
Elena Tovar – Designated Survivor

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By: Jamie Steinberg



Q) What are the recent projects that you have been working on?

A) Just regular actor stuff – auditioning for shows. I have also started my hand at writing recently. So, that’s been a whole new challenge. I’m writing kind of a miniseries. So, that’s definitely something on the horizon. It’s not super exciting because it’s not like, “Oh! This will be out in a month!” It’s a whole process, but it’s been a really good challenge for me to stay creative. It’s a story that I’m really passionate about. It has to do with the Mexican revolution – the war of independence from Mexico back in the 1800’s. So, it’s a really cool story.

Q) We’re seeing you now on “Designated Survivor.” How was Isabel Pardo originally described to you?

A) When I got the audition, Isabel was described as a second-generation Latina from Puerto Rico who is very connected to her roots and causes that are close to her heart – Latino based causes. That’s kind of one of the issues she tackles first on “Designated Survivor.” She’s very strong, passionate and she really believes in what is right and really stands her ground with the issues she is passionate about. It was fun for me to play because I’m kind of a more a relaxed person as Elena Tovar than I am as Isabel Pardo. [laughs]

Q) What made you want to be a part of the series?

A) I had seen “Designated Survivor” on ABC and I always thought it was a great show. Actually, it came at a really great time because I had all this kind of pent up emotions about our political state of affairs in America. It was kind of like, “Now, I kind of have something I can put all this energy towards.” So, that was amazing for me. It made me really excited to want to be a part of the show. Also, just to be able to work with that caliber of actors and to be on a show with such good writing and production.

Q) Were you looking forward to sharing a scene with someone in particular?

A) All of my audition scenes were with Adan [Canto], so I knew that I would be working with him. Beyond that, I wasn’t sure what other scenes I would get. So, I just kind of went in with a very open heart as far as where my character was going to go. To be honest, I didn’t know who all the new characters would be. So, I was excited to work with all of the returning characters because I already knew them. It was just one surprise after another, as far as all the new characters. That was like, really cool!

Q) Talk about working with Kiefer Sutherland?

A) Oh yes! He’s just a legend in his own right and own field as an actor. He’s just been working for so long. So, of course, it’s always nerve-wracking when you work with someone who is such a legend. He is so professional and really kind as a human. He would be like, “Oh! Do you want to do another take? How do you feel about it?” He was just really kind, giving and very professional. So, I feel like I was able to learn just from being able to be in the room with him and scenes with him like, “Oh! That’s how it’s done. Okay, cool.” He’s such a gentleman. He’s a real presence on set. I feel like everyone around is really pushing to do their best because he brings that as well. Things always trickle down from him as far as people being prepared and really professional. So, it was really cool to work with him and I feel very lucky to have been able to have that opportunity.

Q) What were some of your favorite scenes to film?

A) Adan and I get some wonderful dialogue. What we loved about it was that we were talking about all these great issues as a couple, but then he is in politics. Then, my character is always standing for all of these social justices and all of these causes. So, it was a really cool way it was written with our relationship. We end up getting into a lot of fights, which actually were always fun to film. It was very much out of character for me, but they always ended up being very cool scenes to shoot. Then, I had so much fun whenever I got to shoot a scene with Kal Penn and Julie White. I just remember so much laughter. Those were always fun. To be honest, every day on set was just really chill. I just felt like everyone worked really well together. It was great.

Q) What makes Netflix a great new home for the show?

A) Well, I think first of all, just because there is a worldwide audience that is super cool. Netflix said it’s being released in 190 countries in all different languages, sometimes dubbed and sometimes just with subtitles. So, to me that blows my mind! I’m just like, “Wow! That’s so cool!” And I think that a lot of the issues we deal with are stuff we are dealing with in America, but a lot of it is also worldwide issues. So, I’m very interested to see the reactions to Americans to it and the reaction from the worldwide audience, which I think is going to be super cool. Then, I just think I’m so happy it’s on Netflix because it’s a binge worthy show and that’s what we love to do now. We love to sit on a Sunday and watch ten hours of television (at least I do). So, I’m excited for people to binge it where as in the past people had to wait a week for each episode to come out. And it’s almost more of a more of an arc from start to finish with this Netflix way instead of the episodic way on television where it was more of a “this week’s episode wrap it up and then do it again next week.”

Q) What do you think it is about “Designated Survivor” that has made it such a fan favorite series?

A) Well, Kiefer for starters. I talk to people and they are just such huge fans of his. I think he really carries it and then all of the other characters. And I think that the writing you get a little bit of something for everyone and I think that’s why it’s become such a fan favorite. Especially in this season, you are going to have a little bit of a “West Wing” feel and you’re going to have a little bit for the “24” fans some action. You’re going to have political stuff for those who were maybe a “House of Cards” fan.” You’re going to have some “ER” feelings with Anthony Edwards. I think that the writing and storylines…all of it! Even when we were filming it, I just kept thinking, “Man, I think there is something in here that no matter who you are you are going to be able to relate to it.”

Q) You are a part of social media. Are you excited for the fan feedback you’ll receive to the new season?

A) Yeah! 100%! I try to be active on social media and interact with fans of different shows as much as I can. So, I am looking forward to that. Social media is such a powerful tool to start dialogue about different issues so I think that’s great. And I try to keep it really positive because it’s easy for people to go down different rabbit holes. So, I really try to use it as a tool for positivity and change in the world. Even if it’s like, “I’m doing this…” It’s a healthy meal that I’m eating so maybe it will inspire someone else to eat healthier or eat more colored vegetables. I always have that in the back of my mind when it’s just a fun post. And I do hope that I’m able to start some cool conversations on social media and triggers people in a good way.

Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?

A) A big thank you is the first thing that I want to say! It’s really cool to have social media people that have been following me now for a few years. It’s a way to be very connected with people and I really appreciate it – the love and kind words of support that I get. It really makes a difference. I think it’s really cool. So, thank you guys! I really appreciate it.

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