
Eric Nelsen – The Bay

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By: Jamie Steinberg



Q) Was there anything you have added over the years to your character that was not initially for them on the page?


A) Gregori [J. Martin] does a wonderful job of writing through the eyes of our characters. So, there isn’t much need for adding or altering dialogue BUT he does encourage us to have fun with it and make it out own. Daniel has a lot of funny nuances and character traits that I’ve developed over the years that might not necessarily be written on the page. I don’t often find myself wanting to change the dialogue but what I will bring and add is the stuff in between the dialogue – the fun quirks and characteristics that make Daniel so entertaining to watch on screen. There is plenty of room for self-expression and play on our sets. One of the most fun parts of working on “The Bay” in my opinion!


Q) What episodes were the most memorable for you to film or maybe challenged you the most?


A) For me, it’s always been a dream to travel the word, and film in different countries. I’ve been blessed to have had those opportunities because of “The Bay.” An example being the time we got to shoot in Ghent, Belgium. I had never been to the country and always wanted to. So, to be able to do what you love most (filming) and combining that with my second love (traveling) and getting to do it alongside your best friends and cast mates is a dream come true. Definitely the most memorable moments for me!


Q) What would you like to see for your character in future seasons?


A) Daniel has been through his fair share of struggles and hardships over the years. It’s what makes playing him so challenging and rewarding. It would be nice to see Daniel come out on top! The poor guy hasn’t been able to catch a break for years it seems. Maybe even a family of his own would be fun to explore. [winks]


Q) Who would you love to share more scenes with on the show in the future?


A) I love all my scene partners on “The Bay!” Kristos Andrews and Mike Manning being the most prevalent as of late. If I had to pick an actor who I haven’t worked with in a while… I might say Sean Patrick Flanery. He’s such a legend in our industry and a blast to work with. Might be an interesting dynamic to see Daniel and his father back together again after everything Daniel has been through and built upon in his life.


Q) What do you think it is about “The Bay” that continues to make it such a fan favorite show?


A) Aside from the fans being able to recognize all the actors on our show from previous work we’ve done, I think it’s the nature of the storylines. There’s never a dull moment in Bay City (and beyond). You can’t predict what’s going to happen episode to episode. It truly takes the viewer for a rollercoaster ride and back. And who doesn’t love TV that brings you out of your comfort zone and keep you on your toes at all times?


Q) What are the other upcoming projects that you have been busy working on?


A) I’ve recently wrapped a few films I’m excited to share with the world. One is called Holly by Nightfall and the other is Shakey Grounds. Both of which I’m leading. I’m currently in development on one of the greatest stories in American entertainment history and that’s the story of WILL ROGERS. We are shooting an eight-episode limited series on his life. It’s going to blow the world away. Can’t wait to share more details as they unfold. Stay tuned!


Q) What would you like to say to everyone who are fans and supporters of the work you’ve done on this special series?


A) Thank you!! Ya’ll are amazing and have been from the start. Please continue to follow me on Instagram @EricNelsenOfficial for all updates and news. I’ll keep everybody up to speed there. Love you guys.



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