
Lauren Lee Smith – Frankie Drake Mysteries

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By: Lisa Steinberg



Q) We’re on the second season of “Frankie Drake Mysteries.” What is it about the series that keeps viewers on their toes?

A) I think what makes the series so interesting is that we have so many different elements that we play with in each episode. We have these awesome kick ass four female leads. We have amazing guest stars. We have the mystery element. We have somewhat procedural elements in the fact that the viewers can count on seeing a mystery every week. Then, we get to play a lot with the backstory and the friendship and sort of the fun and vitality of the 1920’s with these women living their best lives. It’s just a lot of fun and I think that’s what we pride ourselves on – knowing that viewers tune in and go, “Oh my gosh! This is a really fun ride for an hour.”

Q) There is a great balance between mystery, heart and humor. We definitely see this amazing group of fierce, flawed, determined and diverse females. What do you think it is about these ladies that women relate to and why we need to see more of them on screen?

A) I think that’s part of the show that I’m most proud of. These four women that are so different are equally doing their part and are so forward thinking in this time and age. They are sort of going against the grain and not setting limitations for themselves but rooted in that each character is very relatable. We’re the same sort of core group of women that you would see today with struggles, trying to find our way with equality and all of that. It’s still very much a present thing in 2018. So, in that regard, I think it’s somewhat relatable for viewers tuning in.

Q) We have seen you take on a lot of dramatic and diverse roles that really test and showcase your range so well. They have this incredible balance of vulnerability, complexity and are innately compelling. I wanted to see how you thought this has extended for you with FD and what draws/connects you to these characters?

A) I always look for characters that challenge me and sort of go beyond who just Lauren is – to challenge myself. With Frankie I think there is this confidence that I’m drawn to. It’s the confidence that I don’t have in my real day-to-day life. [laughs] I strive for it and I try to sort of put myself in that position, but the truth is that it’s not there. When “Frankie drake” came up, I had a one-year old daughter. To me, looking at roles, it was really like, “What would I be proud of to show my daughter one day? What is something that I think it will be important for her to see her mom portray?” I’ve done a lot of darker, heavier material and this was just something that I thought was really empowering and female positive about sisterhood and women celebrating each other. And I just thought it would be such a great opportunity and she is such a fun character. She’s such a fun character! I get to do so many fun and interesting things that are so outside of myself – like riding a motorcycle and boxing. In Season 2, they have sprinkled in different languages and different fight sequences that they have. It’s such a fun aspect of the show to learn these tricks – not very well, but at least I can do one or two things! [laughs] We have an amazing group of stunt coordinators and people that make me look good.

Q) With a series, the setting can often feel like a character itself. I wanted to ask a little bit about that.

A) It’s really cool. The set design on the show is next level! It’s absolutely amazing what they have done and accomplished over the course of the season with such little time. Also, getting to shoot in locations like The ROM. You show up on set and you’re just sort of instantly transported in a sense. It does part of the work for you when you walk into The ROM and it’s all decked out in 1920’s and you have all the background performers all dressed up. Then, you show up in hair and makeup and you feel like you’re back in time in a sense. It creates such an interesting little world – these sets. It contributes greatly to the show and, like I said, I think they do such a brilliant job. I can’t even tell you how many times during the course of the last two seasons when we’d all show up on set and our jaws dropped to the floor going, “Oh my gosh! How did they turn this stinky warehouse into a ballroom overnight?” [laughs] It’s incredible!

Q) What can you tease might be some of the themes or undertones we’ll see this season?

A) To me, I think my favorite way to put Season 2 is (and it was a little bit like that in Season 1 as well)…Our first episode right off the bat really reminds me of like a female Indiana Jones episode. We have mystery and some of Frankie’s past coming back to sort of tease her and put her in peril. We have Wendy [Crewson] who comes in and she always brings such wonderful comic relief. We have all of the girls sort of equally contributing to the case. Everyone has sort of their fun moments and we have a really cute guy, Steve Byers, as eye candy. [laughs] I love our show! We have the best eye candy, which is amazing! [laughs] I am only saying that because I love Steve. I’ve worked with him before and he’s great. He’s a brilliant actor, but he’s also pretty good looking. [laughs]

Q) With getting to be a part of social media, do you enjoy the fan feedback you receive to the episodes?

A) It’s pretty cool to get to be able to interact with the fans on such a quick basis. The cast of Murdoch and Frankie watched the premiere episode of Season 2 and live tweeted. I’m really bad at social media, I’m not going to lie. But it’s really cool because we get to interact. It’s amazing that we have this outlet in this day-in-age to be able to do that. It would have been wonderful to do that years ago. Actually, I sort of limit myself with my social media use. Especially as my daughter gets older, I’m finding it harder and harder to do it on a personal basis. I think for me I really enjoy using it as part of my profession and be able to reach out to the fans of the show and finding new fans to watch the show. I think it’s an incredible outlet to be able to do that and touch base with the fans.

Q) What do you really hope that fans take away from watching Season 2?

A) I really hope that fans tune in and have a smile on their face for an hour. I hope they can sit down with their family and their children or whomever it may be and enjoy just an hour of good, quality, fun television and feel really good about that. I find (anyway, for myself) it’s hard to find programs that are good old-fashioned TV. There are a lot of dark shows that are just for shock value and for us I think we are making a really fun, cool, interesting show and I think that’s what people should take away from Season 2. You’re going to go on a ride where you’ll see action, adventure, mystery, you’ll see these four women kicking butt and you’ll get to see some backstory as well. We have so many fun guest stars also cycled throughout the season.

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