
Legacies – Mombie Dearest

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By: Atiya Irvin-Mitchell



The episode opens with Alaric (Matt Davis) about to have a really rough day. He’s on the phone with Caroline and she can’t come home. This isn’t going to go over well with Lizzie (Jenny Boyd) and Josie (Kaylee Bryant) because today’s their sixteenth birthday. On the phone Caroline tells Ric what she’s doing is important, but the conversation gets interrupted by none other than Jo Laughlin (Jodi Lyn O’Keefe) in her bloody wedding dress. Ric grabs his crossbow and screams for Dorian. When Dorian (Demetrius Bridges) has questions how Alaric’s dead wife could be standing in front of them, Ric believes she’s another monster. But Jo’s pretty dazed and confused and terrified that Ric wants to kill her. Luckily, Dorian convinces Alaric to settle for interrogation instead.


Elsewhere, Hope (Danielle Rose Russell) is in a session with Emma (Karen David). She’s gushing about Landon (Aria Shahghasemi) and the non-possibility of a relationship between them. Emma thinks it’s nice to hear Hope talk about a crush like a normal teenager, but she thinks in this instance Hope doesn’t need a counselor she needs a friend.


Cut to Rafael (Peyton Alex Smith)  who’s using his newfound alpha status to get the wolves to set-up for the twins birthday party. Hope walks in and tries to make peace with Raf. She explains she only sent Landon away to keep him safe and says she’s around if he wants to talk. Initially Raf’s not having it as he points out Hope hardly knows him. Then, he decides to ask for Hope to give him a crash course in being an escort. He doesn’t wanna disappoint Lizzie.


Speaking of the birthday girls, Lizzie’s excited and Josie’s worried. Lizzie explains she’s psyched for the party and about Rafael. She tells Josie she and Raf slept together and is eagerly planning the foreseeable future with Rafael as her boyfriend, while Josie listens in shock. This gets interrupted by Penelope (Lulu Antariska) who unceremoniously informs the girls their mom’s not coming back after-all. This leaves them both surprised and upset.


In the office Emma’s putting a boundary spell around Jo at a more than shaken Alaric’s request. Emma warns Ric to be careful and leaves. Jo keeps trying to plead her case to a suspicious Ric. Jo says the last thing she remembers is their wedding, up until the point her brother killed her. She doesn’t know how much time has passed until Ric tells her it’s been sixteen years. They’re interrupted by the twins banging on the door demanding answers about Caroline’s absence. Ric tries to keep them away, but they magic themselves into the office and see Jo.


Lizzie assumes she’s Alaric’s secret girlfriend. Josie; however, recognizes her from somewhere else. She grabs the wedding picture off the shelf and tells Lizzie Josie’s their biological mother.


Now Jo’s confused. She doesn’t understand the girls’ existence as she died when she was only a few months pregnant. But, apparently Jo’s family magically transplanted the then babies into Caroline to save them.  Lizzie and Josie introduce themselves and are having very different reactions to meeting Jo. Josie’s open to getting to know Jo. Lizzie on the other hand is cold and protective of Caroline’s mom status.

In the gym Hope walks Raf through his escort responsibilities. Because of his years in the system he knows nothing about fancy parties, but thanks to her Aunt Rebekah Hope knows plenty. She walks him through the entrance and other formalities. Hope’s curious about why Rafael’s jumping through so many hoops for her and he admits it’s because he slept with her.


Rafael’s not the only one worried about Lizzie’s happiness. MG (Quincy Fouse) is angry with Penelope for the way he told the twins about their mom. Penelope insists that it was only meant to hurt Lizzie ,who she points out is taking Raf as her date and not MG. After a little banter they strike a deal: Penelope will get Raf out of the way so MG play Prince Charming to Lizzie at the party, but if Lizzie blows him off he has to stop obsessing over her.


Back to the Jo Saga, Ric’s brought out the magical lie detector. So, we see Jo’s telling the truth. Ric’s focused on finding out if she’s a monster of the week, but Josie’s more curious about how she and Ric met. Lizzie’s not interested and whisks Josie away for party prep.


Hope’s giving Rafael dance lessons and is shocked he hooked up with Lizzie. He starts to leave and says he’ll see Hope at the party. Except Hope’s not going. Raf says everyone needs a crew. In fact, Landon was a part of his but Hope sent him away. Hope criticizes Rafael for dating a girl he doesn’t like. He tries to leave again only to run up against a barrier spells courtesy of Penelope. They’ll be stuck together for an hour.


