
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow – This Is Gus

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By: Alexandra Gil M


The episode starts with Behrad (Shayan Sobhian) looking for his Ttotem, which ended up under his bed. Gideon (Amy Louise Pemberton) reminds him that while they were playing Mortal Kombat last night he took it off because it was too tight on his gaming arm. Before he leaves for the team meeting he´s already late for Gideon tells him that according to the time it is his birthday today. When he arrives Astra (Olivia Swann) calls in and is free from bathroom cleaning rotation for a month. Sara (Caity Lotz) says is not a surprise, just slowly losing all of their free will to Astra. Behrad thinks there´s no need for surprises because he trusts the Legends remember what day it is; however, it does not seem that way. Zari (Tala Ashe) doesn´t know which Totem Nate (Nick Zano) choose to spend the night in. Good thing Gideon gives the pod´s projected path, which is Vancouver, British Columbia in 2023 giving Ava´s (Jes Macallan) send off speech – something that is not very exciting.

Mick´s (Dominic Purcell) calling Lita (Mina Sundwall). She asks him if he´s okay and tells him that she needs to see him right away. He takes Ava´s time bracelet and opens up a portal in front of the Legends. Lita comes out and says she´s pregnant. Rory´s not having it and yells at her. Lita thought something happened to him because they haven´t seen each other in a year, but that´s not the case. Ava does her best to interfere as a referee. All of the other Legends get into the pod´s location where Behrad sees his favorite sitcom star from Bud Stuy, Imran Saeed (Shawn Ahmed). So, he thinks they organized the whole thing as a present for his birthday, but they all play it cool once they realized what they forgot and give him the tickets for the taping. Sara and Spooner (Lisseth Chavez) stay behind to track the alien. However, it does not go well when Spooner sees it and shoots it. It gets knocked off course and crashes into the sitcom´s set. And that´s when he bonds with Imran´s brother Kamran (Saad Siddiqui). 

Behrad and Astra pretend to be working on production while in the writers room, but Imran does not know where his brother is keeping the baby alien so they just leave. He provides the information to Sara and Spooner. They walk right into it at the food table eating bananas. The other Legends walk in and Astra grabs him, which is not something the alien likes. Spooner starts to feel how upset it´s getting. They all regroup at the averider to come up with a better plan. Behrad walks in looking a bit cleaner than usual. Zari shows Gary (Adam Tsekhman) the alien´s videos and he says that it´s a gusarax, bonded to their parents during developmental stage which explains the bond to Imran´s brother. And, to make things worse, they realize the changes to the sitcom are having an effect on Behrad´s personality. He goes to Imran in an attempt to convince him not to change the show, but ends up quitting instead which completely changes who Behrad is – turning him into a capitalist monster who only cares about money.

Back at the Waverider Ava is trying to wrap Behrad´s gifts. Lita is looking for her dad. Apparently he had time to cool down and was very interested in Niko (Louis Lay), even asking questions about him, where he grew up, his hours and route he runs. But Sara is positive that´s not the case. Her assassin experience tells her that Mick´s on his way to kill Niko. But when they arrive it is a lot different than they expected. Rory understands that him and Lita got caught up in the moment like he and Kayla, which has Gary looking a bit concerned.

The Legends eventually manage to get the alien back with Nate going as an undercover actor on the show and bonding with it. When Behrad comes back to his normal self he walks into a surprise party. Zari goes into The totem to talk to Zari 1.0 and find a loophole that allows her to spend the day outside of it giving her some time to catch up with everybody. Zari says she can always count on Mick to not change, but Gary gives us some shocking news. When he and Kayla got caught up in the moment her tentacle entered his ear canal and she laid eggs in his head and now he´s pregnant.

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