
Eighty Ninety – 2 Carat

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By: Dianca Yssel



Q) Your music style is described as “808s and telecasters.” What inspired this unique style?


A) Abner & Harper: When we were making our first song “Three Thirty” we decided to not let ourselves be constrained by genre and just use whatever sounds we felt like that song called for. That song walked the line between pop and an almost country/Americana sound, so we loved the idea of mashing those two styles together. Since then, it’s become kind of a code for our style, which is more traditional songwriting-based music that’s produced with a more pop/contemporary feel.


Q) Who are your music influences?


Abner: Like many people, we grew up listening to the Beatles and The Rolling Stones — our parents had them on constantly — and then as we got older I got really into songwriting-based alt/indie/pop music (everything from britpop to NYC’s 2000s indie scene). Harper, on the other hand, was drawn more to experimental music. One of his first favorites was a DIY project called Sparklehorse, which actually sounds a lot like some of the lo-fi bedroom pop that’s everywhere now.


Q) Your upcoming debut full length album is said to be a new chapter in your journey. How have you switched up your sound over the years and what will the album entail?


Abner & Harper: Our primary rule in the studio is still that the song leads the sound — but as a result, sometimes we end up producing acoustic ballads like “Heart on the Line” and sometimes they’re electronic experimental house influenced like “Walking You Home.” That said, we’ve recently been drawn to more organic sounds, instruments, and studio techniques. So, there are more “real” sounds on this record rather than samples. I think that’s partly a result of the songs feeling more intimate and personal — even the expansive more cinematic ones.


Q) Congratulations on your new single “2 Carat” from your upcoming album. What is the story behind it?


Abner & Harper: Thanks so much! “2 Carat” felt like a great way to introduce the album because it blends that more organic direction with a classic melodic uptempo pop structure and vibe. There’s also a hint of melancholy, and it’s right at the center of the record track-wise. It’s kind of the midpoint of the story arc, and so we felt like it was a good place to begin because it encapsulates a lot of the themes and sounds on the album.


Q) What is your creative process for making new music? Do you need lyrics before adding music?


Abner & Harper: Our process is always a little different, but in general, we have a fully finished song written either on guitar or piano before we bring it into the studio. For us to be excited about producing a song, we really want it to work without any bells and whistles. The metaphor we’d use is making sure the script is done before you begin shooting the movie (rather than relying on special effects).


Q) “2 Carat” is said to be an alluring introduction to the new chapter in your music. How does the single speak to your new direction?


Abner & Harper: We really use our songs to tell stories — so we wanted to introduce the record with something that felt both familiar but also new. The heavily organic textures might feel like a departure for people who’ve been following our music so we wanted to ground them in what would feel like a classic Eighty Ninety song.


Q) What themes are you exploring with the album?


Abner: With these songs we get into the themes of love, heartbreak, fear, anxiety, regret, dreams, ambitions, memory, nostalgia — I think a lot of people have a hard time figuring out how to balance all of those things, especially in their twenties — and this is kind of a loose document of that process for me.


Q) With the shift you made in your sound, in what ways did you creatively approach making your new album?


Abner: We really didn’t use many references for this record. We didn’t do a lot of “let’s try something that sounds like this other song.” It was more – here’s this song. How does it feel? How should those feelings sound?


Q) The album is said to be about falling apart and learning how to put yourself back together, and the unexpected moments of joy that come along the way. What was the inspiration behind these particular themes for the album?


Abner: Really my twenties! Trying to figure out the ultimate question: how do I become an integrated person who allows myself happiness? 


Q) What else can you tease about your new album and when can fans expect it to be released?


Abner: The next single is called “Stay Alive” and it’s one we’re really excited about. It’s by far the most personal song we’ve ever released, and one where I write about my struggles with mental health and anxiety head on. It felt great to put those feelings to paper, even better to record them, and I think it will be cathartic to have them out there. It’s our profound hope that it might help other people feel less alone in that struggle.


Q) You have played at the Music Hall of Williamsburg, Ludlow House, Elsewhere, Mercury Lounge and SXSW. Do you have a particularly memorable location you have played at in the past?

Abner & Harper: The Music Hall of Williamsburg was probably our favorite show – we grew up going to shows there and it was both so much fun and pretty surreal to see our name on the marquee and then actually stand on that stage. We definitely hope to play there again soon!


Q) Your single “Your Favorite Song” is a personal favorite of Taylor Swift, featuring as #13 on her Spotify playlist Songs Taylor Loves. What does it mean to you to have Taylor backing your music?


Abner & Harper: We were HUGE Taylor fans before that even happened, so it’s hard to put into words what that meant to us. In certain ways I can’t imagine a bigger validation for all our work and all the love that goes into the songs. It also opened us up to so many new listeners who have become fans as a direct result of that. We’ll forever be in disbelief and full of gratitude.


Q) You have shared the stage with artists including Des Rocs, VHS Collection, PHANGS, Savoir Adore, and Vinyl Theatre. Are there any artists you would like to collaborate with in the future?


Abner & Harper: We have to put it out into the universe: Taylor Swift!


Q) What would you like to say to your fans and supporters of the music that you make?


Abner & Harper: It’s a cliche, but literally we wouldn’t be able to do this without you. We’re music fans first, and so we know how much it can mean. It’s the greatest privilege of our lives knowing that it’s connecting to people across the world. It makes us want to get out of bed every morning. THANK YOU.


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