
Bristol to Memory – Hello Anxious

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By: Jamie Steinberg



Q) How would you describe your sound?

A) Our sound has taken many different shapes over the years though we’ve always kept our pop-punk roots. On our new album Hello Anxious we experimented with a variety of musical textures and sounds. We have a lot more synths and piano parts layered into the new album, but we made sure to keep it guitar heavy and melody driven.


Q) Who are some of your musical influences?

A) Growing up in Orange County, CA it wasn’t hard to find a backyard show in the neighborhood or throw one yourself at a friend’s house. The music scene was thriving and being a part of it growing up has made us the band we are today.


Q) Talk about the story behind your new song “Watch Out.”

A) We wrote “Watch Out” while we were working on another song for the album. It was interesting because the lyrics didn’t work with the music particularly. I remember the song’s overall vibe wasn’t sitting well with the haunting Frankenstein storyline. It didn’t take too much time before we ended up writing the music and finishing the song. It was a very fluid experience.


Q) What do you think it is about the song that fans connect to?

A) I think songs and music in general are primal experiences rooted in our existence as human beings. Music connects us with who we are and creates audible photographs of our lives.


Q) How does the video for the track play into the message behind it?

A) The music video for “Watch Out” visually represents the chaos of song and the nature of its creation. The song is rooted in the classic tale of Frankenstein and explains the frustration of love lost and hopelessness. The video takes place in an abandoned psychiatric ward where I’m hallucinating a dream of romance and escape. In the end we are all trapped in our own creations and delusions.


Q) What is your song writing process? Do you need music before you can create lyrics?

A) Our song writing process is constantly evolving. For Hello Anxiousour writing was by far the most experimental and purposeful writing experience yet. We went into the studio with a blank slate and after nine months we came out with an album.


Q) How much of a hand do you have in the production of your music?

A) We work on our own and collaborate with producers on various levels constantly. On our new album we teamed up with producers Rich Zenhiser and Daniel Wonacott at Prime Royal studios. Being able to work with other incredible writers and producers always elevates the experience and music overall.


Q) Your forthcoming full-length album Hello Anxious is set to come out early this year. What are some themes you’ll be exploring on it?  

A) The new album explores the endless feeling of uncertainty and how it can be managed. Hello Anxious was written in a time of panic and unforeseen futures. A moment where nothing made sense and society grasped for any crumb of security. With all this the one thing that kept us together is and has always been music and the ones we love the most.


Q) “Watch Out” will surely be a part of this album, but do you have a favorite song(s) that you are looking forward to fans getting to check out when it is released? 

A) Yes, “Watch Out” is on the new album! It’s up there with one of our personal favorites though there are a few other tracks that hit hard. “Tightrope” really stands out to me. It was really fun to write and record for sure. It’s a good pop rock tune… a real toe tapper.


Q) Where are some of your favorite places to perform and what makes those locations so significant to you?

A) Honestly, playing house shows are some of the best times we’ve had as a band. Growing up our first “gigs” were house parties and backyard shows. It became a part of our culture… we can’t wait to set another one up!


Q) The band has partnered with the Los Angeles Angels baseball team to have your song “I’m Alive” as their MLB Nike City Connect song and your single “Breathe” was a part of the Anaheim Ducks Hockey Club. What do these incredible achievements mean to you?

A) We’re honored to partner with the Angels and Ducks. One thing working with them has done has reaffirmed our belief in ourselves and the music we create. It’s been a long journey and something this special drives us to work that much harder at what we love the most.


Q) Who would you most like to collaborate with on a song in the future?

A) We’d like to work with Jim Adkins of Jimmy Eat World. We’ve all been big fans of his music and I think we can make something special together. Jim, DM us. [smiles]


Q) What artist/musician are you currently listening to and why do you dig them? 

A) I’ve been listening to a lot of folks lately and an artist named Benjamin Todd in particular. His storytelling and songwriting cuts deep. He talks about his struggles in a way where you want to feel his pain so you may understand them as he does. Definitely worth the listen.


Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?

A) Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!




All Questions Answered By Rory O’Connell


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