
Legacies – There’s a World Where You’re Dreams Come True

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By: Atiya Irvin-Mitchell



The episode opens with Hope (Danielle Rose Russell) and Alaric (Matt Davis). The urn glows and they’re preparing for the next monster. Little do they know she’s already arrived, a blue woman who is as it turns out a Genie named Ablah (Riann Steele) who can make herself invisible. While they’re guessing which no-so-mythical creature will be coming their way next, they’re interrupted by Lizzie (Jenny Boyd) and Josie (Kaylee Bryant). The twins are back from Europe and one half of the duo is not happy about it.


Long story short their mother changed their flight, which made them arrive back in the states sooner than expected. Unfortunately Ric was so busy he missed the texts and calls from Caroline. Lizzie’s upset that they had to take the shuttle back from the airport and that Alaric wasn’t there to greet them. She rants about how uncomfortable the wait and the trip back was and blames Hope. Lizzie storms out. Taking in the rage it seems the Genie’s found her mark.


We catch up to Lizzie, who is trying and failing to calm down and the Genie has followed her. She then says the magic words, “I wish Hope had never come to this school.” Uh-oh. The Genie then appears and explains to Lizzie that her wish is her command. She informs her that to be clear it’s Jinni not Genie. Got it.  With a snap of her fingers they restart the day.


Lizzie wakes up to Alaric who informs her it’s training time. Lizzie responds she doesn’t want to watch Hope be a ninja, but her dad has no clue who Hope is. The wish worked. We see a Saltzman family combat session and Lizzie’s loving her Hope free existence. But it’s time for the wonder twins to give a tour. Alaric says it’s important for the girls to sell the new recruit on the school. Lizzie wonders what’s not to love. We’ll find out.


While Lizzie and Josie try to welcome Jed (Ben Levin), Lizzie starts to realize Hope’s absence has some unintended consequences. After Ric and Caroline started the school Klaus Mikaelson, Hope’s father, wrote a big check to fund the school. Without the money, the Salvatore school is seriously strapped for cash, making it a tough sell for prospective students and no fun for current students. Unhappy with the current situation Lizzie summons the Jinni again. She wants the school to be better, but she doesn’t want to waste her wishes. She decides to fix the school herself. She re-introduces the old, Hope’s invention, way of tracking supernaturals into the school which sends the Saltzmans to New Orleans.


In The Big Easy they come across Hope, but she’s triggered her vampire side and has gone full ripper. Yikes. In this reality Hayley and Klaus are still dead. Alaric talks her down and convinces her to come to Mystic Falls. Josie’s happy because it makes Ric happy and she thinks it could put the school on the map. Lizzie doesn’t share her enthusiasm. She summons the Jinni again who informs her that she has to be specific with her wishes. With that in mind she makes her next wish: that her parents never started the Salvator school.


This takes us to a newer, grimier reality. Lizzie and Josie go to Mystic Falls High School and Ric drinks, like a lot. Since there’s no supernatural safe haven, Ric stresses the importance of the girls not exposing their magic to the town. In this reality Josie’s a popular cheerleader and Lizzie’s realizes she’s an outcast. Lizzie’s horrified to figure out that Josie’s dating Connor (Sam Ashby) and is besties with Lizzie’s nemesis Dana (Katie Garfield). More than that, she laughs along when Dana mocks Lizzie’s mental health. Ouch.


In class Alaric’s giving a paranoid and alcohol driven rant on persecution, but Josie’s more concerned that Ric’s still wearing his watch. After class she angrily asks Lizzie how she could forget. With no memories of this reality Lizzie needs a reminder. Josie wants to tell Connor she’s a witch after the homecoming dance, but since she’s a siphoner she needs a magic source. Lizzie apparently promised to steal Ric’s spelled watch so it can act as magical fuel. Also, Josie’s going to sleep with Connor. Lizzie thinks both of those things are a terrible idea. Josie doesn’t care.


Ric’s passed out in his classroom and Lizzie sneaks in to get the watch. The Jinni appears. Lizzie wants to know what gives with the sucky new reality. Jinni explains that the Salvatore school was a safe-haven in more ways than one. Caroline and Ric literally designed it to suit all of Lizzie and Josie’s needs and help them cope with their coven’s dangerous legacy. Without the school not only is Ric screwed out of his dream, but the Mystic Falls students and teachers don’t care about accommodating Lizzie, making her an outcast.


Lizzie gets the watch, but sees Connor and Dana making out. She tells Josie, but her sister doesn’t believe her. The twins relationship is strained in this reality it seems. Josie snaps at Lizzie and says she’s spent her whole life trying to make Lizzie feel good about herself. More than that their dad has only stayed in the job he hates to take care of her. Josie says she’s done and calls Lizzie crazy. She then demands the watch, but Lizzie siphons the magic away. A furious Josie storms off after saying she hates her. This pushes Lizzie to the limit. She loses control and uses magic in front of the whole school.


