
La Hara – Unlawful

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By: Kemberlie Spivey



Q) How would you describe your sound?

A) I would describe my sound as dreamy, effervescent and colorful.

Q) What inspired the song “Unlawful?”

A) “Unlawful” was inspired by a brief moment watching the Netflix series “The 100” on television while taking a break. I saw two people fighting for their love so hard. I started writing a poem where I wrote, “I like to fight a little dirty baby.” A few lines in and I was like nope this is definitely a song

Q) How can fans relate to the song?

A) I feel like a lot of people can relate to “Unlawful” because there are so many perspectives to the song. Perhaps the love you fought for was custody of a child. Perhaps the love you fought for was the right to get married in the LGBTQ community. Or, similar to the video, perhaps the love you fought for was internal – because the other person fell out of love.

Q) What has the feedback been like since releasing “Unlawful”?

A) I have gotten such great feedback since the “Unlawful” song release. A lot of people are vibing heavy to the track and I love seeing Instagram Videos of my supporters singing along.

Q) What is your songwriting process?

A) I will daydream or think of dreams that I wrote down because sometimes I forget my dreams. I will really put myself there in that situation as the main person I’m writing about. Sometimes it’s a flashback because it’s my story and sometimes it’s in the third person because it was the story of a friend or stranger. I think of real dialogue rather than just trying to compile a song and ask myself what would I say in the situation? How would I feel? What would I do?

Q) What are the typical challenges you face when writing a new song?

A) One of my biggest challenges is that sometimes and almost all the time I will write a song before having the instrumental. So, it can be challenging adapting the song to the instrumental or finding an instrumental that fits the vibe of my song. This is one of the reasons I really hope in the future to learn how to produce professionally so I can customize beats around my lyrics even more.

Q) How has your life changed since entering the world of music?

A) My life has changed in some really cool ways. I will go to a video of a YouTuber that I watch regularly and hear my song as the intro song and freak out. There is nothing wilder than seeing yourself somewhere you don’t expect to see or hear yourself. Kind of like when I walked into one of my college classes and they were playing my YouTube videos on a projector.

Q) Who would like to collaborate on a song with in the future?

A) I would basically love to collaborate with any of the amazing women that are in the industry right now shaking things up.

Q) Outside of your own music, what artist moves you the most?

A) Right now, I find myself listening to a lot of Jah Cure! The Caribbean melody is one thing I love, (being that I am Jamaican) he always gives his all vocally on tracks and I admire that.

Q) What can fans expect from a live La Hara performance?

A) My supporters can expect a lot of fun with a sprinkle of soul I might just be bringing out some special guests! Stay tuned.

Q) Can fans expect an EP or album in the future?

A) Supporters can definitely expect an EP. I’ve been working on one for quite some time and an album I foresee in the next year. I want to make sure I carefully play songs and that everything feels complete.

Q) You are a part of social media. Why is that such an important way for you to connect with fans?

A) Social media feels like a super-power. I’m not sure how long it would’ve taken me to single-handedly tell 700,000 to 1,000,000 people about certain things. Now, I can in the click of a button.

Q) What advice would you give to young women that are just starting out in the music industry?

A) I, myself, am just starting out but from what I’ve learned have a team that believes in you more than you believe in yourself and supports what you do. Everyone on my team saw something in me before I could even cultivate it and now it’s manifesting.

Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your music?

A) I would just love to say thank you so much and I’m happy that the poetry and words that resonated with me are reaching you too. There’s a certain type of person that listens to my music and that just tells me that you are going to excel and do something amazing. You are more than appreciated!

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