Gabrielle Dennis – A Black Lady Sketch Show
By: Kemberlie Spivey
Q) What do you enjoy about working on a show like “A Black Lady Sketch Show?”
A) I enjoy the ability to have range as an actor just going places I haven’t gone before obviously it’s a comedy but even the comedic space. In Season One audiences basically saw me play, for example this teacher character who goes on this complete emotional rollercoaster in this one scene and I had an emotional breakdown. I have played a counselor who was a psycho. She had very strong opinions about being tough on drugs and that was also dark comedy that I got to do. I love that there is this ability to play so many different characters in such a variety of characters, types of roles and scenarios. It’s a lot of fun as an actor to have fun doing all of that.
Q) You can get to play different characters on this show, what’s one character that you have played that relates to you in your own life?
A) I would probably say the only because she enjoys the plaintiff Shantira only because she enjoys joy. She just tries to find joy and happiness out of life. She loves to dance and it is one of the things that I love to do. I’ll get happy. I dance when I get excited about a good meal or when I get good news. I just try to find joy in life as much as possible and I feel like that’s one of her missions as a character. She’s very fun.
Q) You work with such amazing talented black women. What does it mean for you to share this journey with them?
A) It’s very special. You know, Robin [Thede] has created this comedy institute and a safe space for black creatives both in front and behind the camera to just come and really shine and get an opportunity to do things that no other space exists for us to do at this capacity. For me, it means a lot to be a part of this historical moment and I am very proud of what Robin has put together. I am proud of all of the women I get to work with. Everyone is so talented and so great at what they do. My favorite part is that it’s not just a group of random black women that she put together. She was very specific in putting some of the best at what they do together, and I think that for me just it means the world for there to be this platform for these people to share their talents and expose their talents. I just pray for everyone it just opens new doors that they continue to grow, continue to work, and continue to be seen.
Q) “A Black Lady Sketch Show” has had some amazing guest stars on the show. Who has been your favorite to work with and why?
A) That’s a tough one. There have been so many. One highlight for me was working with Patti Labelle because she is a living legend, but also I got to sing. I could say I was a background singer for Patti Labelle. If I had to select an actual favorite guest star it has to be Issa Rae because she has been with us so many times. She is so fun and mesmerizing. She’s just fun, funny and a joy to be around. It is also fun to try to make her break. She’s a good trooper for that.
Q) What episodes are some of your favorites that fans should keep an eye out for?
A) Unfortunately, we don’t watch any of the episodes in advance. I am watching it with the audience when we are live tweeting. That’s my first time seeing the episodes, so I am not really sure how the episodes are put together. When we film we don’t film them as episodes. We film all the sketches and then later on in post they put the episodes in order together. I’m pretty excited. I think a lot of fans are too about the return of My Alisa character in The Coral Reefs. I am pretty excited because, again, we have Issa Rae back. We have a new character that will be introduced, and we have a very fun setting that the girls will be at. I know it’s one of the fans favorite characters that I play. I am very much looking forward to that episode when it airs.
Q) What has been the biggest lesson you have learned working on “A Black Lady Sketch Show?”
A) I would say probably to be fearless, to trust my talent and to trust my abilities. Just going into this not a lot of people knew that I had a background in comedy or stand-up/sketch when I first started out in Los Angeles but that’s the reason that I wanted to do the show. But I think for me it was still a little I guess maybe nervousness and or doubt that people will accept that because a lot of people are used to seeing me in dramatic spaces. So, I think for me by Season Two, I feel like I let that go but Season One there was definitely me feeling like a newbie in that world with this group of girls who everyone knew as comedy that’s kind of all that they had done and that’s what people knew them for. They were solid and grounded in that space. And that’s what people loved about them. So, for me, I learned to just trust my abilities and to be fearless because it all worked out. People love the show, people embrace me and do comedy on this kind of scale. And when you are around such supportive women it is very helpful because we are just constantly rooting for each other. That’s just one of those black women things. We are just like, “Yas sis! You got it girl! Work it out. That’s so funny.” Just everything supportive and it’s kind of like this all day cheering session that we all do and give each other. From everything to being supportive in the makeup trailer to wardrobe. People are just understanding you. You carry all of that energy throughout the day so it’s very special. But also not to take for granted the opportunity because I know I am very blessed to be in this position and be able to afford this opportunity to work on this type of show with these types of women at this type of time. I would say just learning to trust myself and not taking things for granted.
Q) Why did you think “A Black Lady Sketch Show” resonates with so many people?