As a panicked Alaric tries to shepherd the girls away while Hope, Kaleb (Chris Lee), Jed and Pedro (Reznor Malaiik Allen) for good measure swoop in to save the day. A horrified Lizzie tries to get Hope to leave, but she says she’s not here for the twins. She’s here for Ric. In this reality Klaus starts the Mikaelson School for Supernaturals. It’s been a success and they’ve expanded and are in need of a new headmaster – Alaric. Lizzie says she’s going to be sick and leaves. Jinni reappears and encourages Lizzie to isolate her problem and show it no mercy. She wishes that Hope Mikaelson had never been born.


Lizzie wakes up on a bench and we soon realize that Hope’s non-existence has created a very dark reality. The world knows about magic and it’s open season on supernaturals. A very confused Lizzie walks into a somber gathering. Penelope (Lulu Antariska) welcomes Kaleb and Jed to the resistance but wants Lizzie to leave.  Seeing the candles and coffin Lizzie wonders who died. Angrily, Penelope orders Lizzie out. She goes to Alaric.


He gives her and us some backstory on the state of the world. In a world without Hope, Klaus loses his humanity and family entirely. He goes on a rampage, starts a war and now Triad is hunting down and eliminating supernatural creatures. Lizzie wants to know where Josie is.


Josie’s dead and the vigil’s for her. This sends Lizzie into a major spiral and Alaric calls in Penelope to sedate her.


Lizzie wakes up to the Jinni and is surprised to learn that contrary to what Aladden made us all believe, Jinnis can grant more than three wishes. The Jinni explains that Jinnis can grant or ignore any wish they want as long as it’s not against their own interests.  In this case that means that she won’t reset Lizzie’s life to the way it was before unless Lizzie gives her the urn.


Lizzie rails against the Jinni for manipulating her, but Jinni calls her out for trusting her in the first place. Jinni says the urn is a small price to pay to end everyone’s suffering, but Lizzie says she knows nothing about suffering and thus angering the Jinni. The Jinni shoots back that like all Jinnis she was born into 500 years of servitude, but on her 499th year she met the monster that sent her to Malivore. Her entire existence has been spent serving selfish humans and she can’t have her freedom without the urn. But Lizzie knows giving her the urn will bring on the supernatural apocalypse. They’re at an impasse and things are happening fast.


Lizzie makes her way back to her father and learns the resistance is planning on fighting, but they’ll likely be slaughtered. Lizzie blames herself, but Alaric says it’s his fault for keeping a secret. More backstory time for Lizzie and the newbies in the audience. The Gemini coven, Josie and Lizzie’s coven, have a curse regarding twins. On a set of twins twenty-second birthday they perform something called a merge where the stronger twin absorbs the weaker twin.  In this world Lizzie found out and became incredibly scared and paranoid. She saw Josie as a threat and one day lost control accidentally killing her sister. This devastates Lizzie. She tries to explain that there’s another reality where Ric and Caroline built a school for the twins and they’re safe and happy and she’s angry at herself for not valuing it more. Ric tries to comfort her, but there’s no time. The battle is here.


The troops head outside and Lizzie tries to think of a way out of the sad state of things. She can’t give the Jinni the urn, but she doesn’t want to live in a world without Josie either. The Jinni urges her to accept the offer, but she declines. This makes the Jinni up the stakes. She takes them both to the battle, which isn’t going well for the supernaturals.


Lizzie owns up to her selfishness and admits she’s made mistakes, but says giving up the urn would be the worst of them all. She says it ruin everything and permanently crush her father’s dream of a better world. So, she wishes the Jinni had never met the monster that trapped her in Malivore.


This would be the perfect wish and the Jinni will grant it, but there is of course a catch. She can reset Lizzie’s reality, but deep down she’ll remember what happened. She’ll subconsciously remember the merge and like those who came before her it’ll drive her insane until she kills Josie. Lizzie tries to take it back, but it’s too late. We’re back to where the episode started and Lizzie doesn’t remember why but she feels the need to hug Josie.


Later on in the kitchen Lizzie tells a very confused Pedro that she thinks she’s broken and she doesn’t know why but has a feeling that if she doesn’t change that something awful will happen. But her feelings about Hope for now remain unchanged.


Meanwhile, Ric talks to Caroline on the phone. He’s worried about Lizzie’s emotional state and they still haven’t figured out a way to stop the merge.


Lizzie goes to see Alaric and admits that her coping skills sort of go out the window when it comes to Hope. Ric apologizes for forgetting about the girls again and commends her for her self-awareness. They share a hug, but this won’t be the end of trouble for the Salvatore school.

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