
Daddy Issues – Outfest

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By: Taylor Gates



Q) Can you tell me how you got involved in this film?


Madison Lawlor: I got my audition through my agent, and as soon as I got the sides and the script I was hooked. I went through a very normal audition process. We had our first audition and then callbacks and chemistry reads and then we got it.


Montana Manning: My experience was pretty much exactly the same.


Amara Cash: We developed the story together with myself, my producer Jenna Cedicci, and screenwriter Alex Bloom. We developed the story, did all the casting and then I directed and edited it. I became involved through my own inspiration.


Q) What inspired you to make this film?


Cash: As a bisexual woman, I really wanted to show a character that was bisexual. In our film we have a bisexual woman and a gay woman and it was just very important to me to show different types of sexualities and representation within the community.


Q) How would you describe the movie? Why should people go see it?


Lawlor: The movie is a visual, voyeuristic experience. It’s not just a story that exists on a page—it’s a complete immersion. It really takes viewers on a ride.


Cash: It’s like nothing they’ve ever seen before.


Manning: And the pace is really fast. You don’t really ever get bored. You think, “Oh wait, was that a full-length film?” It’s so quick; it’s just continuously moving. There are twists and turns everywhere.


Q) Did you learn anything about yourself through playing these characters?


Lawlor: Yeah, I learned a lot about myself. The story is very emotional and there’s a lot of emotional triggers throughout it, so I went on this journey of discovering what makes me tick, what love means to me as a whole and the different colors love comes in. It was good for asking myself those questions.


Q) How long did it take to film?


Manning: About a month. And then we had to come back and do a bit of ADR and shoot a few more scenes since there were a few changes.


Q) What was the most fun thing and then the most challenging thing about shooting this?


Lawlor: The most fun thing was getting to work with the amazing people that we worked with. Everyone was very passionate and incredible. They showed up every single day. The toughest part was that we were making it on such a small budget and had such a limited time to do it. Every day was super packed, and you had to show up every day. We had all these emotional days in a row, so it took an emotional toll.


Manning: Madison and I also ended up being sick the whole shoot. It was really tough because when she was sick, I had just gotten over it and then vice versa.


Lawlor: We were literally sick the whole time!


Manning: Luckily, we were in a bit of an emotional state, so it kind of worked. [Laughs] All the sniffling was fine!




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