
Kacey Rohl – White Lie

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By: Kelly Kearney



Q) You play the morally dubious college student Kate in the heart pounding thriller White Lie. Like the title implies, Kate’s white lie snowballs into a media sensation, testing the viewers own moral code and their sympathies for her. How did this amazing project come to you and what was your audition process like?


A) I got sent the script just like any other. I read it and was instantly intimidated, which is always a good sign for me. It said right in the casting notice that the actor would be required to shave their head, so I knew what I was getting into in regards to that. After that, I threw myself on tape in my tiny kitchen with makeup that made me look like if Baby Jane was faking cancer and somehow the boys (directors Calvin Thomas and Yonah Lewis) saw through that and wanted to chat. So, we did and I taped again and then let the hairs fall where they may!


Q) Playing a woman who is grifting a cancer diagnosis for attention and a scholarship must have been challenging. Talk a bit about your process preparing for this role.


A) A lot of it was physical. I exercised a lot more, both because I wanted to be in relationship with my body in a different way (because Katie is a dancer) but also I wanted to, to some extent, physically exhaust myself because what Katie was putting her body through to appear sick and also the weight of carrying that big of a lie would be exhausting. And other than that, I just spent a lot of time alone mining for compassion for Katie.


Q) Unfortunately, this attention seeking money scam isn’t unheard of. There have been instances where people have lied about illnesses or tragedies for attention and financial gains. Was the script inspired by those stories?


A) That’s more of a question for the boys, but from what I understand the script was inspired by the phenomenon of these things happening rather than a single story.


Q) When working on the film, what kind of guidance or character-building ideas did you get from writer/directors Calvin Thomas and Yonah Lewis?


A) I think when it came to character building, the boys asking me to legitimately shave my head was a huge contributor to really solidifying who Katie was. When I was out in the world as a bald woman, I really did have a starkly different experience as opposed to when I have hair and that really informed Katie. Not to mention on set they would encourage me in some slightly bigger choices that I maybe thought would come across as too Machiavellian or were tipping Katie’s cards too quickly. But they have such a strong vision and understanding of how things are going to cut together that I totally trusted them.


Q) It is often said that a good performance is born out of recognizing the similarities between the actor and their characters. Kate is certainly a complicated and a juicy role to sink your teeth into. What were the parts of her you could relate to?


A) I could relate to that she has impulse to search for love down the wrong avenues. I wouldn’t ever pull a scheme like this, but I have some understanding how she got there.


Q) We have to talk about that head shaving scene. I’m assuming you knew this was going to be a part of the role and shooting that scene must’ve been intense. After all, you only get one shot at shaving your head on camera! Was that a freeing experience or did you mourn your long locks as they fell to the set floor?


A) I had been wanting to shave my head for a very long time— since seeing GI Jane as a kid. But, obviously, being an actress I felt the pressure to keep my “Princess Hair. So, when this opportunity came up I was extremely stoked and was met with no fight from my agents, which was a nice surprise! I didn’t mourn my hair at all, except that I wished I hadn’t dyed the crap out of it prior to the shave because I would’ve loved to donate the hair to someone who didn’t get a choice / wasn’t excited about shaving their head. I did keep it in a creepy lil bag for a while though.


Q) At times the movie forces the viewer to sympathize with Kate and at other times they’re left feeling disgusted by her duplicitous role in her own undoing. Would you categorize her as a villain, a victim or is she a bit of both?


A) I think we’re all a bit of both, don’t you?


Q) As Kate’s lies start to unravel her father, Doug (Martin Donovan), catches on and he is furious. At one point screaming “WHAT THE F**CK IS WRONG WITH YOU?” when a “sick” Kate asks him for money. After being in her skin, what would you say was her true struggle? Was it a simple case of Munchausen by Internet? A warning about the darker side of social media? Or is it more complicated than that and truly up to the viewer to decide where or what her issues spawned from?


A) I’d say it was a mix of all of those things. Peoples’ foundations are built a certain way and all sorts of things can spring out of that, ya know?


Q) What do you hope viewers take away from watching White Lie?


A) I hope that people really sit with what their own white lies are, what masks they put on and why and what is spurning this need to manipulate— even when they feel their intentions are in the right place.


Q) We have to talk about my favorite show you starred in, “Hannibal”’ Fans have been clamoring for Bryan Fuller to grace us with a fourth season. Is that more of a “Fannibal” wish or could we possibly see another season in the future?


A) First of all, thank you for the love. The whole gang never tires of it. And as for Season 4— I think that’s totally possible! Bryan will have the inside scoop on that, but I know the cast I chat with would be totally drooling to take a seat at that table again.  (I had to pun. It’s part of the gig, at this point.)


Q) What’s next for you, Kacey? Are you working on any other projects the fans can look out for?


A) Prepping a new project now, but keeping it pretty mum for now! I’m extremely excited about it though, so when I get the okay from the big wigs I will litter my socials with the update! (Katie would approve. Uh oh.)


Q) What would you like to say to everyone who are fans and supporters of you and your work?


A) Gosh, just thank you. I am filled with overflowing gratitude that I can pay my rent doing what I love and so much of that is thanks to people who dig what I do. I’m happy whatever lives in me gently hugs what lives in you. We’re all in this together.




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