mind about the character. We were both on the same page with the character Jacob. I just felt really creative on that set. It was a really open environment. Carly really made this open environment with no fear of failing. It wasn’t like an, “Oh no! I’m going to screw up,” kind of thing. It was really freeing and fun. So, I think creating that environment just made it that much more fun. And I feel like what I learned from that is that I want to bring that environment anywhere I go.

Q) What were some of your most memorable moments from filming?

A) I loved the diner scene between Jacob and Jessica Barden’s character Blake. I loved that diner scene right after she’s walking home in that toga sheet that she took from the house. Then, we meet up and go to the diner to have dinner and just chat about life. I loved that scene! It was super fun to film! That scene in the script was so different than what we filmed because we did it a couple of times and it wasn’t working. There was something missing so we kind of rewrote the script there at the diner and just came up with that. So, it was cool to do that, too.

Q) You are a part of social media. Are you looking forward to the fan feedback you’ll receive to the movie?

A) Yeah, I am! I’ve gotten some really nice tweets about it already. It’s been really cool. I’m glad people are liking it!

Q) What do you hope viewers take away from watching The New Romantic?

A) First of all, I just hope they have a good time. I think that the cool thing about this movie is that it tackles such an intense subject. It’s a subject that is like frowned upon – Sugar Babies. I like that they did it in a way where you follow the journey of this girl going through all of these things and you don’t judge the character ever. You are just with her for the ride and I think that’s a good thing in life because you can’t really judge people on their journeys. Just let them do their thing and they’ll grow and learn and whatever they get out of it is what they get out of it. I never judged the character for anything she was doing, and I hope that is what people take away from it – not to judge people on their journey.

Q) Since you enjoyed the improv aspect of the movie is there any chance that you’ll be able to take that to your work on “Jane the Virgin?”

A) Here’s the thing, on “Jane” you’re not allowed to improvise. You’re not even allowed to change like a word. It’s very intense. [laughs] But on this other show I’m doing there is a lot of improvising, which is another reason why I was excited to do that show. I think it’s more my style, improvising and being super free. It’s just something I feel most comfortable with. You can’t improvise on “Jane,” though. It’s still a great show! I love that show!

Q) We’ve loved seeing you throughout the years on the show. What have you personally taken away from your time on the series?

A) I learned a lot about trusting myself and there is this weird thing that happens… “Jane the Virgin” was kind of the first thing that I did that a lot of people saw. And that can create some insecurity knowing that you have millions of people watching what you are doing on screen and there are so many critics. So, that kind of can get in your head a little bit. I’ve learned from my experience on the show. Just going forward it’s to trust yourself and just kind of do what you do – not really worry about screwing up or anything. So, I learned a lot about trust and just staying centered. Trust is a big thing with acting and with anything in life. As soon as you start getting in your head that’s when things don’t work out.

Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and the work you do?

A) I want to say thank you for supporting me. Always be yourself. Trust yourself. Have fun! Life is too short to get upset about little things.

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