A) It’s one of a kind. I mean, it’s something unique and refreshing that people haven’t seen before. When people are open to just enjoying the show sitting down and watching it with fresh eyes and without judgement coming in because you know sometimes people may feel turned off by the title, but that speaks for that person more than it does of our show. You know when people see that we are black for some reason that turns them off and triggers them for some reason. I think I saw a lot of fans of the show that are not Black women. I have seen white men, white women, Asian people and a large range of folks that spoke to the show specifically called out, “Hey, I know that I am not a black woman, but I love the show.” It’s very funny and they will call out a specific sketch, line or scenario that they relate to because all though we were black women in comedy and our brand is about our experience. Our experience is still rooted in the truth of what other people go through to some bearing degree. For example, Ashley Nicole Black’s character Trinity, so many people feel unseen for so many reasons so that’s why that one of the fan favorites is because her character clicks with people. When I read that, I was like, “Wait, this is me!” We all, for some reason, feel unseen in some bearing degree, so I think that what’s so great about this show is that so much is grounded in truth, honesty and the writers do such an amazing job at tapping into the human experience. Yes, it is the Black female human experience but again we all live in the same world and we all kind of cross paths in experiences together.
Q) We are excited to see you on “The Upshaws” that will come out on Netflix May 12. What can you tell us about your character and how was working with Mike Epps, Wanda Sykes and Kim Fields?
A) OMG! All of those are just comedy powerhouses. I grew up watching all of them. Being able to see them and witness their talent in person is so fun. The banter between Wanda Sykes and Mike Epps is going to have people dying. Their back-and-forth banter is just chefs’ kiss. And then watching Kim Fields in person – like you see people funny on TV but to witness…She’s such a true artist like she really works so elegantly and she’s just really fun to watch her process. I had a blast working on that show. I wish I could have worked on more. I was supposed to do a couple more episodes but because of the pandemic and what not. We all went back to production at shooting time, but it was a great experience and I think people are going to really love the show.
My character I play Mike and Kim had a break in their relationship and in that break my character and Mike Epps’ character had a baby. That’s how I am introduced into the family. I’m the mother of his break baby. There is that co-parenting that has to exist in this space where he got this loving family, he got children and he’s got a wife but he also has to try to make the relationship work with his other children. That doesn’t live at home with him. There’s that fun and sometimes intense balance between the dynamic of raising a child and trying to co-parent with an existing marriage with other children involved. All the kids are really great on the show. They are adorable and so talented. I think the show will hopefully be around for a while. I think it’s got the juice to be around for a while. I think everybody does a really great job. I am happy to be a small part of it.
Q) Are you working on any projects that fans should be excited about?
A) Nowadays, I feel like you can never talk about anything. There is an Indie film I am working on, but I can’t really get into a whole lot of details about. I’ll produce that as well. Honestly, I am just back grinding to figure out what’s my next move as far as television and waiting to see if and when we will get a Season Three and a Season Two for “The Upshaws.” You know, I am just holding a pattern right now in television but just be on the lookout for great things hopefully. God willing.
Q) You’re very active on social media when tweeting about the show. What is it like interacting with your fans as the show airs?
A) Oh, it’s a lot of fun. Our fans are great. People who have a good sense of humor are my kind of people. I love how quick they’ll get the jokes and post some of their favorite lines. You know, have insight on their favorite parts and why it resonates with them. Those are my favorite moments when the fans are able to share a little story about why something hit them the way it does on the show. So, it is really funny to see in real time what people will respond to and, honestly, I’m always impressed how quickly people can type. People can type really fast. I also found what’s funny that I thought it was just me, but a lot of fans will just watch the episode right away again because once you are live tweeting our show has so many jokes in it and so many moments that you may not notice the first time around. It’s really a show that watching it more than once really is like, especially when it’s one of your favorite sketches. I don’t know how many times I watched Black Lady Courtroom or maybe the gang sketch, but you are watching over and over. You just find little nuances that people are doing. We have some of the best background actors and extras. You know every little element you just find moments. I love when they spot a moment that was kind of subtle. I remember just recently one of the fans on Twitter noticed there was a moment where in the bank robbery scene, I’m pointing my notepad at the gun and then I realized it and I switched out to the real gun. And the fact that they called it out…Yes, it’s so exciting that they are really paying attention to the details. I think that’s special because we put so much work and effort into it. It’s just nice that people appreciate it, respond to it and that they welcome us with open arms.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who are fans and supporters of you and your work?
A) Thank you. I have been at this for a better part of a decade at least and I am very appreciative of people that have been on the ride with me and people that are just discovering me. My fans are super supportive and very encouraging. They expect good things for me and that doesn’t go unnoticed. It’s very appreciated. Just thank you and keep riding with your girl! Hopefully, I’ll continue to keep bringing things that inspire you, touch you and bring joy to your life.
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