Josie helps Lizzie get ready, and they discuss Jo. Lizzie thinks Ric’s right to be suspicious,  but Josie just wants to know more about her. Lizzie feels like that’d be cheating on their mom. She leaves for the party and Josie stays behind to get ready for the party. She finds a gift from Hope, a necklace, and then has a talk with Penelope. Penelope encourages Josie to stop spending all her time taking care of Lizzie. But Josie asks why Penelope can’t ease up on her sister. Penelope says Lizzie sucks all the air out of the room. Josie says they can share oxygen and then goes to Jo to ask for her help getting ready for the party.


The party’s started and MG’s there to greet Lizzie. He tries to wow her with her favorite flowers and knowledge of all her favorite things.


Jo and Josie bond while Jo braids her hair. Jo worries Josie will be late, but Josie insists no one will notice she’s not going. They talk a little about Josie’s love life. Josie tells Jo there was a girl last year who dumped her and now there’s a boy she likes. Jo works out that Lizzie likes him too, but Josie tells her she can’t know.  They talk about Caroline and Lizzie we learn that Josie takes after Jo while Lizzie takes after Caroline. Josie also says she thinks her father’s lonely. Jo tries to send Josie to the party, but instead Josie decides she’d like Jo to come.


The party’s in full swing with MG still trying his best to impress Lizzie. Outside Josie and Jo are walking to the party when suddenly Jo collapses. The screen fades to black.


In the gym Hope and Rafael are still trapped. Penelope’s spell, Penelope’s rules. Raf’s worried about Lizzie, but Hope says her ego could use some deflating. Raf says he doesn’t just forget about people. He says it’s only been six weeks since his girlfriend died and he feels like he cheated on her with Lizzie. But he wants to try and do right by her. Hope tries to tell him pretending to like Lizzie to make himself feel better isn’t going to help anyone. They talk about Landon and Raf’s still upset. Hope tells him she sent him to someone who could help him find his birth mother. This doesn’t make Raf less angry. He says he and Landon were family and his biological mother gave him away. Hope says she could be amazing and Landon could finally have a home. Rafael says he and Landon weren’t blood, but they were brothers. The boundary spell expires and he leaves.


At the party MG and Lizzie dance, until Raf shows up and cuts in which leaves MG devastated. Outside Ric scrambles to find Josie and instead runs into Jo. She’s lost a gap of time and doesn’t know where to find Josie. She collapses and a demonic force takes her over. It wants the knife. Ric needs some back-up


The kids and Ric are looking for Josie. Whatever’s possessing Jo buried her alive. The only problem is they don’t know where. Hope, Josie, and Penelope go to the graveyard and find the walking dead. Zombies start coming out the ground and the girls fight them off while MG tries to listen for Josie’s breathing. At first MG’s having no luck, then he here’s her. Thanks in part to the talesman Hope gave Josie it makes quiet things heard.


Back in Ric’s office Jo feels guilty. She says Josie could’ve died and her being here isn’t safe. She decides the girls need to siphon the magic out of her, which breaks Ric’s heart. He finally lets his guard down with her and hugs her. Jo wants to know if Ric’s happy. He says he will be when the girls are grown. Jo wonders if they know what’ll happen when they turn twenty-two years old. They don’t know and Caroline’s trying to find a way to avoid it. It’s why she missed their birthday. Jo tells Ric to thank Caroline for being the twins’ mom.


Post showering Josie shares a moment with Penelope. At first she’s angry and says not everyone has to be a showboat. Penelope says the world needs selfish and selfless people, she’s the former.


In the lounge Hope and Raf have a moment and dance. They share the night’s triumphs: Hope fought zombies and Rafael was honest with Lizzie. Hope made a friend!


And then it’s time to deal with Jo. She explains to the girls that her presence is a lie and she was a witch and believes in the natural order. She promises that she was at peace. Lizzie apologizes for the way she treated Jo. Jo tells her it’s okay to be vulnerable and tells both girls they’re everything she could’ve ever hoped for. They siphon the magic and Jo dies again, which visibly upsets all the Saltzmans.


Ric and Dorian re-bury her and Ric wants revenge. Afterwards, he says this they’re greeted by a decomposing man who calls himself the necromancer.  He says they should fear him, but Alaric says that if he’s responsible for today’s events he’ll wish he was someone else.

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