
Caroline Romano – Come With Me

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By: Jamie Steinberg



Q) How would you describe your sound?


A) I would describe my sound as pop that occasionally swings indie. It really varies from song to song, but you definitely get the pop vibe with all of the stuff I write.


Q) Who are some of your musical influences?


A) Some of my biggest musical influences include Taylor Swift, Avril Lavigne, 5 Seconds of Summer, Shawn Mendes and Ed Sheeran. I’ve always admired not only their songwriting and performance capabilities, but how they have established themselves and held a stellar reputation throughout the years.


Q) Talk about the story behind your new song “Come With Me.”


A) I wrote “Come With Me” with a friend of mine in Nashville. I was telling him about how I sometimes wish I could go up to guys who aren’t treated right by their girlfriends and say, “Hey, she’s no good for you, just come with me!” Of course, I would never actually do that, but I think it would be really cool to have the guts to approach a guy like that. We both thought it was pretty funny and we realized it would make a great concept for a song!


Q) What do you think it is about the song that fans connect to?


A) I think people connect to “Come With Me” because it’s a song that says what we’ve all been thinking at some point or another. I know we all wish we were brave enough to approach someone we like and tell them to come with us. I’m certainly not brave enough, but that’s what makes writing songs like this so much fun. Music has the ability to let us express our wildest dreams and ideas. A song can let us be anyone we want to be for a few minutes, and I think most people will relate to that feeling.


Q) What is your songwriting process? Do you need music before you can create lyrics?


A) My songwriting process varies with every song I write. I rarely have the music when I begin writing lyrics. I prefer to come up with a concept, start jotting down lyrics, and then focus on melody and music. The writing process also depends on if I’m writing by myself or with others in a co-write. Sometimes I’ll meet with a producer who has a really sick track they want to work on, so I’ll start coming up with a concept and lyrics based off of that track. Part of what makes writing so much fun is that it’s a different experience every time!


Q) How much of hand do you have in the production of your music?


A) I really enjoy playing a role in the production of my music. Some producers are very open to me sitting in the studio with them the whole time, offering my ideas and opinions. Others prefer to take their own approach towards the production, and prefer for me to focus on the song itself. I always ask to participate in the production process, because I want to make sure that my vision for the song shines through in the end. I’d never be comfortable releasing a song that didn’t reflect my ideas, emotions and experiences. I like to be 100% connected to the songs I release, and that involves me fully participating in every aspect of the song.


Q) How did you come to work with Jacob Whitesides on the track “Masterpiece?”


A) I’ve been a fan of Jacob for many years now. “Masterpiece” was the first song I ever released and I wanted to make it as special as possible. I thought the song would be even better with a male feature and Jacob Whitesides was the first to come to mind. I knew he’d be perfect for the song and I was ecstatic that he liked the song as much as I did and wanted to participate when we reached out to him. He was so wonderful to work with and I learned a lot from our time together. I’m so grateful for his involvement on the project and his willingness to help make my vision come true!


Q) What can fans expect from a live Caroline Romano performance?


A) Performing live is probably my favorite thing in the entire world. Even in the early stages of writing a song, I start to think of ways I can bring that song to life on stage. I like to be very energetic and theatrical while performing. My shows are a mix of tracks looped in with live keys, drums and guitar. For certain songs, it’s just me and my guitar on stage. I like to mix it up and keep the crowd involved in as many ways as possible. I love to just talk and interact with the audience in between songs. As I grow in my career, I hope to expand my shows into even more of a production, constantly growing and changing my performances.


Q) Will there be a full EP or album coming in the near future?


A) There are definitely plans to release an EP soon – and an album later down the line! 2018 was a year full of me writing, in hopes to finally release a collection of songs that share a glimpse into my life and tell a story. I can’t wait to share what I’ve been working on with you all!



Q) When did you realize you had a talent for performing and singing?


A) My parents have always told me that I was singing before I could talk. I’ve always been very dramatic and theatrical. I’m a naturally reserved, slightly shy person in everyday life, but whenever I’m performing all of my reservations melt away and I feel like I am truly myself in those moments. I went to Nashville for the first time at age thirteen to play open mic nights around the city. I fell in love with the person I was on stage and I knew I’d want to do this forever.


Q) You have done some fabulous covers! How do you decide on the songs/artists you take on?


A) Thank you for saying that! I really choose the songs I want to cover based on what I’m listening to at that moment or what is currently popular on Spotify or the radio. I listen to see if I think a song will translate well either stripped down to guitar or piano and if my voice will be a good fit. Some of my favorite artists to cover have been Billie Eilish, Camila Cabello, Ed Sheeran and Julia Michaels. I find their music works really well in a stripped-down environment.


Q) Where are some of your favorite places to perform, and what makes those locations so significant to you?


A) Truthfully, I’m happy whenever and wherever I’m performing. It’s impossible to choose a favorite location. I do have some really fond memories of spots in Nashville and L.A. where I had some of my first-ever performances. Those venues hold a special place in my heart, because they showed me that I wanted to do this for the rest of my life!


Q) Who would you most like to collaborate with on a song in the future?


A) I would have to say that Shawn Mendes, Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift are all my dream artists to collaborate with. I have so much respect for them, and I think they are all so incredibly talented. They are definitely on my dream board of people I hope to collab with one day!


Q) What album/band are you currently listening to, and why do you dig them?


A) I’m listening to so many different things at the moment, but lately I’ve been hooked on Julia Michaels and Dean Lewis. Julia Michaels just released a collection of songs that I’m obsessed with! I think she has such a unique voice, sound and writing style. I’m also loving some of Dean Lewis’ music such as “Be Alright,” “Waves” and “7 Minutes.” I’ve only recently discovered his stuff, but I think he’s incredible all around.


Q) Why is social media such an important way for you to connect with your fans?


A) Social media has been an incredibly useful tool in connecting with and making new fans. It allows me to reach people all around the world and to connect with fans every day in ways I would never be able to without it. I love that I’m able to deliver new content, even when I’m not releasing new music at that time. Whether it be a cover, behind the scenes post or just a glimpse into my everyday life, I’m able to keep a connection going with fans. Social media definitely has its ups and downs, but I think it’s a very useful tool in growing and maintaining a following to share my music with.


Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?


A) I am so incredibly grateful to everyone who has followed and supported me and my music. It’s unreal that I get to pour my heart and soul into lyrics and a melody and then share it with you. Without those supporting me, I wouldn’t get to do what I love every day. Music has truly saved my life and given me a confidence unlike anything else. I owe it all to those who listen to my music and connect with what I’m writing about. Thank you for all you have done for me! My fans have truly changed my life.

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