Gen V – Sick
By: Gladys Luna
Things have gotten a little complicated at The Woods lab as we see how Dean Shetty’s (Shelley Conn) request for Dr. Cardosa (Marco Pigossi) about increasing the virus level of mortality has only started to collect some lives while they play the part of spectators. Even though it is evident the impact this may cause once it begins to spread, Shetty does not seem to be pleased with the current results and demands to find a way to turn it into an airborne virus so it can be even more contagious and end up with the supes’ lives once and for all. Dr. Cardosa doesn’t exactly agrees with this and threatens the woman with going to Vought and let them know about her plans, but Shetty makes him understand that despite of what he says, this is his creation so the only one who might end up being affected is actually him.
In a desperate attempt to get her friends’ trust back, Cate (Maddie Phillips) has agreed to be part of a plan in which she calls Dean Shetty asking her to meet her, but the truth is she won’t be alone and will show up there with all of the other 5 supes to make her admit what she’s done and help them fix the mess she’s caused. However, it seems that for now, that plan will have to wait as the woman is on her way to the city to meet with someone that might help her accelerate her own personal agenda. Once she gets there she meets with Grace Mallory (Laila Robins), whose job has been monitoring other supes that are not part of God U anymore. Shetty believes that with the woman’s help she might locate them easily so when the virus is ready, they will be killed, too. Regardless of what this might mean for Grace, she refuses to be a part of such an act of violence.
Meanwhile, at God U Marie (Jaz Sinclair) and Jordan (London Thor) / (Derek Luh) have managed to break into Dean Shetty’s office to see if they find something that might help them bring her down. Nothing there seems to be useful until Marie finds a folder that contains information about a plane crash in which it appears that Shetty’s husband and daughter died. She figures out that everything she’s been doing is part of a personal vendetta when she sees the responsible party for this was a supe. Right at that moment the door opens giving them barely the chance to hide under the desk. Dr. Cardosa stumbles his way in, half drunk and speaking out loud to himself about the plans that Dean Shetty has with the virus. He places a folder on her desk while cursing at her and then leaves. Marie and Jordan decide that Neuman is their only option to help them get the news of the virus out to the public.
Still on campus, Emma (Lizze Broadway) has convinced Sam (Asa Germann) to wait for her at her dorm while she goes out grocery shopping and makes him promise not to open the door to anyone. Unfortunately, as innocent as the guy is, he ends up being dragged into a dorm party that is happening outside Emma’s room where he drinks with other supes and then is taken supposedly to party in which Rufus (Alexander Calvert) swears that Emma will be at just so that he can convince him to go.
Meanwhile, Cate has made it to Dean Shetty’s house since she agreed to wait for her to return from the city but she is not alone; Andre (Chance Perdomo) has decided to go with her since he still doesn’t trust her. The tension between the two is still very much evident and although they try to distract themselves watching tv and talking about nonsense, it is hard not to address the elephant in the room. To make matters worse, Polarity (Sean Patrick Thomas) shows up next to Cameron Coleman (Matthew Edison) at the “The Cameron Coleman Hour” talking about how he is ready to host the panel for Victoria Neuman (Claudia Doumit), a not-so-loved politician who happens to be in the middle of her campaign for Vice President. While the interview is on, Andre takes the opportunity to talk to Cate about how he used to look up to his father but now all of that has changed. Everything seems to go smoothly with Polarity until he begins to act strange, and he has a seizure on national TV, forcing them to cut the signal. Andre watches all of this in terror and runs towards his father to help him. Luckily, he manages to arrive just in time before he is taken in an ambulance to the hospital and decides to go with him. While on their way, the attacks continue. Polarity’s abilities smash and crash the vehicle making Andre fight with all of his being to protect his father. In spite of all of this, Andre and Polarity finally make it to the hospital where the guy does nothing but to wait patiently for his father to wake up.
Despite everything that happened, the show must go on so, even though Polarity is not available for the moment to carry on with Victoria’s panel, Cameron Colman, who surprisingly wasn’t harmed at all during the attack, has been chosen to take his place while on campus. In order for Jordan and Marie to get into the building they start a riot takes the security guards attention from the panel and gives Marie the chance to sneak in and talk to the woman about everything that is happening at The Woods. At the same time, Emma returns to her dorm looking for Sam and is terrified when she doesn’t see him there, she goes in his search.
At the taping things go awry when Rufus and the other supes confront Neuman about supes having rights. A riot breaks out in the building and Neuman is escorted off the stage. Outside Emma is relieved when she finds Sam outside looking quite confused, standing there in the middle of the fighting. With the help of Jordan she takes him immediately out of there. Marie manages to be face to face with Victoria while she is taken somewhere safe and away from all the turmoil happening outside. Neuman recognizes Marie and agrees to talk to her. The two go to a waiting room where they can talk calmly and it is there where, in an attempt to gain the girl’s trust and empathize with her, Victoria confesses that she has the same powers and upbringing as Marie. Neuman reminds her of how good she can be if she really works for it. Soon, Marie opens up about the secret lab at The Woods and the deadly virus they are developing which draws the woman’s attention. She assures the girl that from then on she will take care of everything so she should only focus on getting to the top and become one of The Seven – where she will truly have a voice that is taken seriously.
Cate finally meets with Dean Shetty and takes the opportunity to tell her how exhausted she is about everything but the woman promises that soon, they will be able to start a new chapter in their lives and leave the rest behind. At first, Cate does not believe her but then she takes the Dean Shetty’s hand in hers and is able to confirm that what the woman says is true. Not so long after, the other supes receive a text from Cate asking them to meet her at Shetty’s house. When they get there it is evident that something is not right as the woman is looking scared and teary eyed while Cate seems to be unstable. She forces the Dean to speak the truth about her plan on the virus and she confesses that God U is only a cover up to hide the real purpose of The Woods which is to study the supes and have ultimate control over them. When Shetty has finally said everything that they needed to know, Cate orders her to continue with their plan making the woman to cut her own throat. Although Marie tries to run towards her to save her, Cate stops her and orders her not to do it.
The hectic day is almost coming to an end but before it does, Dr. Cardosa attends to a meeting with Victoria at an isolated parking lot in where he hands her the virus he had been working on with the hope that she will put an end to the mess that Shetty has created. It seems that the nightmare he has been part of is about to be dissolved as the woman promises that he and his family have been added to a witness protection list so they can be safe and gives him a card with all the details. They begin to part ways and then the man notices that the card is blank. Before he can say anything about it, his nose start to bleed and then the woman makes his head explode – putting an end to his life.
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